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27th September 2006, 05:10 PM #1
Organizing your woodwork tips and info
You are buying a new router. There is a test report somewhere but you just cannot recall it.
You want to get some ideas for your new Dining table. There is WIP thread somewhere on the forum?
Here is a simple way to organise your WW info. It is a simple Excel spreadsheet.
Open the file and click on Enable macros.
Use the filters (column A to D) to fine tune your records.
When entering a new row, right click on the cell and choose “Pick From List….” for quick data entry.
Enter 3+ characters in B1 and B2 to search specific records
I hope you find it useful and please let me know what you think.Visit my website at www.myFineWoodWork.com
27th September 2006, 07:16 PM #2
27th September 2006, 08:01 PM #3
Thanks Wongo, I'm not really up on this stuff but I'll try and give it a go, if I do get it right it will be great as my way is very crude and sometimes spend a lot of time looking for things.
A greeny for you!savage(Eric)
Never, under any circumstances, take a sleeping pill and a laxative on the same night.
27th September 2006, 08:26 PM #4
And I thought I had way too much time on my hands!
Wish I could organise my entire IT file collection - all 1TB or so of it."Clear, Ease Springs"
www.Stu's Shed.com
27th September 2006, 09:09 PM #5
This is a good thought but it has been posted marginally prematurely.:eek:
Surely you saw the Australian Woodsmith Index that accompanied Issue 42. It has two parts, the Project Index and the General Index.
Ideally, this can be reposted when both Indexes have been added, or at a pinch, only one part.
What a great prospect for a computer afficiando who loves woodwork.CJ
Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly Anon
Be the change you wish to see in the world Ghandi
27th September 2006, 09:11 PM #6
EXCEL-ent. . .
Hi Wongo
I'll use it
You got another fan.
27th September 2006, 09:41 PM #7
mmm. good set up wongo.
thanx for sharingS T I R L O
5th October 2006, 11:11 PM #8
It is probably a bit hard to see the benefit without too many records. Here is what I've got so far.
Visit my website at www.myFineWoodWork.com
6th October 2006, 04:40 AM #9
Even better is to use Frontpage. You can download whole webpages and save them with their pictures and organise an index like you see on most webpages with links to your information or to subheadings.
It is beautiful in action.Graeme
23rd May 2007, 09:58 PM #10
If anyone is looking for something to make saving online info easier and more convenient than this even, check out MetaProducts Inquiry. It doesn't need any technical knowledge or Frontpage, allows you to organize info into folders/sub-folders, provides thumbnails of saved pages and importantly allows you to search across all your saved pages.
It's US$30, but there's a free 30-day trial version. I use a few of their apps - all very good and easy to claim as a tax deductioni.e.used for work 'research.'
However, the beauty of Wongo's spreadsheet is it provides simple database functionality for non-online info (particularly search. Thanks muchly for that Wongo!
But any chance you can help me to get it working (search) in Excel 2000? Worked on my PC using latest Office version, but had to restore back to an old version and doesn't work (and the VBA is password protected).
24th May 2007, 01:12 AM #11
Just got a PM from Wongo...
Having a look at the VBA code it seems Excel 2000 has a problem a change in syntax for setting the sort order i.e. "DataOption1:=xlSortNormal"
I took the easy option and removed it, works fine... that'll do me for now
Thanks again Scott,
25th May 2007, 08:36 AM #12
I use Google Desktop - indexes files, Outlook emails, web search history etc.
Cheers, Ern
25th May 2007, 10:16 AM #13
I started my entertainment unit project a few weeks ago. I remember there was a project in one of the magazines. So typed in “entertainment” and bingo.
It is in AWR #49 page 60.
Visit my website at www.myFineWoodWork.com
25th May 2007, 10:38 AM #14
Is this a slip of the fingers
Aust Woodsmooth
Gumby's been at your computer gain!
Work is a necessary evil to be avoided. Mark Twain
25th May 2007, 12:45 PM #15
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