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Thread: Michael Schumacher
6th January 2005, 04:11 PM #1
Michael Schumacher
I am not a big fan of F1 racing but this is really something. Some of us may say US$10 millions is nothing to him but it is very generous in anyone’s standard. Good on him.
It is also great to everyone in our country and overseas is helping out. Good on you guys.
Let’s hope our Asian brothers and sisters are coping well and can get back to some normality ASAP.
6th January 2005, 08:28 PM #2
It was change he had in the glove box of his Fararri.
6th January 2005, 10:05 PM #3
From memory Michaels contract is for about $40 million US a season. How many people do you know that would donate 3 months pay? I heard he did it because one of his bodyguards and the man's children were killed
"I may be drunk, but you ma'am, are ugly. Tomorrow, I will be sober." Winston Churchill
6th January 2005, 10:28 PM #4
Originally Posted by gold leader
7th January 2005, 06:38 AM #5
Good on Mr Schumacher, how about the filthy rich digging deep, in oz the Packers et all, around the world the "Fortune 500" listed give 10 mill (US) or more. Just a thought . . . suppose it will be left to the 'umans to help out again! :mad:
(What use is having all the money, if you cannot help someone with it!)
10th January 2005, 09:09 PM #6
Good on michael and good on the Packers for donating 3 mill tonight.
"What a fabulous race! Barry Sheene's riding his Suzuki as though he's married to it."
Quote/Murray Walker.
11th January 2005, 01:29 AM #7
"What a fabulous race! Barry Sheene's riding his Suzuki as though he's married to it."
Quote/Murray Walker.
What was he doing? Rooting it?
Actually, Bazza was another big one for charities too. Hell of a nice bloke apparently -what you saw on tele was what he was ... unless you were a motor racing official with whom he had a tendency to get a bit incandescant at times. Anyone remember the french 7 bun fight?