To all the friends and lurkers may I wish you all a Happy New Year.

While I don't frequent as often as I used to I do drop in and waffle every now and again. It has been an interesting year and I have been absorbed by other projects but it always seems to involve machining up something or other on the CNC.

I only held one CNC BBQ this year which as always was great to meet up with old and new faces and have the opportunity for a good old chin wag. I really don't need to do much as like minded people soon find common ground and chat all day long. As well as the get together I have visited and had a number of forumites visit me through the year. Some how or other time flies and an hours visit turns into many hours. I have enjoyed the chin wags with all.

I have slowed down on machine building not even completed one machine this year. As I mentioned I have been doing other projects which I am finding satisfies the itch.

Support from Chris and Peter has been great as usual and thanks to both of you for your advise and products. When I started out there were no Homann Designs or Ausxmods so the only way to get motors and drivers was from China or USA and it was hit and miss getting matching components. Both stores have taken the guesswork out as they have matching kits and expertise to discuss your requirements.

All the best