Hey all!

I have an oddly sized ensuite attached to one of my bedrooms. It measures 1240 wide by 2600 long. There is a bifold door in one of the 1240 walls and a window in the 1240 wall opposite.

The room is on the lower level of the house, so is on a concrete slab. Walls are besser block, with the exception of the exterior wall (the one with the window in it) which is brick veneer.

At present there is a shower recess up against the window.

I'm wanting to put in a Japanese style tub - ie one that will be the full width of the room and about 900mm wide (IE: 1240 x 900 exterior dimentsions). It seems the logical choice for a space this small, making up in depth (550mm or so) what it doesn't have in width/length.

At the moment I'm toying with either:

1. Casting a concrete tub in situ, waterproofing thoroughly and tiling. You can see the sort of idea I'm going for here: http://www.onlinetips.org/concrete-bathtubs . This would involve making a monolithic pour of all four walls (supported by existing walls on three sides) and base. I would then need to waterproof with a liquid membrane and tile.


2. Doing more or less the same as the above, but essentially just casting a concrete wall across the width of the room (with reo anchored into the walls and floor) and then lining it with fibreglass. The attraction here would be that the concrete wall would be providing lateral support only and that the fibreglass tub would be a completely self-sealed unit.

Taps and so on are above the height of the bath. There is an existing waste in the floor I'd extend up to the level of the new bottom of the tub.

I'm wondering what y'all think. I've never done anything like either of the two above jobs before and am wondering if I'm missing something obvious and this is a silly idea. Any ideas are most appreciated.

Thanks heaps!


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