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19th July 2011, 02:44 PM #1
Geez, it's good to get back here!
G'day. Joined a while ago but I had nothing to add so haven't been around much. Been spending a lot of time on a video-makers site. Not a bad place, except it's teeming with juniors who can't say anything sensible to save their lives.
Went looking for a site for old blokes over 60, but the ubiquitous ads for funeral homes kinda took the shine of them!!!
Anyway, hopefully I won't lock horns with any kiddies here.
Speaking of that, anyone know the average age of members of this joint?
19th July 2011, 03:41 PM #2
19th July 2011, 03:59 PM #3
Hehe... good point.
Let's say, mental.
I've run across old fellas (my age), who haven't got the sense of a fence post. And then young blokes who've got old heads on their shoulders.
So, yeah, mental age is more relevant.
(Of course, I still would like to know the average age group here, too. Same memories, can talk about the same things, y'see.)
19th July 2011, 04:48 PM #4
In the meantime, anybody here from Brisbane, and interested in film-making?
By "film-making", I mean anything a bit more ambitious than kitchen sink vignettes starring the wife and the cat....
I've got a few ideas for short films that I'd like to brainstorm, if anyone's interested.
19th July 2011, 08:49 PM #5
Was it something I said?
Anybody there..ere...ere....ere....
19th July 2011, 09:07 PM #6
Patience is a virtue.
20th July 2011, 07:01 AM #7
G'Day Whittle,
Im not from Brisbane but have an interest in video making. Seems like Im creating a monster, a multi segment healthy lifestyle show. What equipment are you using?
As for my age, Im just waiting for puberty to finish so I can retire."We must never become callous. When we experience the conflicts ever more deeply we are living in truth. The quiet conscience is an invention of the devil." - Albert Schweizer
My blog. http://theupanddownblog.blogspot.com
20th July 2011, 09:53 AM #8
20th July 2011, 10:16 AM #9
G'day, Sebastiaan,
Oh, you're talking about real video making!!
I'm just talking about amateur short films. I haven't got the wherewithal to make anything serious or saleable. But I do think anyone with a bit of gear and some book-larnin' can make passable little versions of most of the genres of film.
I've got a couple of consumer cameras, a Canon HV40 and a Canon T2i, and more lights and other peripheral gear than I can ever use. I also have several NLEs, After Effects, various handy utility softwares, etc etc.. Just finished making a slider, using the principle of low-friction sliding rather than roller bearing wheels.
Also, being a stage prop-maker, I have a garage full of interesting (to me) paraphenalia. For example, I've recently acquired enough laboratory glassware and stands etc to set up a pretty handy drug lab, (kidding kidding!!), and I plan to use all that in a film about a scientist. Got costumes that are actually genuine uniforms of various professions, courtesy of garage sales...
The only thing I'm lacking is people. Some of the people at the theatre where I used to help out did express an interest in acting in any film I made, but I haven't been ready to take them up on it. And, as my puberty has looooong since finished, I am already retired and have too much time on my hands.
Which brings me to my point - I'm hoping to find someone who's interested in at least having a natter about short stories for films, and maybe even someone handy to me who might want to get involved with it.
So, there ya go.
20th July 2011, 05:16 PM #10
Go for it Whittle, you sound like you are qualified and have the gear.
"We must never become callous. When we experience the conflicts ever more deeply we are living in truth. The quiet conscience is an invention of the devil." - Albert Schweizer
My blog. http://theupanddownblog.blogspot.com
20th July 2011, 05:19 PM #11
Not really qualified as such, just read a lot of books and watched a lot of films over the years.
But yeah, I've got some gear, alright! I'm a blimmen' one-man film crew!
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