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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Williamstown, Melbourne

    Default Get what you deserve at The Block

    It is with great satisfaction, but not surprise, that I read that all 4 apartments in "The Block" have breached building standards! If you haven't seen it, read it here: <,00.html>
    (although the online version has a lot less detail than the paper version)

    I have always hated this show, not so much because it is another reno show, but because the renos are being done by a group of amateurs who wouldn't know which end of a hammer to hold. So who can be surprised by the lack of quality!

    I could go on about how pathetic it all is, but it would run into pages...

    Anyway, it will now be interesting to see what ch9 does about it. The inspection report says that 3 of the apartments need "substantial repairs", including replumbing, waterproofing, and ventilation. I have noted how ch9 have tried to suppress the report, and the chief executive has dismissed it (as if he would know anything about building codes!!!) So will ch9:
    - extend the series by a couple of weeks while the repairs are made?
    - get the repairs done in secret, hoping no-one notices? or
    - use their legal power to challenge the inspection and get the apartments approved?

    Wouldn't it be awesome if they failed to sell at auction!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Tolmie - Victoria



    Surely you are not suggesting that the quick/simple/efficient methods are no good.

    Get with it man. Training, education, experience, planning etc went out of fashion ages ago. In the old days, people trained, acquired skills and used appropriate materials. Old hat….they took forever to build the buildings and the expense was sky high. Training is a drain on our ECONOMY and employing trained staff is damned expensive plus you don’t want to employ smart people that might show you up.

    Thanks to the new way of thinking, today we can get accountants, solicitors and politicians to do all the planning and have lower paid unskilled plebs do the work. You see in this way, for the same cost you end up with an enviro-friendly/great for the ECONOMY type building. Why?

    It turns itself into rubble by automatically – no need to use energy for demolishing purposes, no need for demolition permits either.

    It helps to reduce the current plague of humans on planet earth by crushing, poisoning, suffocating, electrocuting, drowning, gassing, disease caused by the raw effluent from ruptured/inadequate sewage pipes etc.

    The people doing the planning and building don’t need to be educated or trained so the spaces where previously there were colleges and universities can be used for more developments, more money for the developer, no more green areas to mow and weed.

    Remember Pythagorus - the chap who gave us a theory about right angled triangles? In his day they built buildings that had right angles but new buildings don’t have right angles so kids won’t have to learn trigonometry at school any more. Gets them out into the workforce earlier.

    Because of the reduction of the Australian population due to the increased “accidental deaths” we could bring in tourists and terrorists, grab their dough (for the ECONOMY) and house them in our wonderful buildings. Pre-payment would be necessary because their stay will be cut short.

    The Government could solve all their problems by housing refugees in these buildings – that way there would be a building boom (replacing the auto rubble buildings), make the refugees want to return home, and get more votes because they seem to be making things happen.

    At least one equality issue with the Aborigines would be solved because then we would all live in sub-standard housing, no need for apologies. Potentially our life expectancy would be reduced so there is another equality issue met. The UN would be proud of progress.

    I don’t understand how you could possibly put such a negative spin on such a positive and contemporary attitude. Just what century are you from?

    Shame on you John.

    - Wood Borer

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2003


    Hi all
    I agree with Wood Borer.
    Every day on site, you see all these dick heads with their diplomas. or what ever.
    Trying to speak some sort of "trade talk".
    Most wouldnt know their from their elbow.
    I've spent 30 years learning my trade ( no,.... art ) and all these doofuses think, that after a few years at school they know more than you about your own job.
    I know heaps of tradies who would give it up tomorrow because of all the crap they go through.
    Good to see that the BLOCK is in trouble, move over poofie let the real men in. ( on site I mean )
    Sorry if I offended you, if not, give it
    Cheers, Allan

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Wallington, Victoria



    you forgot option 4.

    Eddy Maguire will take over the project and fix everything himself with the help of "HIS" football team.
    prove how bored u really are, ..... visit....... my humble website

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Sydney, NSW


    Media watch did a story on the block.

    Rather very funny, every product on the show were paid promotions; the more they paid the more air time right up to being written into the scrip.

    You would think ch 9 would have some consultant on board to cover this very obvious potential problem.

    My little sister (18yrs) who would not know what a hammer looks like loved the show.
    Basically this show was aimed at entertainment, nothing more.

    I see all contestants will have to pay tax on all money earned.

    And no I never watched the show.

    As for plumbing and electrical problems, would they not have been trades people?

    As for the serious DIY person there is not too many decent books to guide the person for the task at hand

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2003


    Jeez Woodborer, who pressed your buttons ??

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2001



    I may as well add my tuppence (remember those?).

    The "in" TV format currently is about relationships and how people in a confined space react to conflict and pressure. "Big Brother", "Survival" and others of a like ilk.

    On one hand I find it interesting that this is what turns people on (or, perhaps, what those in the TV business determine what will turn viewers on). Yes, the programmes are crap from a "real world" perspective, but they are not meant to represent reality. Rather, they offer viewers the opportunity to observe "everyday people", like themselves. Viewers can identify with the main characters (who tend to be lithe, gorgeous young things - just like you and I!).

    So how dare they move into our territory!! Geez, woodworking, plumbing, home improvement - these require skills, not just a pretty face.

    Actually, the average viewer cannot tell a hammer from a spanner (and probably uses them interchangeably). They are not looking at the methods used. Actually, I think some of the designs are good - shows a spark of creativity. But viewers are not there for that. They are there to see the contestants compete and interact, experience the intrigue of another's life - it's all very voyeuristic.

    So, don't get too worked up my friends. It has nothing at all to do with woodworking.

    My best regards from Perth

    Derek (who has now gone back to his whisky)

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Kuranda, paradise, North Qld


    I have to admit I find this type of show entertaining, just not in the way that the producers intend though. I can't say I've ever watched a full episode of any of them, 5 - 10 mins is usually enough for my fix of that heady mixture of righteous indignation and stunned disbelief. I saw about 2 mins of the block one night and one couple was rather upset that a tradesman had backcharged them for having to clean up their mess in order to perform his work. Quite amusing watching these people get indignant as they did not know that's how things operate in the industry. Wake up! If you're acting as the principal contractor, which you are when going owner builder YOU are responsible for everything on site, and oddly enough it's not the tradesman's responsibility to educate you, they're trying to make a living, and it's getting harder all the time without having to baby sit a bunch of namby pamby renovators. Of course, it's easy to laugh and poke fun at the people on the TV, it's a different matter when you are trying to point out to a client that if they change their mind halfway through a job then they will have to pay for the changes. It's happened to me more than once:mad:


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2001


    Hi All,

    Thought I'd put my bit in as well.

    What a bunch of dunder heads they all are. I can't believe that they all had $40,000 to decorate their apartments.
    Supposedly the whole block was in a Structurally Sound condition before they moved in. Except for a few friendly white-ants.
    Which I might add, were treated and all damage repaired by the show.

    It means that these idiots took four, nearly restored apartments and trashed them while spending $40,000 in the process.

    And what kind of plumber is Paul? Three major leaks in HIS new plumbing.

    I would love to have $40,000 to renovate my place. I have done lots and lots to my house with a lot less. I always do a lot a research (probably too much) before I attempt anything. And quite often I find alternate methods or ideas because I know that I'll probably stuff it up.


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Tolmie - Victoria


    Who pressed my buttons?

    Maybe it is the similarity to my industry (telecommunications) where the untrained and overpaid consistently stuff up and expect the trained and underpaid to patch up. Apologies and learning from mistakes do not happen.

    Anyway, I think we should be concerned about what will happen to the future generations, sure we will be OK but with lack training and lack of skills they are destined to become slaves to the large stores selling overpriced junk.

    Don't worry I am not about to explode. Some topics just need a bit of energy put into them.

    - Wood Borer

    PS couldn't do any woodwork last weekend - worked on Saturday and went to the bush for a funeral on Sunday - could be withdrawal symptoms.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Williamstown, Melbourne


    I guess Derek is right, this show isn't anything to do with real renovating, more to do with voyeurism of people's relationships. Except...
    These apartments will be sold to real people for the (presumed) purpose of people really living in them. This is how the show differs from Survivor or Big Brother. I would therefore think that ch9 had a duty of care to have things done properly.
    Then again, its not as if these are the only people in the world to do a self-renovation. Some of the houses I have looked at (done by supposed "professionals") have been atrocious. One place I remember looked all nice (freshly painted), but the floors were all uneven, and my foot went through the new deck at the back (it literally broke a board in the deck!).
    I wonder why I get so worked up about these shows? I should know it's just TV...

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Parkside - South Australia


    It was interesting to see on the hard hitting expose done by Ray Martin that one of the problems found in the building inspection was .... the height of the stair risers leading up to the upstairs appartments .... the tiling of the aforementioned stairs was done by a professional.
    Now proudly sponsored by Binford Tools. Be sure to check out the Binford 6100 - available now at any good tool retailer.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Near Bodgy, AlexS, Wongo & CraigB

    Default Fiona's should be good though

    Yes, thats right - you are all forgetting the most important thing about the BLOCK, Yes thats right - Fiona, her & her hooters are in this months Ralph Magazine. Should make it all worth while!

    Get your priorities right guys!

    Fair go Stoppers - not all renovators are dickheads - I take umbrage to that statement...

    You're right about Paul though - who'd hire him now ???:confused:

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Parkside - South Australia

    Default Re: Fiona's should be good though

    Originally posted by Zed
    Yes, thats right - you are all forgetting the most important thing about the BLOCK, Yes thats right - Fiona, her & her hooters are in this months Ralph Magazine. Should make it all worth while!
    Sorry but I would have to second that
    Now proudly sponsored by Binford Tools. Be sure to check out the Binford 6100 - available now at any good tool retailer.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Melbourne, Australia


    What renovations?:confused:

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