
Tag: wise

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  1. Repairing an old iron bark table top

    Started by Eastie, 25th November 2002 12:38 PM
    2002.], attempt, bark, beeswax, catalysed, contamination, cracks, eastie, edited, fill, finish, found, holding, holes, iron, i’ve, larger, option, planned, polish, remove, repairing, sand, shellac, silicone, strip, surface, table, top, wise
    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 3,559
    Last Post: 25th November 2002 10:23 PM
    by soundman  Go to last post


  2. a carlin special

    Started by ken yates, 7th April 2001 01:57 PM
    called, carlin, chinese, cleaners, confused, cowboys, debarked, denoted, deposed, depressed, deranged, dry, electricians, enjoy, fed, forks, models, mothers, musicians, penny, people, person, sentence, special, surgeons, tree, ups, whack, wise, wondered
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,239
    Last Post: 7th April 2001 01:57 PM
    by ken yates  Go to last post


  3. star bright

    Started by Gino, 4th March 2001 08:37 AM
    all-powerful, appears, approximately, beautiful, bright, day, evident, idiot, insignificant, kemo, lone, lord, meteorologically, millions, moment, past, quarter, ranger, sabi, silent, speaks, star, stolen, tells, tent, theologically, tomorrow, tonto, wakes, wise
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 1,788
    Last Post: 4th March 2001 09:42 AM
    by Iain  Go to last post


  4. injury treatment and circ saw table

    Started by Rod Smith, 6th October 2000 06:49 PM
    @#$%%&, centreing, circ, clamping, couple, cut, dadoes, easily, floor, folds, injury, lean, legs, lot, material, piece, plenty, ras, rod, routing, saver, sheet, spray, strong, table, tip, top, treatment, wise, wobbly
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 2,009
    Last Post: 6th October 2000 06:49 PM
    by Rod Smith  Go to last post


  5. Deep thoughts

    Started by hook, 28th July 2000 11:09 AM
    adultery, adults, billion, broker, called, deep, disgruntled, english, enjoy, infancy, infants, invests, language, loses, money, onety, pain, people, pig, pronounced, reportedly, sentence, shape, shortest, stars, tells, thoughts, universe, voice, wise
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 1,803
    Last Post: 29th July 2000 03:21 PM
    by Rod Smith  Go to last post


  6. A Joke

    Started by Don K, 6th February 2000 09:56 AM
    adulation, baseball, bat, battered, batty, bear, beautifully, call, don, due, giving, guy, hand, head, job, joke, kills, knuckle, knuckles, knuclkes, love, mafia, poo, realy, regale, slays, whilst, wise, wood, yeah
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 2,356
    Last Post: 7th February 2000 09:42 AM
    by knuckles  Go to last post


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