
Tag: girlfriend

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  1. First Time

    Started by Grunt, 15th September 2006 11:35 PM
    boy, boyfriend, condoms, dinner, door, excited, family, finally, girl, girlfriend, girls, head, house, idea, inside, leans, meet, meets, minutes, night, pack, parents, pharmacist, seated, sex, table, ten, time, twenty, whispers
    • Replies: 3
    • Views: 1,552
    Last Post: 6th October 2006 01:22 PM
    by Jeff  Go to last post


  2. Tech Support Needed

    Started by fred.n, 27th September 2006 05:51 PM
    1.0, 10.3, 3.6, 5.0, 7.0, 7.5, applications, background, eek, favorite, fishing, football, girlfriend, helpeek, hunting, monitors, needed, night, program, racing, run, support, tech, tempting, thinking, troubled, un-install, unexpected, user, wife
    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 2,119
    Last Post: 28th September 2006 11:08 PM
    by Aussiephil  Go to last post


  3. The photo

    Started by silentC, 27th June 2006 10:03 AM
    answers, bedside, boyfriend, brother, continues, dad, decides, demands, ear, ex-husband, fred, girlfriend, hell, hoping, imagining, inquires, love, nervously, nibbling, night, notices, photo, reassured, replies, silly, snuggling, staring, surgery, table, thought;
    • Replies: 5
    • Views: 1,941
    Last Post: 27th June 2006 08:24 PM
    by Auld Bassoon  Go to last post


  4. Lesson in Business

    Started by Phil Spencer, 26th March 2006 09:30 AM
    $1000, accepts, agreeing, agrees, bastard, boyfriend, business, call, calls, coins, dollars, entirety, fast, finally, girl, girlfriend, half, happened, hour, johnny, lesson, management, minutes, money, pants, pick, proposal, screwed, time, waiting
    • Replies: 6
    • Views: 2,426
    Last Post: 27th March 2006 03:40 PM
    by ss_11000  Go to last post


  5. Milestone.

    Started by Sturdee, 19th November 2005 07:06 PM
    2 Pages
    1 2
    assessment, child, day, enjoyed, forums, friends, girlfriend, greatly, helped, improve, inspired, i’m, jigs, learned, lot, marriage, milestone, milestones, monoman, people, peter, pleased, post, posts, ride, road, tax, thousand, upset, workshops
    • Replies: 19
    • Views: 2,575
    Last Post: 21st November 2005 10:34 AM
    by Wongo  Go to last post
  6. The Rules of Manhood

    Started by Phil Spencer, 16th August 2005 09:18 PM
    acceptable, beer, birthday, bloke, buy, car, circumstances, conversation, discussing, drive, fight, friends, game, girlfriend, hesitate, hours, join, manhood, mate, mates, pending, pizza, reach, response, rules, shes, situations, sports, wife, woman
    • Replies: 6
    • Views: 1,891
    Last Post: 16th August 2005 10:51 PM
    by Tikki  Go to last post


  7. an angry mrs.

    Started by Gaza, 16th April 2005 12:24 PM
    3 Pages
    1 2 3
    angry, blokey, bored, bunch, chat, coz, earth, embarrass, gaza, girlfriend, haha, hehehe, honey, intrude, lost, love, mrs, people, secret, site, wanna, websites, wood, wood-wives, world
    • Replies: 34
    • Views: 5,208
    Last Post: 14th June 2005 01:59 AM
    by Ashore  Go to last post
  8. Australian Love Story

    Started by Iain, 10th June 2005 05:29 PM
    australian, bridge, daryl, day, dinkum, drives, driving, dya, eye, fair, gday, girlfriend, gonna, harbour, hears, kill, love, lump, meself, pregnant, real, root, shazza, sport, story, sydney, tear, throat, throw, top
    • Replies: 13
    • Views: 2,097
    Last Post: 12th June 2005 08:22 PM
    by Daddles  Go to last post


  9. Chalk One Up For The Old Dude

    Started by gatiep, 7th May 2005 01:47 AM
    account, afternoon, bank, brought, call, chalk, check, dude, excitement, funds, gal, girlfriend, imagine, jeweller, looked, monday, money, morning, payment, phoned, pick, ring, special, stated, stock, teed-off, told, verify, weekend, write
    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 1,649
    Last Post: 7th May 2005 09:45 PM
    by fxst  Go to last post


  10. This is the Story of a man........

    Started by Forest Gump, 3rd May 2005 06:59 PM
    ahead, car, condoms, daughter, door, family, father-in-law, front, frozen, future, girlfriend, happy, house, man, married, moment, moral, overcome, passed, shock, sister, stairs, standing, stepped, stood, story, straight, stunned, test, watched
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 2,142
    Last Post: 3rd May 2005 06:59 PM
    by Forest Gump  Go to last post


  11. The Governments Youth Opportunity Scheme

    Started by echnidna, 5th April 2005 02:22 PM
    advantage, australias, bargained, crew, decision, employment, equipment, ferrari, ferraris, girlfriend, government, governments, kilogram, liberal, lost, mclaren, opportunity, pit, pits, practices, races, scheme, slab, sold, speed, team, vehicle, won, youth, “….”
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 2,000
    Last Post: 5th April 2005 02:22 PM
    by echnidna  Go to last post


  12. True bravery (or stupidity)

    Started by Cliff Rogers, 17th February 2005 12:01 AM
    arriving, assaulted, boys, bravery, broom, cleaning, door, drunk, flying, girlfriend, guts, home, late, met, night, stinking, stupidity, true, wife
    • Replies: 3
    • Views: 1,459
    Last Post: 17th February 2005 01:14 PM
    by Cliff Rogers  Go to last post


  13. Too many women

    Started by MarkV, 13th October 2004 11:23 PM
    answered, arm, check, coming, condition, dangerous, deal, doc, doctor, friday, girlfriend, guy, happened, home, monday, morning, myex-wife, nights, office, pills, pretty, return, returns, row, saturday, sleeping, sling, viagra, wife, women
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,354
    Last Post: 13th October 2004 11:23 PM
    by MarkV  Go to last post


  14. silent treatment

    Started by gemi_babe, 12th October 2004 11:28 PM
    500am, 900am, bed, boyfriend, contests, day, discover, equipped, flight, furious, girlfriend, giving, home, kinds, left, lose, missed, morning, noticed, paper, piece, realised, silence, silent, suddenly, treatment, wake, woke, woken, wrote
    • Replies: 5
    • Views: 2,433
    Last Post: 13th October 2004 09:48 PM
    by graemet  Go to last post


  15. The oufit hasn't changed

    Started by vsquizz, 29th August 2004 11:08 PM
    000, 3600, age, bad, bedroom, chain, changed, choose, chuck, command, england, feel, fire, fond, girlfriend, greenwich, home, knowledge, lounge, meals, metal, navy, oufit, prefer, real, safe, time, told, tonnes, wrong
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,325
    Last Post: 29th August 2004 11:08 PM
    by vsquizz  Go to last post


  16. Temper temper....

    Started by HappyHammer, 20th July 2004 05:04 PM
    boss, calmly, car, carried, cars, coming, girlfriend, hammer, headlights, heard, hit, home, hurtling, involved, kerb, loud, misses, mount, noise, phone, pitched, revving, scream, smashed, street, suddenly, temper, walked, walking, withdrew
    • Replies: 8
    • Views: 2,286
    Last Post: 8th August 2004 03:01 AM
    by Wild Dingo  Go to last post
  17. Hardware Problems at home?

    Started by Geoff Dean, 19th July 2004 01:13 PM
    1.0, 2.0, 7.0, applications, attempting, crash, de-install, dear, designed, desk, girlfriend, hardware, home, install, installed, joe, manual, operating, problems, program, purge, run, saturday, secretary, skirt, software, support, system, thinking, wife
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 1,858
    Last Post: 19th July 2004 02:04 PM
    by Gumby  Go to last post


  18. At last a decent chain letter

    Started by stephenmeddings, 21st January 2004 05:10 PM
    452, 6th, 837, bloke, chain, cleaner, decent, engagement, exhaustion, expensive, friends, girlfriend, grumpy, hesitate, hospital, letter, list, lying, marriage, nymphos, original, packages, received, send, sending, suffering, top, vacuum, ward, women
    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 2,030
    Last Post: 22nd January 2004 09:28 AM
    by stephenmeddings  Go to last post


  19. Engineers

    Started by Grue, 15th August 2003 12:49 AM
    beautiful, bent, called, cool, cried, crossing, day, engineer, engineers, finally, frog, girlfriend, kiss, matter, picked, pocket, princess, returned, road, smiled, spoke, stay, talking, time, told, week
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,372
    Last Post: 15th August 2003 12:49 AM
    by Grue  Go to last post


  20. Mental

    Started by Simple, 11th August 2003 04:33 PM
    agreed, apartment, board, break, continued, damn, dating, elastic, excited, girl, girlfriend, lie, love, meet, mental, months, nice, night, panties, passionate, patient, progress, ready, real, release, released, reviewed, slingshot, start, window
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 1,667
    Last Post: 11th August 2003 06:12 PM
    by zymurgy  Go to last post


  21. Aussie Love Story

    Started by Rod Waddington, 10th February 2003 04:24 PM
    aussie, bridge, daryl, day, dinkum, doin, drives, driving, eye, fair, gday, girlfriend, gonna, harbor, hears, kill, love, lump, meself, pregnant, real, root, shazza, sport, story, sydney, tear, throat, throw, top
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,294
    Last Post: 10th February 2003 04:24 PM
    by Rod Waddington  Go to last post


  22. Forward on...

    Started by Iain, 24th December 2002 08:29 AM
    aimed, arrived, board, boss, bunnies, forward, free, friend, girlfriend, guise, inlaw, mine, mongrel, mother, offer, salesman, scotch, send, whisky
    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 1,846
    Last Post: 11th January 2003 11:01 PM
    by Gino  Go to last post


  23. an oldie

    Started by Eastie, 1st November 2002 04:26 PM
    1.0, 1.0s, 2000, additional, automatic, automatically, bundle, costly, diary, discover, e-mail, explorer, files, girlfriend, guess, mistress, months, oldie, original, products, re-surfaced, regularly, require, run, stored, system, updating, upgraded, wife
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 1,907
    Last Post: 1st November 2002 06:38 PM
    by RETIRED  Go to last post


  24. definitions

    Started by fxst, 18th August 2002 11:39 PM
    bonding, book, by-product, changing, concert, definitions, device, digestion, drinking, embarrassing, en-ter-tayn-ment, endless, entertainment, expression, female, flach-u-lens, flatulence, girlfriend, intimacy, love, luv, male, may-king, movie, play, self-expression, source, thing-ee, thingy, women
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,492
    Last Post: 18th August 2002 11:39 PM
    by fxst  Go to last post


  25. Upgrade

    Started by Garry Szakacs, 7th July 2000 12:18 PM
    1.0, 1.1, 2.0, allowing, application, applications, button, development, feature, girlfriend, install, installation, launched, mistress, nature, note, option, product, release, reported, resources, run, system, uninstall, uninstalling, upgrade, upgrading, users, versions, wife
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 2,668
    Last Post: 8th July 2000 01:45 PM
    by Tristan Croll  Go to last post


  26. Jogging

    Started by Jim Carroll, 9th March 2000 10:31 PM
    bang, cold, condom, door, feet, front, girlfriend, guy, hardens, heard, jogging, joins, jumps, luck, merry, months, nude, past, rain, ready, realise, replys, road, runner, runners, soul, spirit, toughens, wearing, winter
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,300
    Last Post: 9th March 2000 10:31 PM
    by Jim Carroll  Go to last post


Results 51 to 76 of 83
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