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Thread: Little Johnny
15th February 2004, 01:01 AM #1
Little Johnny
All the kids were sitting in the classroom when the teacher said "If there were fifteen crows sitting on farmer Brown's fence, and he shot one, how many would there be left"?
Straight away little Mary shot her arm up and replied, "Fourteen, there would be fourteen crows left". "Very good, Mary", the teacher smiled, "That's right"
Then Johnny piped up and pointed out that if farmer Brown shot one crow the others would of been frightened by the gun shot, so realisticaly, there would be no crows left on the fence.
The teacher smiled at Johnny and said "No, actually the answer is still fourteen, as we are only doing an exercise in simple maths. But, I do like the way your thinking Johnny, I do like the way your thinking"
A few minutes passed by and Johnny said "Hey, miss, I've got a question for you. If there were three woman sitting in an icecream palour eating icecream, and one woman was licking her icecream, the second woman was sucking her icecream and the third woman was biting her icecream. Which one of the three woman is married?
The teacher thought about it for a bit and then replied nervously, "I guess it's the one sucking her icecream".
Johnny said "No, miss, It's the one wearing the wedding ring. But, I do like the way your thinking".