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Thread: The Dusty

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Sth Gippsland Vic

    Default The Dusty

    A few weeks ago I finally made a start on getting My dust extraction set up . After two weeks at it so far I have the first stage done . The unit was modified, painted, bolted to my slab out side and wired up .
    The unit was given to me by a friend . It was to large and loud for his situation . 7.5 HP with a 228mm / 9" inlet. Great for me because I needed something larger and the only neighbors I hear are when their shooting at stuff. Their a long way off. So my noise shouldn't be bothering them .

    Getting the tower out and upright was an interesting project . I had a rough idea how I'd do it, but some was figured out as we went . I had the help of my son . Couldn't have done it without him .

    We did a 3M x 1.5 x 125 mm slab with extra 250 x 125 strip footings and let it sit two weeks.

    That's a picture of the unit I took a few years ago . It needed raising 560 mm .

    But I forgot it needed raising and added a roof and painted the thing
    I had measured the horizontal position it was going to be placed in outside and had assumed the height was OK . Id forgotten the old pictures and that Z purlin that was in the way of the inlet .

    I discovered my slip up before it went out to be installed thank Goodness ! So some chopping welding and re painting was in store . The 560 to the legs and the roof lowered. Its 4.7 meters high now and was designed to fit under the existing shed roof height by around 50mm . That depended on my final location to be decided when I had it stood up in position though .


    I lost count of the amount of times I flipped this thing over with two block and tackle from the roof truss .
    This is it off the ground and the trailer backed under for delivery to the back of the shed.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Sth Gippsland Vic


    More pics coming .

    Another mis adventure along the way was when I was working on the cyclone . I had a dent in the side I pulled out by welding a slide hammer onto the low point . This fixed the low spot up . I then discovered two small rust holes up in the body in the section under the fan . I thought I was looking through a hole and at another layer of steel close by . I decided to weld the holes up .
    To my horror, what I thought was a second layer of steel was a layer of rusted caked on dry dust . And the welder had just set fire to it !! No probs I thought , Ill blow it out with air ! It'll shoot out the bottom of the unit . Of course it just got worse . F**k! I was a bit panicked .

    The good news was it was just smouldering on the inside of a big steel drum of and couldn't get worse that having a Webber going inside the shed. But that it was in my workshop was a worry.

    I drilled a 20mm hole to try and get to it . Didn't work, still smouldering

    Bad news I discovered with a torch was, it was inside a snail like spiral up inside the unit . Air was getting in and pouring out my 20mm hole but nothing I could do from any of the openings was getting near it.

    It took 45 minutes trying to get this out . My last option was either cutting a large hole in the side of the unit or drag it outside with a chain and the ute and go get the 1000 liter fire fighting trailer and pump that into it .

    What did end up working before I had to do that was, an old water filled fire extinguisher and a length of fencing wire . It turned out that the fire inside was clinging to the wall . All the water I had poured in the 20mm hole was just going straight down at where I thought the smouldering dust was. When I felt the hot sides by rubbing my hands over the side I got the fencing wire with a hook scraped it off . It fell down to the invisible bottom . I have an old water filled fire extinguisher and that finished it off through the 20mm hole.

    MAJOR stress out over .

    And I knew the rule of never using angle grinders on dust extractor work . I just didn't think a dis connected unit that hadn't been used for years and was empty would do this .


  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Sth Gippsland Vic


    The plan was to back it up to my slab and lift off with my portable $50 gantry and winch it up as high as possible.
    I thought Id try getting it to rise from this position first by trying my trailer winch with its frayed old strap . I kept the gantry and drum all in position just to see if it would lift . No way was that moving and the strap broke . It felt like ten ton on the end . If I had persisted with my stronger chains and two ton block and tackle like this I would have shifted that slab Id say .
    I had to get it higher before pulling . I was thinking Id use my trolley jack and some posts to prop it higher .
    I started talking to a mate and he reminded me of my sheer legs Id made years ago . Id only used them lifting one machine off a trailer and decided there was a better way to unload trailers with my long ramp that I made later . The sheer legs had been left rusting and forgotten . Perfect for this though !!


    That's the top of the sheer legs . . With one chain through its own eye around the top and going to two 2 ton slings now set higher with some slack left in the chain to raise it before it tightens . And another fixed around over the first and back to the 2 ton Block and tackle attached to the trailer frame which was attached to my car we started bringing it up
    IMG_4036.JPGIMG_4038.JPGIMG_4039.JPG IMG_4040.JPG

    Another 1 ton B&T was put on to keep it from sliding up my shed wall and gave good control. It was at this stage I started thinking , that if this tips up onto its feet and keeps going , its going to keep frigging going !! Specially with the chain , B&T and the sheer legs attached .
    That didn't seem like a good idea, so we got another car and fixed a chain and cable to the tow point . From there we safely reversed the car back while we winched gently to the tipping point .

    It came up beautifully but the left feet had to be walked over the bit of wood . The two low horizontal pieces were added so I could get one of my shifting bars under and walk it across . That was a bit of a hairy moment . By now the sheer legs were on a steep angle out the other side . I was worried they may slip on the slab . What it needed was one more reverse of the car to release some pressure and we had it . Phew!! I then tested the sheer legs as we lifted them down and they were not in any danger of slipping at all . My rough slab finishing helped but even at 25 degrees I think they would have been fine .

    Drilled and screwed it down and the Electrician wired it up Saturday .

    That's stage one . Plenty to do from here hooking up piping inside. Its so high up I need scaffolding . Next project is make scaffolding I think .


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2013


    Other than that everything OK?

    I've never had anything like that but a few hair raising situations, your suddenly forced to think quick!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Sth Gippsland Vic


    Yeah all good .

    I may add a covering of tin up high or all over later . Before I do that I have to make a bracket or two to fix the unit to my shed wall through the purlins rather than just rely on four big screws in the concrete. We get very strong winds here.

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