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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Nth Est Victoria, Australia

    Default Not so alternative power technology

    Anyone interested in solar hotwater , photovoltaics, small scale hydro power, windpower, and all those things of the future. Do we have anything on the forum that covers this topic?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 1999


    MY RURAL BLOCK is as close as we get.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Alexandra Vic


    Energy Matters is a supplier in the area of alternative energy and hosts a forum accessible to anyone interested at Wind and solar power - Energy Matters Forum. Like WWF, operated by a particular supplier, but open to general discussion about the operators and competing products without obvious bias toward the operator. There seems to be participation from all around Oz with some very knowledgable contributors. Hope this helps.
    I used to be an engineer, I'm not an engineer any more, but on the really good days I can remember when I was.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2013

    Default Megs

    MEG (Motionless Electromagnetic Generator).

    The Tom Bearden Website.

    Already patented,

    EVERYTHING we THINK we KNOW about energy (and electrickery) is already outmoded and out of date.

    All this investment in "alternate energy" (Solar Wind Tidal etc) is already wasted $!

    Albert Einstein was wrong.

    E does NOT Equal MC^2

    Alberts special theory of relativity paper was never peer reviewed, because if it had been, it would never have been published.

    Albert Einstein won his Nobel physics prize, NOT for his special theory of relativity (E=MC^2) - but for his paper on the photo electric effect!.

    Albert Einsteins 21 equation "proof" set for "special relativity" - was based on an erroneous belief in the speed of light in a vacuum being constant, which it demonstrably is NOT (it is anything but constant and is in fact infinite).

    Albert Einstein was led astray by defective experimental design by Mitchelson Morely (and later Michellson - Sagnac) in their linear speed of light experiment.

    You MAY never see this again, so copy and save it if you wish.....

    Any 14 year old high school student could disprove Einsteins special theory of relativity.

    YOU can do it... here and now.

    What is the square root of 4?

    Sit down all of you who answered 2!

    Those who answered +ve2 & -ve2 may remain standing!

    Any negative integer when squared results in a positive integer. You learn this in year 14 mathematics at high school presently.

    -ve 2 x -ve 2 = +ve4

    Imagine... the exact same photon of light, could be traveling both WEST (+ve) at the so called speed of light (3 x 10^8meters per second, or 186,000 miles per second) & simultaneously traveling EAST (-ve) at the so called speed of light (3 x 10^8meters per second, or 186,000 miles per second) AT THE SAME TIME and it would satisfy Albert Einsteins special theory of relativity E=MC^2!.

    That's clearly paradoxical.

    Any assumption based on a false premise will result in a paradoxical outcome.

    In the case of Albert Einsteins special theory of relativity E=MC^2, the paradoxical outcome was called the twin paradox (Google link Twin paradox - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    In physics, the twin paradox is a thought experiment in special relativity involving identical twins, one of whom makes a journey into space in a high-speed rocket and returns home to find that the twin who remained on Earth has aged more. This result appears puzzling because each twin sees the other twin as traveling, and so, according to a naive application of time dilation, each should paradoxically find the other to have aged more slowly. However, this scenario can be resolved within the standard framework of special relativity (because the twins are not equivalent; the space twin experienced additional, asymmetrical acceleration when switching direction to return home), and therefore is not a paradox in the sense of a logical contradiction.
    If your finding that one hard to wrap your head around I'll simplify it for you with an easy to follow example.

    Assumption 1 = All dogs have 4 legs
    Assumption 2 = All 4 legged animals are cats

    All Cats are dogs
    All Dogs are Cats!

    The answers are clearly paradoxical, and its easy to understand that Assumption 2 (All 4 legged animals are cats) is factually incorrect and has led to our paradoxical "all cats are dogs/all dogs are cats" outcome just as the twin paradox is equally absurd and disproves E=MC^2 to any sane person with rational intellect.

    Here's the experimental design flaw by physicists Mitchellson & Morley that led Einstein astray with believing C to be the speed of light and it to be constant in a vacuum.

    That's a diagram of the linear light speed experiment performed by Mitchellson - Morley, where a single beam of light is sent out from a light source, and split in two by passing thru a 45 degree, 50% silvered mirror, then returned along its own path and each of the 2 beams returned to an interferometer to determine if there was any phase shift in the light spectrum in order to detect whether the ether of space has any effect upon the speed of light. One of the beams travels West the other East, and are returned and recombined at the interferometer and any difference in the time taken, is measured.

    The light beam headed East travels in the direction of the earths spin while the one headed West travels against the direction of the earths spin to try and determine if the passage of the Earth, thru the ether of space, has any effect upon the speed of light!

    The answer they come to was NO - there's no difference in the speed of light traveling east or west... the light beams arrive back at the interferometer at the same time.


    Like our cats and dogs analogy let me simplify this to something you can understand.

    Two ski boats named "Photon Of Light A" & "Photon Of Light B" on a ski lake.

    Each boat is capable of the exact same speed.

    I send Boat A to the East & Boat B to the West starting at the exact same time, and traveling at 2.5 knots speed, & measure their elapsed time to a buoy placed equidistant distances (2.5 nautical miles) east and west, & both will arrive at the respective buoys at the same time in 1 hour!.

    There's no current in the each boat makes the same passage speed over ground, of 2.5 knots and passes the same distance and thus arrives at the same time.

    Lets now move this simple test to a river Named "Ether Of Space"... that's traveling with current downstream (West) at say...1.25knots!

    When we measure out the distance 2.5 nautical miles and place our Buoys at 2.5 nautical miles and then dispatch our 2 ski boats, "Photon of light A (upstream) to the east East (against the current) and "Photon of Light B" downstream with the current to the West - both starting at the same time, we will find that

    The 1.25knot downstream (West) current, of the River named "Ether of Space", - Boat "Photon Of Light A" traveling upstream East against the current - at 2.5 knots - will only make headway over ground at a rate of 1.25knots, and thus take an elapsed time of 2 hours to reach its buoy!


    Boat "Photon Of Light B" traveling downstream at 2.5 knots and with the assistance of the current will be making a combined speed over ground of 3.75 knots and thus arrive at its buoy 2.5nm distant West in only 2/3rds an hour (40 minutes)!.

    Clearly then, a current in the River called "Ether Of Space", affects the "speed over ground" of Boats "Photon of Light A" & "Photon of Light B" (traveling both East and West respectively at the same time!).

    So - why then did not Mitchellson - Morley detect any current in the ether of space?

    Their conclusion was (logically to them) that the ether of space cant have any effect upon the speed of light because their experiment didn't discern any difference in the speed of the 2 light beams at their interferometer!

    Here's where they went wrong!.

    Back to the river "Ether of Space".

    If I amend the experiment & send boat Photon Of Light A, 2.5 nautical miles upstream (against the current) AROUND its buoy and BACK to the start point, and THEN measure its elapsed will take 2 hours to get to the buoy and only 40 minutes to get back with the current for a total elapsed time of 2 hours 40 minutes. Similarly Boat "Photon Of Light B" if likewise travels first downstream (with the current) to it's buoy 2.5 nautical miles from the start it will take 40 minutes to arrive and then when it returns upstream against the current it will take a further 2 hours to return.... for a total elapsed time of (you guessed t 2 hours & 40 minutes!)

    I.e. Boats "Photon Of Light A" & "Photon of Light B" will both arrive back at the start point (called "interferometer") at the same time & the effect of the current in river called "Ether of Space" is negated / eliminated altogether from the experiment.


    Go back to the diagram of Mitchellson - Morleys linear light speed experiment upon which Einsteins special theory of relativity is based and you will see that the 2 beams of light A & B are Both returned along their path East and West back to the interferometer (start) by bouncing them back off fully 100% silvered mirrors - THUS ELIMINATING THE EFFECT OF ANY CURRENT IN THE ETHER OF SPACE UPON THE SPEED OF LIGHT FROM THE RESULTS!.

    They then pronounced the speed of light in the ether of space (a vacuum) as CONSTANT! (C) and pronounced its velocity as 3x10^8 meters per second (or 186,000 miles per second).

    If your experiment is designed to determine the effect of the ether of space (vacuum) on the speed of light but your experimental design eliminates any measurable effect by returning the beams of light along their own path - then any effect is eliminated also, and the assumption that the speed of light in a vacuum is constant COULD be totally erroneous.

    This is the later speed do of light experiment performed by Mitchellson - Sagnac - called the rotational analogue speed of light experiment and contains not unsurprisingly the same design flaw in that the beams of light are returned from 100% silvered mirrors along their own light path to the interferometer thus eliminating any measurable effect of the ether of space upon the sped of light.

    Albert Einstein based his non peer reviewed special theory of relativity paper and 21 equation set "proof" of E=MC^2 upon the erroneous results of Mitchellson - Morley's earlier linear light speed experiment declaring the speed of light to be a constant C.

    The TRUTH of the matter is that there is only 1 valid velocity for for the speed of light that satisfy's E=MC^2 mathematically, (and eliminates the absurdity/paradoxical outcome of the same photon of light traveling both East (+ve) and West (-ve) AT THE SAME TIME.

    That speed is "infinity".

    The speed of light is infinite (in the ether of space).

    Infinity squared is infinity!

    The swirling currents of the ether of space allow for just exactly this...

    Scientists measuring the speed of light from distant galaxies - found that it is phase shifted slightly toward the red spectrum and trying to explain the anomaly suggested that "maybe the photons got tired after such a long journey"!

    The truth is that an ether of space that behaves just as the currents in our planets oceans do - would be expected to have just that effect upon the speed of light!

    Whats the point of this long winded explanation?

    All of our science (including that used to measure and justify our current oil and nuclear energy generation) and the physics behind it is based on Albert Einsteins flawed E=MC^2 special relativity theory.

    When science finally rejects this 100 year old flawed physics theory, and gets on with establishing the energy in the missing matter of the universe & learns how to tap "the source charge" of the current of the ether of space as a MEG clearly does...all of this alternate energy research (solar tidal wind etc) will be out of date.

    There's sufficient "free energy" in the empty space ether within a simple tea cup, to boil all of the oceans of this world!

    Who needs wind solar tidal etc?

    For those struggling with the idea of "a solar wind" (or current) in the ether of space.... here's something to consider.

    The error of the M-M experiment is the test results are also valid for the case where there is an ether and it, too, is moving along with the same relative velocity and orbit as Earth maintains around the Sun (or has a current just like river named "Ether of Space" above).

    The tea cup analogy can be used to explain the error.

    If one stirs a cup of tea (preferably white) which has some small tea leaves floating on it’s surface, one notices some of these tea leaves orbiting the vortex in the center of the cup. The leaves closer to the center travel faster than those farther from the center (both in linear and angular velocity).

    Now, one must imagine himself greatly reduced in size and sitting upon one of these orbiting leaves. If one were to put his hands over the edge of his tea leaf on any side, would he feel any tea moving past?... No. The reason is that the motion of the tea is the force that has caused the velocity of the leaf.

    One could not detect any motion if both himself and the tea were traveling in the same direction and at the same velocity. However, if one had arms long enough to stick a hand in the tea closer to either the center or the rim of the cup where the velocities were different to his own, then he would feel tea moving faster or slower than himself (respectively).

    Also, if one were to spin his tea leaf at the same time as it orbits about the center, placing his hands into the tea immediately surrounding his leaf would show inertial resistance against the spin moment of his leaf.


    In the preceding analogy, the center of the spinning tea (or vortex center) represented the Sun, the leaf: the Earth; the tea: the ether; and the rider's hands: the light beams of the M-M test. In essence, what Michelson, Morley, Einstein, and many other scientists have said is that the M-M test showed the velocity of light was not Affected by the Earth's orbital motion.

    "Therefore" they have said, "we have one of two conclusions to draw" :

    1) The Earth is orbiting the Sun and there is no ether,


    2) The Earth is not orbiting the Sun and there is an ether but since the earth is not moving through the ether, the ether "wind" cannot be detected.

    Obviously, this 2nd conclusion is negated by Earth's observed helio-centric orbit.

    However, their reasoning should also have incorporated a third possibility:

    3) The Earth is orbiting the Sun and so is the ether; therefore, no ether wind could be detected in the orbital vector immediately in the vicinity of Earth.

    In other words, the test results cannot prove or disprove the existence of an ether... only whether or not the Earth is moving relative to such an ether!.


    In a biography written just before his death, Professor Einstein is quoted as admitting he had a fundamental error in Relativity. It was, he said, one which-when corrected-will explain how light – an obvious wave form - can be propagated across an apparently non-inertial space.
    However, before he died, Einstein did manage to partially correct his error. With the help of the well-known Dr. Erwin Schrödinger, Dr. Einstein was able to construct a 'total theory' for existence. It was called the "Unified Field Theory".

    Solar Tidal and Wind....

    All irrelevant in the new Physics of free energy from the ether of space.

    You can't extract anything from it until you understand it...

    You can extract electrical energy (tidal) from the currents of the ocean & soon (within our lifetimes) we will come to understand the ether of space better - and learn how to extract electrical energy from it.

    The MEG (or motionless electromagnetic generator) will be the device that achieves this.

    You read it here first!

    Last edited by Timless Timber; 26th July 2013 at 05:10 PM. Reason: Shpellin and grammation fixes

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 1999


    Moved here.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2013

    Default Faster than speed of light (For anyone interested).

    Faster than speed of light (or "Warp 9 if you please Mr Zulu) for anyone interested!.

    Faster Than the Speed of Light?

    Harold G. White, a NASA physicist, is working on the concept of warp drive, like on "Star Trek." Some of the original series' ideas fit into the new warp field theories, like the round shape of the engines in the rendering.

    HOUSTON — Beyond the security gate at the Johnson Space Center’s 1960s-era campus here, inside a two-story glass and concrete building with winding corridors, there is a floating laboratory.

    Harold G. White, a physicist and advanced propulsion engineer at NASA, beckoned toward a table full of equipment there on a recent afternoon: a laser, a camera, some small mirrors, a ring made of ceramic capacitors and a few other objects.
    He and other NASA engineers have been designing and redesigning these instruments, with the goal of using them to slightly warp the trajectory of a photon, changing the distance it travels in a certain area, and then observing the change with a device called an interferometer. So sensitive is their measuring equipment that it was picking up myriad earthly vibrations, including people walking nearby. So they recently moved into this lab, which floats atop a system of underground pneumatic piers, freeing it from seismic disturbances.
    The team is trying to determine whether faster-than-light travel — warp drive — might someday be possible.
    Warp drive. Like on “Star Trek.”
    etc - read it in full at the above link if your at all interested.

    This was written all the way back in about 1966

    Einstein used fluid space as a basis for Special Relativity. His failing was in declaring the velocity of light an observable limit to the velocity of any mass when it should only have been the limit to any observable electromagnetic wave velocity in the ether. The velocity of light is only a limit velocity in the fluid of space where it is being observed .
    If the energy-density of space is greater or less in another part of space, then the relativistic velocity of light will pass up and down through the reference light wave velocity limit - if such exists.
    Do not fall into the trap of assuming that this fluid space cannot have varying energy-density. Perhaps, the reader is this very moment saying, an incompressible fluid space does not allow concentrations of energy - but he is wrong - dead wrong!
    When a fixed-density fluid is set in harmonic motion about a point or centre, the number of masses
    passing a fixed reference point per unit time can be observed as increased mass (or concentrated
    energy). Although the density (mass per volume) is constant, the mass-velocity product yields the
    illusion of more mass per volume per time. Space is an incompressible fluid of varying energy this author's opinion.
    The apparent absurdity of infinitely-increasing-mass and infinitely-decreasing-length as a mass
    approaches the light-wave velocity is rationalized by realizing that space has inertia and as such offers inertial resistance to the moving mass. The energy of the moving mass is transmitted in front of it into the medium of space. The resulting curl of inertial resistance increases as negative momentum to the extent the mass is converted to radiant energy as it meets its own reflected mass in resistance. However, to the Star Trek fans, take heart... just as man broke the sound-velocity limit (sound barrier)

    he can also break the light-velocity limit (light barrier). By projecting a high-density, polarized field of resonating electrons to spoil or warp the pressure wave of the inertial curl, the hyperlight-craft can slip through the warp opening before it closes - emitting the characteristic shock wave. Such a spoiler would be formed by using the electro-dynamic, high-energy-density electron waves which would normally proceed before the hyper-light craft, as a primary function of propulsion. When a similar function is executed by hypersonic aircraft, a sonic boom is formed as the inertial curl collapses on itself. In space, the light- velocity equivalent to this sonic boom would be in the form of Cherenkov radiation which is emitted as a mass crosses the light-velocity threshold sending tangential light to the direction of travel!.

    And now we read about NASA trying to develop just this.... Hyperlight travel!

    No one said they were the sharpest tools in the shed!


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    MEG = Perpetual motion machine

    All there in Wikipedia...

    "The United States Patent and Trademark Office said that it would reexamine the patent and change the way it recruits examiners, and re-certify examiners in a regular basis, to prevent similar patents from being granted again"



  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2013

    Default Of Course

    Of course it did...

    What oil industry would there be if everyone had free energy from the ether of space!

    Must keep all the worlds population as slaves to the energy moguls in Texas and Saudi Arabia.... they must be kept in the manner to which they have grown accustomed.

    Wikipedia is my LAST choice source of info.... but others mileage may vary.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2011


    I can't believe how blind you can be! The evidence is right there!


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2013

    Default What part

    What part couldn't you understand?

    No need to be embarrassed about it - you might learn something!

    After all the NASA Physicist is having a go! - He must be an idiot too eh?

    Sarcasm?... you bet!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2000
    Drop Bear Capital of Gippsland (Lang Lang) Vic Australia


    Quote Originally Posted by wachenga View Post
    MEG = Perpetual motion machine

    All there in Wikipedia...

    "The United States Patent and Trademark Office said that it would reexamine the patent and change the way it recruits examiners, and re-certify examiners in a regular basis, to prevent similar patents from being granted again"


    I have an Atmos clock.
    Stupidity kills. Absolute stupidity kills absolutely.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2013

    Default The very

    The very definition of perpetual motion.

    And they said it couldn't be done!

    Where would we be without the people in this world who like to think laterally - right outside of the box!.

    It reminds me of the famed Russian scientist Leonid Lebedev & his infamous "dark sucker theorem".

    Leonid postulated that "what we observe as light" is merely the absence of darkness.

    Further he went on to postulate that light globes far from emitting light - were in fact "dark suckers"!

    By turning on a switch to get a bulb to glow - we were in fact activating a dark sucker that sucked up all the dark and left us with the impression of absence of dark which we interpret as light.

    his proof was that when light globes are full of dark - and can't absorb any more dark - they stop working (blow out).

    He further claims in support of his theorem - that - its the disposal of all of these full dark suckers in landfills, when the glass is broken and the dark gets out it is the cause of global warming!

    He suggests that much of the missing dark mass in the universe is trapped within expired light bulbs (dark suckers) that haven't yet been broken but are buried in tact!.

    Who here can disprove this theory?

    An experimental design to test it?

    Just wanted to show a little "outside the box thinking" to stimulate the mental processes.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2011


    I like the way this man thinks and wish to subscribe to his newsletter!

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2013

    Default You can

    You can buy his book on Amazon.... but its not cheap.

    Introduction to Mathematical Elasticity: Leonid P. Lebedev, Michael J. Cloud: 9789814273725: Books

    Introduction to Mathematical Elasticity [Hardcover]

    He's a pretty fart smeller.... ahh smart fella!


  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jul 2013

    Default Time

    I think one of the big problems for physicists (and mathematicians - since I've just referenced Leonid Lebedevs elastic approach to mathematics) is an adequate understanding of what "time" is really is.

    Remember Einstein was using a velocity worked out by Mitchellson - Morley for the speed of light, which involved measuring the velocity of light rays (waves / photons) over a period of time.

    If we don't really know what TIME is (or arrogantly believe that we do, when really we don't) then it gets very messy working out anything else including relativity...

    Most people think Clocks measure "Time" - when this is demonstrably wrong (in energy / force terms), Clocks only measure gravity, while calendars measure time.

    I think we are likely in agreement that Time is the 4th dimension required to explain our reality state!

    To first order, time seems to have the same energy density as mass does.
    So time is actually highly compressed energy.
    It turns out that all 3-space energy comes from the time domain anyway, being time converted into 3-space energy. And it also returns from 3-space back to the time domain, in an ongoing "circulation" in 4-space.
    Time, as such, in a continuum of such magnitude is equally relative!
    'Time' Is NOT an absolute dimension in reality.
    The ONLY absolute is energy.
    Time is a ratio of changes in energy density.
    Time on an atom passes much faster than time at the earth level does.Why is it that in the "time zone" of the nucleus of an atom, "time" seems to "slow down" so that the "measured velocity" of the electron appears to be only 1/137th the speed of light? But the electron's behavior seems to be that it is everywhere around the atom at the same time (electron shell), or has a "virtual velocity" of infinity?.

    The physical constant alpha turns out to be equal to 1/137. (And as I've already shown the ONLY possible mathematical correct speed for Light in E = MC^2, has to be infinity unless we ignore the negative root solution - which is a mathematical no no!).

    I did deliberate on this at some length, and something else strange occurred to me.

    Way back at the beginning of the Bible in Genesis we are told that our creator, God - is both the Alpha and the Omega (The Beginning and the End)
    Also recall - As you know from the above;

    the value of Alpha is 1/137


    The value of Omega is infinity!

    Do we not have in this statement the make up of our reality state in the fundamental building block relationship of mass and the actual speed of light (infinity)?

    It is as if the free energy of the electron has been gravitationally red-shifted by a nucleon-sized black hole!.

    This changes all observed measurements of time and distance. The amount of time dilation or gravitational red-shifting of the electron in its ground state compared to the masses of the electron and proton are defined by the universally measured constant called "alpha."

    Alpha = e^2/hc

    The relationship between the "virtual" and "actual" velocity, meaning distance to time, of the electron is "c."

    The relationship of mass/energy to time, meaning gravity, is hidden within Planck's Constant "h."

    The relationship of electrical charge "e" to time and gravity is found in the "alpha" definition.

    Attempting to produce a complete system of universal science based only on the triumvirate of "measured constants" e, c, and h, has proven to be insufficient and incomplete.

    It turns out that a minimum of four constants are needed to define all the properties of time and space.

    If Einstein had only used his own "alpha" as the basis for solving the M-M Experiment, instead of the Lorentz Transform in his Relativity paper, he would have found that all the forces of nature; the nuclear, electric, magnetic, and gravitational forces, were all simply variations of the same force!.

    I propose that Time is a combined Angular Torque Momentum & Gravity Spin Moment Kinetic Energy!.

    To my mind the fundamental manifestation of time is change.

    I am of the understanding that "time" is an angular torque momentum spin moment of kinetic energy, occasioned by both the earths spin moment about its own axis, combined with its observed heliocentric orbit of the sun while the sun itself orbits the center of the milky way galaxy once every approximately 26,000 years.

    As such the potential angular torque momentum spin moment kinetic energy of the time domain is calculable, with all the variables known;-

    A ) Mass of the earth
    B ) Velocity of the earth thru space in its annual orbit of the sun
    C ) Spin rate of the earth about it's own axis
    D ) velocity of the sun thru space in its great year orbit of the Milky way universe

    In effect we need to calculate the earths angular momentum in a corkscrew spiral thru space taking a year each time to orbit the sun once as we progress along thru the Milky way for ~26,000 years or a great year.

    In just this same manner imagine the earths orbit about the sun as if it were a common spiral wound wire spring.

    Now imagine that it is say 10 times longer.

    Then imagine that it is looped around to form a circle like a snake swallowing its own tail.

    Now stretch the coils open to make them not touching each other.

    Now place a jewelery bead drilled thru its center onto the stretched coil spring!

    Now spin that jewelery bead about its own axis just as the earth spins about its own axis.

    Now slide the still spinning bead along the stretched out circular looped coil, taking;-

    1. One revolution about it's own axis every 24 hours,


    2. One full orbit about the center line of the coil which would represent the suns orbit about the milky way universe, every 356 & 1/4 days.

    3. Currently one precession cycle is estimated to be about 25,765 years so the circular length of the looped coil spring on which the bead both spins and slides at the same time is, (365.25 days x 25,765 years) long or 9,410,666.25 earth spins about its own axis (days) before it repeats the cycle. (813,081,564,000 seconds)
    4. Earths Mass = 5.9722 × 1024 kg's

    5. Earths Velocity = 29.8 km/sec.

    Source Wikipedia

    5.37×1041 J the theoretical total mass-energy of the Earth

    I believe the earths total potential energy is closer to ~ 6.6045034566790398902710823240361 x 10^28 joules per second.

    The kinetic value ignores the spin moment inertial value, while the total potential energy includes it.

    If however we were to harvest (convert) the Kinetic energy into another form then theoretically it is perhaps possible to de - orbit the earth out of its geostationary orbital distance from the sun, and have it spiral into the sun!

    While harvesting (converting from one form of energy to another) some of it's spin moment (gravitational force) which we already currently already do if you consider for example the use of hydro power generation (gravity) - the only effect should be the lengthening of the duration of a day as the earths spin rate about its own axis decelerates in response.


    It all comes back to what do we consider time to be?

    To me at least, at this point in "time" I am of the opinion that clocks measure the rate of spin of the earth about its own axis (broken down into hours minutes seconds etc) and that THIS is in effect a measure of the force of gravity NOT TIME.

    So for me at least clocks do not measure time - they measure the force of gravity or the rate of spin of the earth about its own axis,


    Time to me at least is measured by calendars - which keep track of the earths position in space in our annual orbit of the sun as we traverse the orbital path of the sun over the course of one great year!

    So time is an angular torque momentum spin moment kinetic energy force!.

    Least that's what I reckon at this point in time!.

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