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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    Default Workplace harrasment. It goes on.

    Ok. Been a while since I've winged.

    Ok. So now you can get into me. Castigate me.

    I do it to myself. Staying there I mean!

    Lets see why I'm still there.

    I've NEARLY paid off a credit card and my great holden ute. Rodeo.
    3 mnths to go. Woo hoo.

    A goal you'd think,..... so I stay there.

    I'm 43 yrs old.
    Am I too old for a change? I don't want official papers and recognition for a trade. Stupid human institutions I say!

    AND! I love to make things in wood/timber. I love the challenge of seeing a plan and making something up that will fit in to an area of the job I'm on. Very satisfying as you would all understand.
    Gawwwd! When I was interviewed for this job I was asked " Am I a stayer?" I asked " Is there anyone who has an attitude or a chip on there shoulder"? Cause I've experienced this before. So what does that tell you about me?
    Nice CEO ,....then...said " Yeah ". " There are two"
    And that's all he said on the matter.

    Is this,.... revealing myself?

    Well I've been there for 3 yrs now! I'm keen everyday cause I love each and every individual kit we make and the little challenges they throw up.

    This is how I'm treated. It go's on.

    Today the part owner deliberately blew his nose in my dir. Yerrrk! I laugh or do you laugh? Nah. I don't want to. Unprovoked
    He's our main cab maker.
    He HAS....spat on me. Poured thinners on me. I chased him one day.....FED up with the attention...and sprayed glue all over his hair and overalls. Gawwwd. Was I brave.! I ended up appologising to him. Yep! I'm sick to think of it.
    Ask yourself.? Why did I do it in the first place?

    I tell him OFTEN that he's very imature. I tell him he's an idiot. I tell him I can say what ever I like and only have to do the tasks that he instructs me for. I do when I'm threatend! Will always do!
    So Castigate me!

    I need to make an angled kick rail for a kitchen in Malvern. BUT! I 've never been given methods buy the main panel saw person, who is a whiz and treats me like a leper, as to how to work out certain angled kick rails. He sais ..." Go work them out and I'll be off the saw soon so you can cut them out". BUT. He know's I'll spend 4o mins staring at this plan and bearly come up with three outa 9 measurments for these kickers.
    And the job is meant to ready for pickup tommorrow at 12pm.
    I had a go. My measurments were all wrong bar 3. I had a go.

    Recently our part owner and main cab maker stated to me that I'm just a labourer.
    I complained to him that I would like some quality time in training so as to make notes and refer to them instead of coming up to staff to ask them the occ Q. He said " If I wanted to train someone I would have put on an apprentice"! " Your just a labourer here" Yes! I am. I'm deliberately kept at a lower level and the others, even our 19 yrld apprentice gets far more decent conversations from main cab maker than I. Everybody here does. OH NO. Not me. He's and fwit to me everytime." Know what your place is labourer "he sais.

    They stay on longer after bell has rung during breaks. OH NO....not me. I'm berrated for it. So I don't. If I make a mistake and a benchtop comes back or handle are wrongly fitted , I'm in for it! But the others are calmly instructed as to how and what to do to get the cab or top right and then send it back out.

    If your staff make a mistake, do you look for all avenues to fault them? Do you verbally go at them thinking of all you can to fault them? Berrate them non stop? Or do you just get on with rectifying the sit? Do you tell staff " If you hadn't have....or ..." you've been told before not cut this or"......
    What do you acheive by being nasty to your staff? Isn't it in your best profit interest to help them and be nice to them? Encourage? Oh,..... I get it. I'm just a weakling. Yep. I get it now. I'm not a tough guy with a big appendage. And a hotted up car to advertise this fact.

    I have a car! Cars are great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yep! They are too.!

    Ceo,.... just taken over from a nice CEO, is very sarcastic to me and I DO tell him I don't like the way he speaks to me and I simply don't like him.
    They hang on to me cause,..... he sais, " It's too hard to find another and train them". Balls in my court I think.

    He also got wind of my threat to sue them via our delivery driver..I'm sure.
    He actually came to me and said..." Sue me Tony....sue me!"
    a yr and half ago!
    I said one day recently " I feel like slashing my wrists sometimes cause you are rude to me and treat me like shrit".
    "Tony....Don't do it here on the property! It'll be a mess here"! Do it outside".

    Main panelsaw person will deliberatley exclude me in giving info that he has by going way, way around any Q I have about a certain task.

    If occaisionally I've made an error, he wiil speak of it loudly so all will know. I bailed him up tonight cause he did it again. I told him, firmly, not to adveritse any errors I may have made and that he ought to be a good boy. He's immature , well and truelly.
    Whatever I don't like....he condones. And vice versa. How deliberate and malicious is that?

    It's BLOODY humiliating

    The Apprentice recently uncoupled my only air hose and took it to the other side of our fact. I spotted him and said.." You know there's a spare hose right there and I may need mine in the next hr"? He looked and went red and then still took mine walking off. Next morning I need mine which was left where he was working near drill press and called me stupid for " trying to take it back.
    So I'm weak huh?

    He is impressionable as are many teens. He has been taught how to treat me buy the actions of others and I suffer cause of it.
    All people who visit us to say hello to the main cab maker are introduced to me and quickly learn that I'm a f wit. And THEN , after,...... I get to open my mouth. Too late

    I cannot complain to CEO. He will not have it!

    There is on dignity in their lives.
    Remember I do like a little bit of fun...please! Happy to engage in it. But not be the ONLY target of there indignity.

    I stand at the barrier and peer across it with wild eyes.

    The culture exists as thus.
    If they discover something about you, that you find offensive or disrespectful, they will use it to engage in their humour.

    There is one man at my work who stirs me and I find myself genuiely amused and engage him to the point we both are smiling or laughing. We seem to have it under controll. He is also very helpful with me in givinig me info so as to facilitate an end to a means when building some part of a kitchen and making this part work.

    Enough. I'm off to get my dinner.

    Just nice to get some ideas about me and my work from you.

    Go for it.

    Spelling? Here ? Tnite? I don't care right now.

    I'm looking up Lawyers on the net after din tnite. I've had enough of this crap.
    Take my time too!

    Thankyou.....Tony. But wait???? ....there's more

    Ha He.
    Don't pass them by! Be daring and caring!

    Dampen their misery....sit with them and talk a little.

    Buy them something to eat and a tram fare to a local mission.
    I'm so lucky that I've somewhere to live and have family support.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2003


    join a uniion
    Regards, Bob Thomas

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Northen Rivers NSW


    Didnt we all have this conversation a year or so ago

    If so, truly, you have only yourself to blame.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    In the shed, Melbourne



    Some jobs start about as the right kind of place to work, you're happy and enjoy it, but when yo wake up in the morning and don't want to go to work for all sorts of reasons, then it's time to move on elsewhere. I probably stayed in a job 3 more years than I should of, instead because I was working working on good accounts I stayed, in the meantime I passed up several head hunters who wanted me. bad mistake.

    I later worked in another city, an excellent boss, more a mate than a boss - to the end that he called himself the office boy and put a lot of praise in the work I was doing. Sadly I had to move on as I reached the pay ceiling for anywhere in Newcastle.

    I worked at what started to be another beaut place down here, soon found out otherwise and moved on. Find another job while you can still work where you are, but don't stay another minute than you have to.
    I make things, I just take a long time.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    In the shed, Melbourne


    Quote Originally Posted by dazzler View Post
    Didnt we all have this conversation a year or so ago
    I thought that too.
    I make things, I just take a long time.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 1999


    Quote Originally Posted by dazzler View Post
    Didnt we all have this conversation a year or so ago

    If so, truly, you have only yourself to blame.
    No need for the rehash methinks.

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