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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2004

    Default Plane challenge 2020 - 2021. Bushmiller

    When I saw this my thoughts went back to Doug's comment in another thread. "Just what I need, another project."

    However, I see all these people putting their hands up and i don't want to be left out: Plus I have had it in my mind for some while to make a plane. Soooo.

    My hand is up and I'm in.

    Yesterday I thought I had better see what I have in the way of materials to cobble something up. One problem is that I have a couple of ideas and can't choose between them so despite the time issue I will probably have a go at both. At least one of them won't come last .

    I can also see that I will have to use the evenings for much of the work as that will be the only time available. Don't go buying any shares in Netflix as I might have to give them the flick (oh, that was terrible!) and they are depending heavily on me for their bottom line.

    So I found some bits of wood waiting to be dressed, because I thought they might come in useful. Top bit is from an old power pole ( if your electricity has just gone out I wish to assure you it is nothing to do with me):

    P1060405 (Medium).JPG

    Planned up there is some Gidgee ( very similar to Pagie's Gidge), some Spotted Gum, the power pole Spotty was not sound enough although the texture was amazing, some Tallowwood (it picked up a bit when planned so that might get discarded although it gave greater "blond" contrast with the dark timber) and a timber I bought from the Brissy show several years ago that is sold as some from of Ebony, but I don't think it really is. Probably an island substitute.
    P1060407 (Medium).JPG

    and some lumps of metal some of them sharpened at one end:

    P1060409 (Medium).JPG

    There is one of my ubiquitous leaf springs ( quite a wide one, that will have to be cut down if used) and three blades that I think were purchased in a Forum group buy so many years ago have forgotten the details. There is one Spiers style and I am thinking that I might attempt a bevel up plane. I have never owned or even used such a beast so that could be a possibility and a new experience for me. I ran the new experience scenario past SWMBO but she didn't seem enthralled by the prospect and may have got completely the wrong idea because of the way I approached it. I may have to rethink my technique.

    One problem I foresee is that while I have timber large enough for the body or an infill, there is nothing there that would produce a handle and I want a handle that is reminiscent of a saw handle. That is nothing to do with my "interest" in hand saws, but because I have experienced the other type breaking. If I go to the effort of making a plane I do not want the handle to break!

    Anyhow that is where I am up to, sharing sleepless nights with Mountain Ash, but not in close proximity ( ). Everything is in my mind's eye for the moment.

    Lots of excitement. Really hoping others will rise to this challenge because in these dire times it is such things that keep us on an even keel.

    Just one more aspect I should mention is that unlike my more talented Forum colleagues I will not be building a dovetailed infill plane. It is not that I don't like them. I do. I absolutely love them, but at this moment I would not be able to devote the time and on top of that I am aiming to make a plane for little cost from materials I have laying around. That is my goal, but I may fall down on that. The object is to try.


    "Power tends to corrupt. Absolute power corrupts, absolutely!"

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Bushmiller View Post
    When I saw this my thoughts went back to Doug's comment in another thread. "Just what I need, another project."

    However, I see all these people putting their hands up and i don't want to be left out: Plus I have had it in my mind for some while to make a plane. Soooo.

    My hand is up and I'm in.

    Yesterday I thought I had better see what I have in the way of materials to cobble something up. One problem is that I have a couple of ideas and can't choose between them so despite the time issue I will probably have a go at both. At least one of them won't come last .

    I can also see that I will have to use the evenings for much of the work as that will be the only time available. Don't go buying any shares in Netflix as I might have to give them the flick (oh, that was terrible!) and they are depending heavily on me for their bottom line.

    So I found some bits of wood waiting to be dressed, because I thought they might come in useful. Top bit is from an old power pole ( if your electricity has just gone out I wish to assure you it is nothing to do with me):

    P1060405 (Medium).JPG

    Planned up there is some Gidgee ( very similar to Pagie's Gidge), some Spotted Gum, the power pole Spotty was not sound enough although the texture was amazing, some Tallowwood (it picked up a bit when planned so that might get discarded although it gave greater "blond" contrast with the dark timber) and a timber I bought from the Brissy show several years ago that is sold as some from of Ebony, but I don't think it really is. Probably an island substitute.
    P1060407 (Medium).JPG

    and some lumps of metal some of them sharpened at one end:

    P1060409 (Medium).JPG

    There is one of my ubiquitous leaf springs ( quite a wide one, that will have to be cut down if used) and three blades that I think were purchased in a Forum group buy so many years ago have forgotten the details. There is one Spiers style and I am thinking that I might attempt a bevel up plane. I have never owned or even used such a beast so that could be a possibility and a new experience for me. I ran the new experience scenario past SWMBO but she didn't seem enthralled by the prospect and may have got completely the wrong idea because of the way I approached it. I may have to rethink my technique.

    One problem I foresee is that while I have timber large enough for the body or an infill, there is nothing there that would produce a handle and I want a handle that is reminiscent of a saw handle. That is nothing to do with my "interest" in hand saws, but because I have experienced the other type breaking. If I go to the effort of making a plane I do not want the handle to break!

    Anyhow that is where I am up to, sharing sleepless nights with Mountain Ash, but not in close proximity ( ). Everything is in my mind's eye for the moment.

    Lots of excitement. Really hoping others will rise to this challenge because in these dire times it is such things that keep us on an even keel.

    Just one more aspect I should mention is that unlike my more talented Forum colleagues I will not be building a dovetailed infill plane. It is not that I don't like them. I do. I absolutely love them, but at this moment I would not be able to devote the time and on top of that I am aiming to make a plane for little cost from materials I have laying around. That is my goal, but I may fall down on that. The object is to try.

    I’m looking forward to many random progress pics,
    Surly you of all people,could just grab a spare saw handle,and with a little cut an tuck here or there,
    We would never be the wiser.
    Also please don’t feel the need to clean up for pics,
    We prefer the natural look for your shots!.

    Cheers Matt.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2004



    I have plenty of timber, just not enough or big enough in the same type.

    Now the clutter on the bench does raise another issue. I nearly posted this in another thread of yours "What's on the bench?" In my case ever such a lot and that will have to be cleared a little. As it was I went into panic mode when I couldn't find my camera. It was around the back of the bench!

    Thank you for being unconcerned with the clutter. I hope the judges are as forgiving. In my defense, I don't recall seeing anything in the rules where the bench had to be clear.

    It was also a bit dark. I had to turn on extra lights. There again both the work and myself for that matter do better in a dim light.


    "Power tends to corrupt. Absolute power corrupts, absolutely!"

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2016


    Hi Paul,

    If you're short of saw handle material, I can send you a piece of curly Marri that should fit the bill. PM me if you're interested.


    Sent from my Nokia 4.2 using Tapatalk

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2004


    Quote Originally Posted by Fergiz01 View Post
    Hi Paul,

    If you're short of saw handle material, I can send you a piece of curly Marri that should fit the bill. PM me if you're interested.

    Thanks Zac.

    That is extremely generous of you.

    I am really looking for sections in the same timbers I already have. In fact I do have some Gidgee that has not been sawn up and there may be something in that. I guess I glibly said I don't have anything referring to the timber that is already sawn up. I also have some Allocasuarina Oaks that may yield something, but obtaining defect free pieces is a battle there.

    So for the moment I will continue rummaging through my own stocks, but your offer is very much appreciated and it looks to be an interesting piece. Marri is a timber I have had no experience with at all.


    "Power tends to corrupt. Absolute power corrupts, absolutely!"

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2016


    Hi Paul,

    I was fairly sure that I had misunderstood, but offered just in case. Marri is a pretty punky sort of wood, however the gum free curly stuff is remarkably well behaved and the board that this piece is from is quarter sawn.


    Sent from my Nokia 4.2 using Tapatalk

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2004


    I just had a thought.

    It seems that those of you who are in "lockdown" may have a little bit too much time on their hands. Can people not in "lockdown" get an extension, as in a stay of execution. I suppose, just to put that into perspective, I was thinking along the lines of "unlimited."

    Just a thought.


    "Power tends to corrupt. Absolute power corrupts, absolutely!"

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Bushmiller View Post
    I just had a thought.

    It seems that those of you who are in "lockdown" may have a little bit too much time on their hands. Can people not in "lockdown" get an extension, as in a stay of execution. I suppose, just to put that into perspective, I was thinking along the lines of "unlimited."

    Just a thought.


    4 days into a six month build , and you would like a time extension.
    Seems fair, Sally suggested we only run it for 4 months,I had too personally push hard to get 6 months I was batting for 8 months.

    Cheers Matt

  9. #9
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    Nov 2004


    Quote Originally Posted by Simplicity View Post
    4 days into a six month build , and you would like a time extension.

    I feel I should start off in the way I mean to continue. Fightin', kickin' and generally bitchin' from the outset.

    Now where did I put that marking knife?


    "Power tends to corrupt. Absolute power corrupts, absolutely!"

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Mt Waverley Vic 3149


    Quote Originally Posted by Bushmiller View Post
    I just had a thought.

    It seems that those of you who are in "lockdown" may have a little bit too much time on their hands. Can people not in "lockdown" get an extension, as in a stay of execution. I suppose, just to put that into perspective, I was thinking along the lines of "unlimited."

    Just a thought.

    I have just made an executive decision. Not sure that I have been appointed as such - but I did it anyhow.

    Executive decision - No extensions will be granted unless approved by ALL members of this forum , their wives, partners and parents.
    There is now according to Doug's calculation 197 days to go.


  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Not far enough away from Melbourne


    Quote Originally Posted by Bushmiller View Post
    I just had a thought.

    It seems that those of you who are in "lockdown" may have a little bit too much time on their hands. Can people not in "lockdown" get an extension, as in a stay of execution. I suppose, just to put that into perspective, I was thinking along the lines of "unlimited."
    Paul, I have just been looking at my email notifications of new posts on the Forum since I logged out last night.

    I just happened to notice that in the Plane Challenge threads you have made more posts in the last 12 hours than the rest of us put together.

    I think uyour issue may be one of prioritisation and time management rather than a shortage of time.

    Maybe more shed time and less computer time and you might not fall behind.

    I bet you are glad we worked that out for you early in the challenge.
    I got sick of sitting around doing nothing - so I took up meditation.

  12. #12
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    Nov 2004


    Quote Originally Posted by doug3030 View Post
    Paul, I have just been looking at my email notifications of new posts on the Forum since I logged out last night.

    I just happened to notice that in the Plane Challenge threads you have made more posts in the last 12 hours than the rest of us put together.

    I think uyour issue may be one of prioritisation and time management rather than a shortage of time.

    Maybe more shed time and less computer time and you might not fall behind.

    I bet you are glad we worked that out for you early in the challenge.

    Thank you ever so much for pointing that out. It had occured to me that a rival planemaker might feel obliged to mention this.

    I can't help but get the feeling, on the prioritising aspect, you may have been talking to SWMBO (mine, not yours) as it does seem to be a mantra I have heard before (all too often).

    In my defence, I have been at work (twelve hour shifts) but have been able to slip in a crafty post during quiet moments (currently morning tea so the power coud go off at any moment ) or I get on the computer around 0600hrs while having breakfast before heading to work. This is during the day shifts. Then I go to nights when, barring castastrophies, it should be quieter again (but by no means guaranteed)

    Last night when I got home I actually had a rumage through the hardware supplies for some bolts suitable for lever caps and pivot points. Some progress in other words, albeit virtually immeasurable.

    I am considering playing U Tube videos of plane making during my sleep hoping that there will be a subliminal benefit: My concern is that SWMBO may also consequently feel a need to enter the contest.

    I have been able to schedule in the Prattle (Friday lunch prattle) for tomorrow. I hope that will not also go against me.


    "Power tends to corrupt. Absolute power corrupts, absolutely!"

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2004


    Quote Originally Posted by Oldgreybeard View Post
    I have just made an executive decision. Not sure that I have been appointed as such - but I did it anyhow.

    Executive decision - No extensions will be granted unless approved by ALL members of this forum , their wives, partners and parents.
    There is now according to Doug's calculation 197 days to go.


    Thank you for clarifying that. It seems unequivocal, particularly bearing in mind the age of many participants and the fact their parents may no longer be with us.


    "Power tends to corrupt. Absolute power corrupts, absolutely!"

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2016


    To save me 50,000 hours of random wanderings on the internet, is there, or will there be, a list of Useful Suppliers for the potential materials we could use?

    Ideas for brass, stainless, blades, bolts, screws, etc?

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by woodPixel View Post
    To save me 50,000 hours of random wanderings on the internet, is there, or will there be, a list of Useful Suppliers for the potential materials we could use?

    Ideas for brass, stainless, blades, bolts, screws, etc?

    Out of the goodness of my heart,and in the spirit of sharing and caring, ie not “bitching an moaning like some other poor souls”.
    I put one together later tonight,even tho I could use the time to push forward on my own plane.

    Cheers Matt.

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