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11th April 2021, 07:20 PM #1
It's a sure sign that you have too many tools when ...
I was just assembling an Ikea when something happened.
My thought was "I definitely have too many tools to choose from, so I thought I would start a thread on that.
If you can think of any good humorous or otherwise ways you can tell you have too many tools post them here. Photos of the situation optional but encouraged.
This could be fun. Here's mine from today.
It's a sure sign that you have too many tools when you get out your set of Henry Eckert Auger Gimlets and all you are doing is assembling an Ikea.
gimlet.jpegI got sick of sitting around doing nothing - so I took up meditation.
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11th April 2021, 08:13 PM #2
"It's a sure sign that you have too many tools when" . . . .
You constantly come across tools that you have "never used".
You forget that you have a certain tool and end up buying another one
You start buying some of the same tools that you already have in the shed to keep up in the house or in vehicles.
or worse
You start buying some of the same tools that you already have at one end of the shed to keep in the other end of the shed.
You willingly start lending certain tools because you know if the lender looses or damages it you have another.
You start ranking tools,
- only for my use and hidden so no one knows you have one
- only for my use but visible in the shed
- can be used by anyone but only in my shed.
- can be loaned out
- even my BIL can borrow it
- missus can use this one if she likes
- awaiting donation to a mens shed.
- for next verge collection.
Post Thanks / Like - 1 Thanks, 7 Likes, 0 , 0doug3030 thanked for this post
11th April 2021, 09:55 PM #3
Sorry but this thread is ridiculous, too many tools........ I am pretty sure that’s just not possible
Cheers Andrew
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12th April 2021, 08:21 AM #4
When I read the title I thought doug had meant to put this in the joke thread.
Then I was torn between reporting him to the mods and having him sin-binned or perhaps having them contact his nearest and dearest and suggesting they seek medical attention for him.
To cool off, I went out to the shed and counted my chisels (28), my spoke shaves (6), my planes (8)...
I'll leave it there...
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12th April 2021, 09:28 AM #5
You know you have too many tools when your shed isn't big enough to add your latest "investment"
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12th April 2021, 10:24 AM #6
My first thought was...
I must have too many tape measures and can always find one to use.... maybe that is the criteria, except for those tidy people who always put stuff away
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12th April 2021, 10:54 AM #7
You know you've got too many tools when you buy something you already have but forget/lost sight of.
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12th April 2021, 11:50 AM #8
When clearing out my Father-in-law's garage several years ago, we found nine screwdrivers all the same size so they were spread among the family.
"It's good enough" is low aim
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12th April 2021, 01:34 PM #9rrich Guest
You have too many tools when you see a tool on sale and think "Oh Yes!" But then you realize that you already have one so you even stop reading the ad.
I have MANY one time tools. Each one reminds me of a task that was accomplished with ease.
There was a single one time tool that got used many times. The fuel filter on the Navistar diesel of the F-250 has a special nut on the top and it requires a special short socket. Yeah I used it several times. IIRC it cost $44. Assuming that if the dealer changed my fuel filter, the labor cost would have been many times that over the 10 or 15 filter changes.
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12th April 2021, 04:07 PM #10
when you spend more time shopping for tools than actually spend making something
or in my case when i spend more time maintaining than i actually have to use them.
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12th April 2021, 09:03 PM #11
The more machines and tools you have the more maintenance time is required is dead right.
When I had a single tool box and bench consisting of two cardboard boxes and a door there was practically nothing to maintain and I was spending 99% of my time making stuff. These days I always seem to be doing the opposite ie spend 99% of my time farting around with stuff.
My work boss and I often spent time discussing "mean time between failures". If something fails on average once every 20 years and you only have one thing then you should have 19 years when nothing happens. OTOH if you have 1000 things and they all fail on average once every 20 years than means you will have 50 things a year to attend to. I know that's a very simplistic approach because maintenance also depends on things like quality and usage time but it seems to apply more often than I would like it to.
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13th April 2021, 09:33 PM #12
Who’s Henry Eckert?
13th April 2021, 10:10 PM #13
Post Thanks / Like - 0 Thanks, 1 Likes, 0 , 0BobL liked this post
14th April 2021, 07:48 AM #14
When you can no longer even justify another tool purchase to yourself - let alone your wife (that ship sailed over the horizon long ago haha).
Cheers, Dom
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14th April 2021, 10:10 AM #15
When you see a toolbox hidden under something else and wonder "What is in that one?" (happened to me yesterday.)
When you have an angle grinder for each of cut-off discs, sanding discs, grinding discs, flap disc, polishing pad etc..
"Power tends to corrupt. Absolute power corrupts, absolutely!"
Post Thanks / Like - 0 Thanks, 8 Likes, 0 , 0BobL, doug3030, verawood, Aussiephil, woodhutt, Simplicity, Oldgreybeard, Enfield Guy liked this post
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