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28th April 2014, 05:20 PM #1
Treatment for new bearer to be installed next to old rotting bearer
The background
I need to install a new hardwood bearer next to an old one on a raised subfloor that has rotted over the years in the vicinity of a leaking shower.
The new bearer has to be hardwood because all of the other bearers are hardwood. Council gets very upset if people mix treated pine with hardwood evidently.
The question
In old houses which have hardwood bearers on brick piers, did they just paint the bearers and do no other treatment for the wood? Or did they do other things to treat the wood as well?
In my house it looks like they just painted the wood with brown paint. I guess they figured that termites wouldn't bother going up the piers and if they did they probably wouldn't like eating hardwood very muh.
Read the full thread at RenovateForum.com...