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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Sapphire Coast NSW

    Default health issue (minor)

    two days ago i felt a bit lethargic and off colour ..... yesteray morning i noticed that i wasn't urinating freely ... rocked up ed at 7am ... gave blood, maybe 50mls urine and was given antibiotic straght away ... 10:30 ultrasound was only able to deliver 15mls ... back to ed 1pm was only able to deliver two drops ... intravenous antibiotics and a catheter ... so now i sit here with a tube up my dick and a bag strapped to my leg hoping that another few days of antibiotic will settle this down, although it definitely means an operation (desribed as rebore) down the track ... also if the infection worsens or doesn't respond it will mean hospitalisation

    diagnosis is benign (most probably) enlarged prostate

    i have reviewed everything and have come to the conclusion there was nothing that should have given me warning signs earlier but it did make me think of my b-i-l who mentioned some months back that he suffered from a slightly enlarged prostate and would need an op at some stage .. i will be telling him to get on with it asap to avoid a good deal of pain and also some ongoing discomfort, not to mention some small danger from the infection

    it also means that i definitely miss canberra and maybe melbourne as well

    still could be worse

    regards david

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2010


    Ow, not nice.

    I'm of the age where I need to start thinking about this sort of thing; but still very much looking for that female Asian proctologist our ex-First Bloke recommended . My step-father who is now in his seventies is waiting for his re-bore; he wasn't that much older than you are now when he was diagnosed with the same condition but in his case it has been a very slow and gradual progression.

    On a related and funny side, a few years ago I was laid up in hospital having just had a double hernia repaired, the one where they make a small delicate incision with an axe and stitch half an acre of shade cloth over your lower abdominal wall. On each side.

    Anyway; I have a bit of a drama with general anaesthetics; in particular I really struggle to widdle afterwards. Annoyingly, nearly every bloody op I've ever had involved some part of me between the hips and the toenails so getting up for a slash afterwards has usually been somewhat tricky in varying degrees. This was the worst, because that op BLOODY HURT. I couldn't use a bottle; I tried standing-no good and too sore. I managed to get to the pan and tried sitting, I had taps running; all to no avail. Eventually the decision was made that I'd have to be catheterised and the nearest trainee nurse was promptly summoned and closely supervised in performing her task. Well, when I say closely....

    By this time the volume built up was quite considerable, as was the acute discomfort. When the dam was breeched the pressure was sufficiently high enough for my flow to blast out around the outside of the tube; directly at, over and unfortunately on the somewhat surprised young lady; who was unable to avoid the deluge due to having to hold the tube, bag and the, ahem, physical source. Apparently, this isn't that unusual an occurrence and is one of those "master and apprentice" moments that are passed on from generation to generation. I did wonder at the time why the ward sister was directing the procedure from the other side of the bed . Through my agony even I was able to raise a chuckle; apologising profusely whilst unintentionally performing an act usually only seen in very specialised European adult movies. It's not like I could actually stop....

    She did have her revenge a little while later though when it came to remove the damn thing. She simply took two turns of tube around her hand, asked me to brace myself and proceeded to smoothly pull the tubing out. I tell you, there is no feeling in the world so painless, yet so spectacularly unpleasant, as having two foot of 1/4" bore ridged plastic hose* pulled through your old chap.

    Anyway, hope you're back on your feet and in the shed soon.

    * Note: The tube dimensions were gauged by how it felt on the way out; as I'm pretty sure it had expanded while wet.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Sapphire Coast NSW


    Quote Originally Posted by Chief Tiff View Post

    Anyway, hope you're back on your feet and in the shed soon.

    * Note: The tube dimensions were gauged by how it felt on the way out; as I'm pretty sure it had expanded while wet.

    thanks ... and good story

    regards david

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Sanstone Point


    Find a Asian Dr because they have smaller fingers.

    Yes the tube up de willy is not pleasant and is even more unpleasant if you try and pull it out yourself. When the nurse pulled mine out, I replied that it felt like she had stretched an extra 6" and she replied with a smile... I will leave that up to you to decide.


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