Hi everyone,

I've just joined the forum on account of seeing all the great info being shared and thought I'd pick your brains.

I'm working on the ceiling of my house, there were some cracks in the paint. I scraped the loose paint off then sanded the edges down to merge with the ceiling. I've then used plaster in these areas to make sure the ceiling is flat.

The problem is when sanding in some areas,the ceiling crumbled away into small chunks. I've removed all the crumbling parts and now left with about 5 holes each about 80 x 80 mm's. I'm trying to work out how to patch these up. The ceiling itself appears to be comprised of three layers; plaster board, then a layer of what looks like straw then another layer of plaster board. I've only penetrated through to the straw so I'm wondering if I can plaster in this gap and if so what plaster to use. At the moment I'm just using the 'plaster crack' stuff you get in the yellow tubes. I've attached a photo (I think) to show you what I mean

Any help would be greatly appreciated

Attached Thumbnails

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