
Tag: red

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  1. The Water Is No Longer Fine

    Started by Sturdee, 4th June 2004 05:59 PM
    4 Pages
    1 2 3 4
    accuser, anonymous, board, casting, criticizing, current, disapproval, don’t, fine, longer, matter, mistake, nazis, object, post, posters, posting, posts, principles, raised, red, remain, reputation, stand, strongly, system, time, user, water, whilst
    • Replies: 47
    • Views: 10,591
    Last Post: 8th June 2004 07:29 PM
    by Sturdee  Go to last post
  2. Red Cedar in Australia exhibition

    Started by AlexS, 13th May 2004 08:42 PM
    16th, august, australia, bridge, cedar, college, corner, curator, documents, exhibition, films, furniture, historical, lots, mondays, museum, phillip, photos, red, sydney, talks, til, worth
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,909
    Last Post: 13th May 2004 08:42 PM
    by AlexS  Go to last post


  3. Getting Old II

    Started by Baz, 30th April 2004 08:12 PM
    barely, buy, car, demonstrated, driving, elderly, gentleman, guy, hands, hat, intersection, killed, ladies, lady, light, lights, madam, mildred, onions, passenger, penny, piece, ran, red, remarked, replies, row, sitting, wind, woman
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,410
    Last Post: 30th April 2004 08:12 PM
    by Baz  Go to last post


  4. birds

    Started by macklin, 27th April 2004 04:51 PM
    2 Pages
    1 2
    birds, bloom, brush, cannons, chips, clean, continually, day, digging, filling, front, garden, holes, house, ideas, jean, path, pathway, red, result, scattering, short, shotguns, tidy, wood
    • Replies: 19
    • Views: 5,363
    Last Post: 30th April 2004 01:06 PM
    by jackiew  Go to last post
  5. finishing before or after

    Started by EMistral, 20th April 2004 11:15 AM
    all-in-one, applying, assembling, brush, built, cabbot, cabinet, camphor, carribean, colour, finish, finishing, hoey, laurel, minibar, natural, pieces, prior, project, proper, red, slightly, solution, stain, stained, staining, staining/finishing, technics, time, top
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 1,925
    Last Post: 21st April 2004 07:51 AM
    by ubeaut  Go to last post


  6. You're Getting Older When

    Started by Barry_White, 18th April 2004 02:14 PM
    addressed, alarm, applying, bifocals, burn, clock, coat, day, dialing, distance, fortune, haired, house, intolerant, midnight, oil, older, painting, people, red, rest, stand, startled, street, temptation, time, timer, town, wears, wife
    • Replies: 3
    • Views: 1,996
    Last Post: 18th April 2004 03:34 PM
    by Barry_White  Go to last post


  7. decking queries

    Started by macklin, 25th March 2004 03:33 PM
    100mm, 100x100, 3.1, 50mm, angle, assuming, corner, corners, decking, diagonal, diagonally, ground, gum, left, line, lines, method, move, mtrs, queries, red, simply, sink, square, string, stumps
    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 2,626
    Last Post: 25th March 2004 10:47 PM
    by seriph1  Go to last post


  8. stump and joist spacings

    Started by macklin, 24th March 2004 04:15 PM
    100x100, 100x75, 140x40, 3.5, 6mtrs, bearers, bloom, build, deck, dynabolt, floor, follow, gum, house, intend, jean, joist, joists, ledger, mtrs, property, questions, rear, red, size, spacings, stump, stumps, wall
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 3,008
    Last Post: 24th March 2004 09:42 PM
    by glenn k  Go to last post
  9. Stripping highly carved cabinet

    Started by Lizzy, 22nd February 2004 10:10 AM
    30s, 40s, 50s, appears, belong, brush, cabinet, carved, carving, caustic, dark, details, fashion, grandmother, grateful, highly, idea, lizzy, neighbour, paint, painted, realised, recommended, red, soda, soft, stripping, suggestions, wire, wood
    • Replies: 4
    • Views: 2,662
    Last Post: 23rd February 2004 03:48 PM
    by behindblueeyes  Go to last post


  10. Information Not To Ignore

    Started by Neil, 17th February 2004 12:04 AM
    2 Pages
    1 2
    94212877, australian, blood, careful, caution, centre, chairs/seats, cross, e-mail, fax, found, hiv, ignore, information, inspected, melbourne, message, months, needles, pass, people, positive, public, red, reports, service, suburbs, tested, time, vigilance
    • Replies: 18
    • Views: 5,680
    Last Post: 20th February 2004 12:23 AM
    by barnsey  Go to last post
  11. finishing coat for shellac on red cedar

    Started by tallen, 4th February 2004 10:01 PM
    bit, cedar, cheers, chuffed, coat, coatings, confused, danish, feeling, final, finish, finishing, flakes, forum, kinda, oil, produced, question, red, result, sentimental, shellac, surround, tallen, timber, traditional, treatment, wax, weird, year-old
    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 4,138
    Last Post: 5th February 2004 09:17 AM
    by ubeaut  Go to last post


  12. Veneer finishing - darken the color?

    Started by tktran, 2nd January 2004 01:35 PM
    additional, ago, changed, coat, color, darken, deepen, deepens, finish, finishing, friend, gradually, itm, links, myrtle, pink, purchased, red, red/brown, remembers, shown, solution, substrate, suggested, tasmanian, tone, type/brand, varnish, veneer, [edit
    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 3,444
    Last Post: 28th January 2004 04:55 AM
    by tktran  Go to last post


  13. What in the World Wide Web?

    Started by silentC, 23rd January 2004 12:31 PM
    1993, bothered, column, couple, dark, fortnight, francisco, guy, guys, humour, live, mate, meat, odd, published, read, red, regularly, rude, san, sense, sites, sport, updated, victoria, violent, visit, web, wide, world
    • Replies: 3
    • Views: 2,589
    Last Post: 24th January 2004 09:56 AM
    by Ben from Vic.  Go to last post
  14. 2003 in review

    Started by craigb, 15th January 2004 01:42 PM
    2003, astronaut, awhile, battery, bridges, charge, cold, couple, dropouts, holds, homicide, kids, larger, lightning, linked, local, obesity, police, red, review, school, slain;, struck, study, suspect, takes, tape, temperatures, test, wave
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 1,770
    Last Post: 17th January 2004 07:43 AM
    by Kev Y.  Go to last post


  15. Refinishing Western Red Ceder

    Started by derekcohen, 8th December 2003 07:01 PM
    ago, blackened, cedar, ceder, chemical, derek, dirty, doors, existing, finish, french, fun, gang, house, mixture, natural, non-toxic, perth, preferably, red, redo, refinish, refinishing, remove, return, sikkens, timber, weathered, western, windows
    • Replies: 4
    • Views: 2,992
    Last Post: 6th January 2004 09:05 PM
    by hatemondays  Go to last post


  16. Red Gum Burl finishing.

    Started by DanP, 14th December 2003 08:32 PM
    advance, beautiful, burl, changing, colour, compressor, dan, dust, edge, enhances, filler, finish, finished, finishing, fitting, grey, gum, imo, job, natural, piece, red, ruin, sanding, slab, timber, vacuum, voids, weathered, wood
    • Replies: 9
    • Views: 6,064
    Last Post: 1st January 2004 06:06 AM
    by Predator  Go to last post


  17. Mouse scroll wheel and these forums

    Started by zathras, 30th December 2003 05:31 PM
    article, arvo, exterior, fills, forum, forums, lock, mouse, occasion, odd, page, pattern, portion, reboot, red, rover, screen, scroll, scrolling, shades, stripes, typically, uniform, vertical, viewed, wheel, window
    • Replies: 3
    • Views: 2,010
    Last Post: 31st December 2003 09:16 AM
    by Christopha  Go to last post
  18. Poll Rigging

    Started by silentC, 2nd December 2003 04:42 PM
    2 Pages
    1 2
    2003, australians, bbc, boring, cast, email, favourite, folks, game, guess, henman, hot, humanly, jonny, online, pass, people, personality, poll, poms, red, rigging, scintillating, sports, tables, tim, time, vote, wilkinson, win
    • Replies: 19
    • Views: 5,677
    Last Post: 23rd December 2003 09:56 PM
    by Ratmick  Go to last post
  19. The Red X Box.

    Started by Robert WA, 9th December 2003 08:23 PM
    adverts, blank, block, bottom, box, complied, corner, google, immediately, left, mine, money, page, red, request, rolling, shifted, supplied, top, view
    • Replies: 7
    • Views: 2,698
    Last Post: 10th December 2003 11:37 AM
    by macca2  Go to last post
  20. 10 bucks for a homeless man

    Started by waco, 21st October 2003 07:28 AM
    beer, bucks, cooked, dinner, dirty, disease, disgusting, district, dollars, exclaimed, food, furious, gamble, gambling, golf, home, homeless, light, lousy, man, money, pretty, red, replied, sex, smell, spend, ten, terrific, wife
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 2,140
    Last Post: 21st October 2003 07:28 AM
    by waco  Go to last post


  21. Infloor Storage

    Started by antman, 24th September 2003 10:32 AM
    accessed, anthony, blankets, box, build, cupboards, false, floor, ground, house, ideas, infloor, invlove, method, metre, red, run, shed, space, storage, storing, stuff, trapdoor, welcomed
    • Replies: 10
    • Views: 4,108
    Last Post: 14th October 2003 03:39 PM
    by cx3  Go to last post


  22. Serious Outdoor Protection

    Started by Nuff Nuff, 12th September 2003 12:04 PM
    carved, colour, duty, elements, exposed, finish, gum, heavy, idea, low, maintenance, nice, nuff, outdoor, piece, protection, red, serious, sign, similar, suggestions, time, type, wood
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 2,151
    Last Post: 12th September 2003 12:53 PM
    by behindblueeyes  Go to last post


  23. Staining / Oiling

    Started by gezz13, 11th September 2003 02:25 PM
    bark, colour, farm, friends, gate, gday, gezz, gum, iron, nice, oil, oiling, red, regular, sign, stain, staining, suggested, wood
    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 2,072
    Last Post: 11th September 2003 05:18 PM
    by behindblueeyes  Go to last post


  24. Did I say that out loud???

    Started by Baz, 3rd September 2003 09:45 PM
    books, buds, class, classic, day, door, faced, glucose, hand, implied, inadvertantly, loud, picked, professor, professors, question, realized, red, reply, return, semen, straight, sweet, sweetness, taste, tip, tongue, totally, walked, word
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,393
    Last Post: 3rd September 2003 09:45 PM
    by Baz  Go to last post


  25. inner peace

    Started by soundman, 30th August 2003 11:36 PM
    achieve, advice, article, bottle, box, chocolates, daniels, feel, finally, finish, finished, found, gin, idea, jack, litre, looked, passing, peace, prozac, read, red, simple, started, vodka, wine
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 1,748
    Last Post: 31st August 2003 10:44 AM
    by Shane Watson  Go to last post


  26. Wstrn Red Cedar Louvre blades

    Started by Fantapantz, 3rd August 2003 10:33 AM
    anually, blades, cedar, dries, exposed, finish, louvre, preferably, quickly, recoat, red, weather, western, wiped, wstrn
    • Replies: 4
    • Views: 2,557
    Last Post: 7th August 2003 09:46 AM
    by Theva  Go to last post


  27. Shanes day

    Started by Neil, 8th July 2003 11:48 AM
    27th, birthday, cheers, day, happy, letter, mate, neil, red, shane, shanes, watson
    • Replies: 6
    • Views: 2,374
    Last Post: 9th July 2003 03:32 PM
    by Sir Stinkalot  Go to last post


  28. Another tale from the desert

    Started by Driver, 26th May 2003 08:40 PM
    abdulratbag, adair, adair’s, ah’m, black, burning, cloud, desert, fire, fires, flames, green, hand, head, house, jeep, kuwait, oil, plane, ramp, red, saddam, settled, sheikh, smoke, tale, thick, y’all, “mr, “well
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 2,309
    Last Post: 26th May 2003 08:40 PM
    by Driver  Go to last post


  29. Picket Fencing - Cedar

    Started by ajjsyd, 16th May 2003 01:59 AM
    bunnings, carry, cedar, cheaper, colour, comments, cypress, dull, fence, fencing, finish, found, front, grey, house, jarah, paling, palings, people, picket, pine, posts, rabbit, rails, red, seasn, setting, shed, suggestions, told
    • Replies: 5
    • Views: 4,541
    Last Post: 22nd May 2003 01:06 AM
    by ajjsyd  Go to last post
  30. Ships of the desert

    Started by Driver, 15th May 2003 03:04 PM
    barman, bartender, bear, beard, black, bloke, bothered, bright, buckskin, coming, desert, doc, door, dressed, eyes, foot, fringed, glass, grubby, holliday, huge, outta, red, reds, rushes, saloon, ships, stare, tie, town
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,749
    Last Post: 15th May 2003 03:04 PM
    by Driver  Go to last post


  31. red cedar benchtop

    Started by trevorZ, 4th March 2003 01:05 PM
    2sq, basin, bench, benchtop, bit, borer, cedar, edge, filler, finish, finish.any, front, holes.were, natural, oil, oiled, patch, red, sapwood, slab, soft, spot, suggestions, wash
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 2,173
    Last Post: 4th March 2003 01:33 PM
    by Eastie  Go to last post


  32. booze bus

    Started by Gino, 12th February 2003 10:44 PM
    aboriginal, asthmatic, bag, black, bloody, blow, booze, boss, bus, car, comedian, cop, copper, doc, doin, fellers, government, letter, mate, morton, nah, oath, pass, piss, red, sample, surely, testing, urine, whites
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,879
    Last Post: 12th February 2003 10:44 PM
    by Gino  Go to last post


  33. JARRAH

    Started by DPB, 6th August 2002 11:22 AM
    bring, canuck, colour, dark, deep, finish, hall, hint, jarrah, love, luck, lustre, natural, oily, planning, plastic, previously, recommendations, red, residue, rich, special, table, treatment, wood, woodchuck
    • Replies: 4
    • Views: 1,998
    Last Post: 9th August 2002 09:26 PM
    by BrianR  Go to last post


  34. Achieving inner piece

    Started by Kev Y., 9th July 2002 01:30 PM
    achieve, achieving, advice, article, bottle, box, daniels, feel, finally, finish, finished, found, jack, peace, piece, prozacs, read, red, simple, start, sweets, vodka
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 1,566
    Last Post: 9th July 2002 06:17 PM
    by RETIRED  Go to last post


  35. Polisher's handbook

    Started by rsser, 19th May 2002 03:01 PM
    advise, bible, cedar, chest, coat, ern, finish, finishing, french, grain, handbook, lots, master, narrow, neil, polisher, polishers, polishing, query, red, sanded, sealer, sending, straight, stuff, tia
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,619
    Last Post: 19th May 2002 03:01 PM
    by rsser  Go to last post


  36. Surgeons

    Started by Charles Castle, 20th April 2002 06:49 PM
    bed, bit, casual, closed, colleague, colleagues, comfortable, corridor, doctor, door, doors, feet, hanging, hot, lava, life, lying, marked, molten, nurses, people, peter, quickly, red, rocks, sofa, surgeon, surgeons, surgical, vain
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,253
    Last Post: 20th April 2002 06:49 PM
    by Charles Castle  Go to last post


  37. Finishing Silky Oak

    Started by Eastie, 15th March 2002 02:38 PM
    2002.], 600, abrasive, besst, bonus, cabinet, contrast, deep, eastie, edited, feature, finalising, finishing, gum, inclined, march, mark, message, neil, oak, oak/red, process, red, sanding, silky, timber, wishes, wonderful, woodworking, [this
    • Replies: 3
    • Views: 3,180
    Last Post: 22nd March 2002 11:14 AM
    by Eastie  Go to last post


  38. Firefighter

    Started by Iain, 15th March 2002 02:57 PM
    boy, cats, closer, collar, dogs, door, engine, faster, fighter, fire, firefighter, garden, hose, hung, ladders, mister, notices, partner, red, rope, run, siren, station, testicles, tie, tied, truck, wagon, walks
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 1,588
    Last Post: 15th March 2002 10:45 PM
    by John Saxton  Go to last post


  39. old photos

    Started by ubeaut, 7th February 2002 02:01 AM
    2002.], blending, body, completely, edited, eyes, finish, fitted, gloss, horse, insides, job, mane, mouth, nostrels, painted, photos, pretty, rare, red, restoration, saddle, sell, sprayed, tail, teeth, totally, ubeaut, wet, white
    • Replies: 3
    • Views: 2,665
    Last Post: 9th February 2002 12:50 AM
    by ubeaut  Go to last post


  40. The Buffalo Theory

    Started by Bazza, 31st January 2002 05:33 PM
    alcohol, attacks, brain, buffalo, cells, consumption, efficient, eliminates, fast, faster, feel, herd, hunted, intake, killed, kills, machine, natural, naturally, operate, red, regular, selection, slowest, smarter, theory, weaker, weakest, wine, wines
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,991
    Last Post: 31st January 2002 05:33 PM
    by Bazza  Go to last post


  41. Blondes

    Started by Richard Casey, 29th December 2001 08:29 PM
    aggrivated, approached, assistant, blonde, blondes, buy, colours, daughter, day, dyes, earnestly, electrical, hair, home, mam, microwave, oven, red, replies, returns, sales, sell, shouts, starts, store, television, times, told, true, walks
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,524
    Last Post: 29th December 2001 08:29 PM
    by Richard Casey  Go to last post


  42. Bridget Jones Stress Relief Diet

    Started by Rod Smith, 5th September 2001 12:46 PM
    bars, bottle, bottles, bread, bridget, cheesecake, chocolate-chip, cream, cup, desserts, diet, dinner, directly, eaten, family, freezer, garlic, jones, loaves, mars, red, relief, remember, smirnoff, stress, tea, topping, vodka, white, wine
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 1,387
    Last Post: 5th September 2001 02:04 PM
    by Iain  Go to last post


  43. Here's to Gino!!!

    Started by Craig Euler, 23rd August 2001 11:35 PM
    added, admire, bathroom, bedroom, conditioner, cover, cucumber, curtain, exposed, gino, hair, husband, knob, lamphrey, leave, loofah, minutes, mirror, physique, privates, red, return, rush, shampoo, shower, sound, towel, vitamins, wash, wet
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 1,672
    Last Post: 1st September 2001 09:36 PM
    by Gino  Go to last post


  44. Filling large areas

    Started by fcm, 6th July 2001 12:05 PM
    areas, base, black, car-bog, cracks, experience, feature, fibre, filling, fist, glass, gum, holes, jobs, large, larger, likes, matching, methods/products, mixed, natural, paint, red, resin, sections, size, success, tables, thumb, tint
    • Replies: 3
    • Views: 2,582
    Last Post: 9th July 2001 10:39 AM
    by fcm  Go to last post


  45. Heaven

    Started by Charles Castle, 21st February 2001 08:33 PM
    agree, car, clipboard, couple, crash, decided, divorce, eternity, gates, heaven, involved, killed, lawyer, lost, married, marry, months, passed, pearly, peter, priest, red, shouted, table, temper, threw, time, waiting, wedding, worried
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,534
    Last Post: 21st February 2001 08:33 PM
    by Charles Castle  Go to last post


  46. showering

    Started by Gino, 13th February 2001 02:22 PM
    added, admire, bath, bathroom, bedroom, conditioner, cucumber, curtain, floor, hair, husband, knob, lamphrey, leave, minutes, mirror, privates, pull, red, rinse, shampoo, shower, showering, size, sound, towel, vitamins, wash, water, wet
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,138
    Last Post: 13th February 2001 02:22 PM
    by Gino  Go to last post


  47. Anybody else have this problem

    Started by Rod Smith, 20th November 2000 11:13 PM
    attraction, cheers, clean, concoctions, craftsman, deal, drama, factory, failed, finish, finishing, fixing, glue, marks, panels, prefer, problem, produced, properly, provided, red, rod, somthing, stain, staining, tips, veneered, wattyl, wayward
    • Replies: 3
    • Views: 1,966
    Last Post: 9th December 2000 02:32 PM
    by Rod Smith  Go to last post


  48. Red Gum Finishes

    Started by lino, 13th September 2000 01:47 PM
    diffrent, finish, finishes, finishing, furniture, geting, gum, iam, intergrain, jarrah, method, oil, poor, red, results, streaking, table, tung
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 2,043
    Last Post: 13th October 2000 03:03 PM
    by Gino  Go to last post


  49. Finishing Red Gum

    Started by BI, 7th August 2000 03:21 PM
    50%, coat, coats, direction, final, finish, finished, finishing, friend, gear, gloss, gum, job, leave, planning, polyurethane, posts, previous, red, rub, short, spray, step, table, untouched
    • Replies: 3
    • Views: 2,925
    Last Post: 9th August 2000 01:26 AM
    by knuckles  Go to last post


  50. Red Gum Finish

    Started by RETIRED, 12th November 1999 11:26 PM
    2 Pages
    1 2
    1999.], brilliant, claims, danish, day, edited, epoxy, finish, finishing, gloss, gum, ideas, isolates, november, oil, option, produce, red, redgum, robbo, table, timber, touch, viable, [this
    • Replies: 23
    • Views: 8,015
    Last Post: 1st December 1999 04:32 PM
    by Marcus  Go to last post


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