okay, spent four days stripping the sealer off 30 sqm of slate and am almost ready to lay them.

My slab is quite rough, definitely no helicopter used, and the trowelling is very rough. Looks like just a scrape with a wooden float or two...dimpley like golf balls all over.

Anyhow the floors are painted with cement paint.

Reckon i can get away with beltsanding the tops off all the little dimples instead of stripping the paint with awful solvents?

Or do you reckon lay tiles straight over the cement?
Im using rubber modified tile glue... if its anything like stud adhesive i reckon itll stick to almost anything

The real issue is, after spending four days stripping second hand slate.... the last thing i want to do is to have to lift the tiles after laying them because my floor prep was inadequate and they come loose.
Then i would have to clean up the floors and the slate once again... endless...

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