
Tag: pic

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  1. Re-polishing a cabinet. FINAL!

    Started by Shane Watson, 4th February 2002 08:21 PM
    40+, basically, cabinet, catches, comparisons, damn, doors, feet, final, finally, finished, glad, handles, havnt, hinges, inside, love, masking, pic, repair, repolishing, sake, screw, screwed, tape, time, traditional, ups, wax, yeah
    • Replies: 8
    • Views: 3,110
    Last Post: 11th March 2002 10:51 AM
    by Glenn M  Go to last post


  2. Re-polishing a cabinet. Part 4

    Started by Shane Watson, 30th January 2002 05:00 PM
    access, bottom, cabinet, clean, coat, coated, componants, cover, dry, finishing, inside, love, missed, moulding, overnight, patch, pic, protect, ready, repolishing, run, sand, stage, stain, stuff, time, top, veneer, walnut, yeah
    • Replies: 3
    • Views: 2,293
    Last Post: 30th January 2002 08:43 PM
    by John Saxton  Go to last post


  3. Re-polishing a cabinet. Part 3

    Started by Shane Watson, 29th January 2002 06:53 PM
    bit, bog, cabinet, carefully, clamp, cornor, cut, doors, dry, filled, flat, glue, grain, leave, love, managed, pic, putty, repair, repolishing, sand, sanded, sander, shape, shelf, size, stroke, thick, time, veneer
    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 2,436
    Last Post: 30th January 2002 05:01 PM
    by Shane Watson  Go to last post


  4. Re-polishing a cabinet. Part 2

    Started by Shane Watson, 25th January 2002 10:56 PM
    cabinet, clean, cornor, crossed, dosnt, fingers, glue, hope, hours, idea, leave, left, legs, love, managed, pic, re-polishing, remove, repair, repolishing, sand, sanding, sharp, shelf, stripper, times, top, veneer, walnut, worth
    • Replies: 4
    • Views: 2,877
    Last Post: 29th January 2002 08:15 AM
    by Shane Watson  Go to last post


  5. Finally I Found one.....

    Started by Shane Watson, 5th June 2001 06:37 PM
    2001.], dog, edited, extremly, finally, found, hard, june, message, pic, rare, shane, watson, wood, [this
    • Replies: 7
    • Views: 2,652
    Last Post: 7th June 2001 03:05 AM
    by ubeaut  Go to last post


  6. Used Car For Sale

    Started by Shane Watson, 4th April 2001 10:53 PM
    1985, actual, apparently, blue, brakes, car, driven, driver, due, employment, fuel, gear, golf, hard, irish, lay-off, newspaper, oil, original, owner, pic, read, reverse, sale, scroll, sell, text, tyres, volkswagen, wishing
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,525
    Last Post: 4th April 2001 10:53 PM
    by Shane Watson  Go to last post


  7. Just Testing some stuff.... Beer With Me

    Started by Shane Watson, 20th January 2001 04:38 PM
    beer, pic, stuff, testing
    • Replies: 5
    • Views: 2,600
    Last Post: 22nd January 2001 09:27 PM
    by John Saxton  Go to last post


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