I'm a newbie so "Hi" everyone. I'm currently renovating an old weatherboard house, and have completely gutted the inside. I have lifted the boards in order to fix some gaps where a chimney was removed and where a wall used to be (the boards will be staggered across these joins when the flooring is replaced). The boards are Baltic Pine, tongue-and-groove and don't appear to have been sanded previously (or sealed in some areas as they had lino / carpet on top).

My question is: At what point do you sand and seal the floorboards during a complete renovation?

Since the plasterboard will cover the ends / edges of the floorboards by around 10mm, I won't be able to get the sander all of the way to the edge. The skirting will obviously cover these bits, but what about around the toilet or shower? Should a preliminary sanding therefore be done where objects will exist (around skirting, bathroom objects, kitchen items) or should the floors be done before plastering and painting?


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