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Thread: Greenwood stool

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Default Greenwood stool

    I have been exploring greenwood and I was lucky enough to score a small stump of claret ash. The stump was not the best it was just below the crotch. I made the legs from stump giving me the curved legs. I had to unfortunately use some branch material for the stretchers. I was however able to make the stretchers without to many problems. Yet.

    It was a good exercise in getting my feet wet in greenwood. I split the log with wedges and then used a froe to break down the stock. Then used a drawknife and spokeshaves to form the legs and rails. The only power tool used was an electric drill.

    I wove the set from jute twine, because it was cheap and easy to get. It took me hours to weave the seat since the twine was a mere 1.5 mm thick however it was good practice. Next time I will order some shaker tape, but I would love to try hickory bark in the future.

    My next project is to make a post and rung chair in the fashion of Jennie (John) Alexander Make a Chair From a Tree. I am however having trouble securing a green oak log. I am trying to secure it via the Premier Timber Sawmill out in Millgrove.

    Anyway here is the stool.
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2009


    That's a great looking stool . I'm looking forward to seeing how you go about the post and rung chair.

    I got a friend and wedges a little while back but have been too busy to put them to use. I have a pile of semi dry logs, most of which are unsplittable gums but I have a red ash (Alphitonia excelsa) that looks promising, that I might have a crack at after Christmas. It should give me enough bits to try a little stool like yours.


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    ...I'll just make the other bits smaller.

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