
Tag: kitchen

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  1. Room for improvement ... and lots of it.

    Started by Sir Stinkalot, 9th July 2003 05:47 PM
    3 Pages
    1 2 3
    assorted, blobby, called, cupboards, curtains, cuts, decorating, destroy, discoloured, diy, don’t, home, host, ideas, improvement, kitchen, left, looked, lots, mdf, mind, novice, plant, ply, relive, room, squash, television, tuesday, type
    • Replies: 32
    • Views: 9,176
    Last Post: 17th September 2003 07:33 PM
    by Boogaloo  Go to last post
  2. uv inhibitor for tung oil

    Started by ryanarcher, 8th September 2003 02:57 PM
    additive, andas, bloodwood, bright, cocobolo, colors, direct, exotic, experiences, exposed, favorite, finish, hard, hardwoods, included, includes, inhibitive, inhibitor, island, kitchen, maple, oil, product, purpleheart, ryan, suggestions, sunlight, table, tung, yellow
    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 3,350
    Last Post: 11th September 2003 05:52 PM
    by behindblueeyes  Go to last post


  3. Attaching Cornice advise required

    Started by ajax, 7th August 2003 09:25 AM
    1600, advise, allfix, alternatively, appreciated, atleast, attaching, cement, cheers, consistency, contact, cornice, kitchen, piece, playdough, porous, posts, powder, read, recommend, renov, required, selleys, shoud, site, surface, toothpaste
    • Replies: 6
    • Views: 4,999
    Last Post: 8th August 2003 12:38 PM
    by ajax  Go to last post


  4. cutting Laminex.

    Started by Gino, 2nd February 2003 11:05 PM
    advice, apply, appreaciated, brother, brown, clean, colored, correct, cut, cutting, directly, doors, excess, file, gino, glueing, helping, home, in-law, inbetween, intend, kitchen, laminex, mission, nice, renovate, size, slightly, trim, wooden
    • Replies: 9
    • Views: 11,208
    Last Post: 31st July 2003 01:56 PM
    by lnt9000  Go to last post


  5. to seal or not to seal

    Started by feral, 6th July 2003 04:02 PM
    100ml, add, air, aquired, boards, cheersd, crumbs, cupboard, deals, dried, firstly, heap, kitchen, properly, sawn, seal, site, subjects, surface, top, variety, wattle, wet, wide, words, yearsstacked
    • Replies: 3
    • Views: 3,119
    Last Post: 8th July 2003 10:23 PM
    by Taffy  Go to last post
  6. kitchen benches revamp

    Started by LETS HAVE AGO, 5th July 2003 12:44 AM
    4mtrs, airborne, also?----ty, alternative, benches, drying, estapol, glue, huge, kitchen, left, marks, match, offered, option, overlap, particles, polyurathane, prolonged, refinishing, revamp, sink, suited, suppose, surface, timber, time, tips, wet, worried
    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 3,453
    Last Post: 5th July 2003 10:47 PM
    by journeyman Mick  Go to last post


  7. Mrytle Kitchen Doors

    Started by Sime, 17th June 2003 02:29 PM
    accepted, advice, coats, correction, doors, estapol, finally, finish, greatfully, kitchen, life, matt, mrytle, myrtle, oil, past, planning, recommend, results, rub, scandanavian, sime, site, stumbled, tas, teak, wattyl
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 1,629
    Last Post: 17th June 2003 06:54 PM
    by fxst  Go to last post


  8. Panel cutting and edging in Canberra?

    Started by George, 30th May 2003 04:59 PM
    20mm, attractive, bench, benchtop, busy, cabinetmaker, canberra, canberra/queanbeyan, current, cut, cutting, discarded, door, edge, edging, jobs, joiner, kitchen, list, local, melamine, overhang, panel, panels, renovations, sound, suggest, supply, suppose, time
    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 2,294
    Last Post: 10th June 2003 10:37 PM
    by Taffy  Go to last post
  9. Kitchen Benchtops

    Started by ChrisM, 4th June 2003 10:46 PM
    benchs, benchtop, benchtops, camphor, chris, forum, heard, hygenic, kitchen, narellan, nsw, oiled, suggest, timber, type
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 2,756
    Last Post: 5th June 2003 12:26 AM
    by q9  Go to last post


  10. kitchen benchtops - polyurethane over painted MDF

    Started by aryanmckay, 8th May 2003 02:00 PM
    aryan, benchtop, benchtops, charcoal, cheap, coating, encounter, funky, husband, ideas, kitchen, mdf, metalic, paint, painted, painting, polyurethane, silvery, surface, taking, tossing
    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 7,606
    Last Post: 11th May 2003 10:42 PM
    by soundman  Go to last post


  11. Cost of Tiling Kitchen Splashback

    Started by Sir Stinkalot, 6th November 2002 01:30 PM
    $462.00, 100x100, 2002.], colour, cost, cut, details, edited, feeling, grouting, gst, including, job, kitchen, measures, message, november, outlined, price, reasonable, shot, single, sir, size, splashback, stink, stinkalot, tiles, tiling, [this
    • Replies: 11
    • Views: 13,474
    Last Post: 18th April 2003 10:28 PM
    by maxpower  Go to last post


  12. Kitchen benches

    Started by Iain, 10th December 2002 08:21 AM
    2 Pages
    1 2
    600, anticipation, avail, benches, benchtops, bit, cabinets, christmas, cupboards, deep, depth, depths, dimensions, engine, feeling, finished, height, kitchen, link, mdf, melamine, merry, plans, plinth, recommeded, recommended, search, start, thanking, traitor
    • Replies: 22
    • Views: 9,209
    Last Post: 4th April 2003 08:17 PM
    by chrisjon65  Go to last post


  13. If QANTAS sold paint ...

    Started by DaveInOz, 29th January 2003 09:22 AM
    $12, $200, bathroom, bedroom, buy, cans, change, clerk, customer, day, difference, direction, empty, half-litre, hall, kitchen, litre, litres, night, paint, painting, price, qantas, regular, remaining, sell, sir, sold, start, tomorrow
    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 6,215
    Last Post: 31st January 2003 05:19 PM
    by Gino  Go to last post


  14. finish for kitchen benchtop

    Started by Ren, 22nd January 2003 01:39 PM
    bench, benchtop, breakfast, brushbox, finish, fix, gloss, kitchen, lacquer, ren, rest, section, sprayed, timber, top, type
    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 6,779
    Last Post: 22nd January 2003 07:19 PM
    by Shane Watson  Go to last post


  15. A Christmas Angel

    Started by ozbeast, 19th December 2002 06:54 PM
    accidentally, angel, broke, broom, christmas, cider, cupboard, day, discovered, door, drink, dropped, elves, floor, found, frustration, grow, hidden, hundreds, kitchen, liquor, merry, pieces, pot, rum, santa, shot, straw, toys, tree
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 2,452
    Last Post: 19th December 2002 06:54 PM
    by ozbeast  Go to last post
  16. A.A.A.D.D

    Started by Gino, 17th October 2002 11:21 PM
    a.a.a.d.d, aaadd, bills, car, cheque, cheques, coke, container, counter, day, desk, figure, fill, floor, flower, flowers, head, keys, kitchen, left, morning, notice, onecheque, pots-aaaaaagh, remote, tonight, wash, watch, water, watered
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,072
    Last Post: 17th October 2002 11:21 PM
    by Gino  Go to last post


  17. fly swatting

    Started by Gino, 29th September 2002 09:27 PM
    beer, females, flies, fly, hunting, husband, intrigued, killed, kitchen, males, phone, replied, responded, stalking, swatter, swatting, walked, woman, yep
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,656
    Last Post: 29th September 2002 09:27 PM
    by Gino  Go to last post


  18. Splash backs

    Started by Rod Smith, 20th August 2002 11:34 PM
    2002.], adopt, appreciated, august, backs, bought, brown, cheers, chisling, daughter, dislike, edited, gday, input, kitchen, material, message, money, paint, perfectly, preperation, robbo, rod, sheet, sort, splash, suitable, tiles, unit, [this
    • Replies: 5
    • Views: 5,309
    Last Post: 3rd September 2002 11:55 PM
    by Rod Smith  Go to last post


  19. How to tell the sex of a fly

    Started by Kev Y., 17th June 2002 11:22 PM
    beer, females, flies, fly, hunting, husband, intrigued, killing, kitchen, males, phone, replied, responded, sex, stalking, swatter, walked, woman, yep
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,727
    Last Post: 17th June 2002 11:22 PM
    by Kev Y.  Go to last post


  20. O.K, here's a posting - Roll Call

    Started by Justin, 22nd January 2002 08:51 PM
    architraves, await, bits, boards, cheers, fiddly, hanging, jobs, justin, kitchen, licences, losers, mates, paint, patiently, permits, posting, prefer, pub, purchase, return, roll, skirting, stuff, tiling, time, tool, touchups, tradeys, truckload
    • Replies: 6
    • Views: 2,700
    Last Post: 13th February 2002 12:49 PM
    by Glen Bridger  Go to last post
  21. WHY.

    Started by Kev Y., 7th February 2002 09:31 PM
    closer, cross, dishes, feet, kitchen, q.why, question, real, road, sinnk, wash, woman, women
    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 1,326
    Last Post: 8th February 2002 02:05 PM
    by Kev Y.  Go to last post


  22. what do you do..

    Started by Kev Y., 4th February 2002 09:44 PM
    chain, fridge, kitchen, loungeroom, nags, shorten, wife
    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 1,344
    Last Post: 7th February 2002 08:39 PM
    by Richard Casey  Go to last post


  23. Jarrah benchtop finish

    Started by Darryn, 22nd July 2001 06:13 PM
    advice, benchtop, benchtops, darryn, durable, finish, finishes, finsih, fitted, gloss, jarrah, kitchen, moisture, plastic, process, resistant, sink, type
    • Replies: 4
    • Views: 2,859
    Last Post: 28th July 2001 08:59 PM
    by Darryn  Go to last post


  24. mother and son

    Started by Gino, 4th May 2001 10:43 AM
    added, bitch, bitches, boy, child, continue, delay, hand, heard, hears, hope, hour, hours, journey, kitchen, language, luggage, mother, pissed, playing, pleasant, ride, riding, smile, son, sons, stop, train, trip
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,481
    Last Post: 4th May 2001 10:43 AM
    by Gino  Go to last post


  25. Naughty boy

    Started by Gino, 26th February 2001 11:05 AM
    bacon, bowl, boy, breakfast, cat, cereal, chicken, chickens, chores, cow, cows, dry, eggs, father, feed, kick, kicks, kitchen, live, milk, mother, naughty, pig, pigs, pissed, smile, tells, walking, week
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,593
    Last Post: 26th February 2001 11:05 AM
    by Gino  Go to last post


  26. having a bad day

    Started by Gino, 14th January 2001 06:59 PM
    ambulance, bad, bathroom, blown, burns, cigarette, day, door, floor, found, home, husband, kitchen, laying, legs, motorcycle, newspaper, paramedics, patio, phone, ran, shattered, slipped, stairs, street, stretcher, suffering, toilet, towels, wife
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,492
    Last Post: 14th January 2001 06:59 PM
    by Gino  Go to last post


  27. Another Parrot

    Started by Mal, 3rd September 2000 11:28 PM
    breaks, burglar, cage, call, coming, continues, doberman, hears, house, jesus, kitchen, listens, lounge, moses, night, occupants, odd, parrot, person, polly, replied, stops, voice, walked
    • Replies: 4
    • Views: 2,141
    Last Post: 5th September 2000 01:49 PM
    by RETIRED  Go to last post


  28. Deaf

    Started by RETIRED, 14th November 1999 06:30 AM
    answer, bastard, chicken, day, deaf, dinner, directly, dishes, doctor, feet, fifteen, finally, fourth, home, honey, ian, kitchen, moves, question, replies, response, robbo, robertson, stands, supper, ten, test, time, wife, wifes
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 2,007
    Last Post: 14th November 1999 06:30 AM
    by RETIRED  Go to last post


  29. Kitchen and benchtop finish??

    Started by Rod Smith, 5th July 1999 09:37 PM
    appealing, benchtop, benchtops, build, coats, doors, drawer, easily, finish, fronts, hassle, hvlp, inside, kitchen, labour, lacquer, lasting, panels, poly, removed, rod, spraying, suggestions, tia, time
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 7,934
    Last Post: 5th July 1999 09:37 PM
    by Rod Smith  Go to last post


Results 1451 to 1479 of 1479
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