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18th December 2015, 01:46 PM #1
Watcha Dooen @ Dooen GTG 23 - 26 Jan
Jerilderie Jaunt is now at Dooen. Last two were long weekends. It was the Australia Day Weekend. Now someone has put a work Monday on the middle. The main days will likely be Sat and Sun however I will be there all four days and you are welcome dor as long or short as you like. Love to have some or all for 4 days
That places it a little over 400 km w / sw of the previous 2
It is about 1/2 way between Adelaide and Melbourne on the northern edge of Horsham.
Not for the faint hearted as this is the first year at the property and well, lets say she's a little rough when it comes to living quarters.
There is a shed and will be at least 4 lathes on hand to use.
For anyone who wants to rough it there is plenty of room for a swag, tent or caravan.
What will be
show and tell
Buy, swap, sell & give away
A yarn or three
Food, food and more food
Oppurtunity to use or learn on a lathe
Fire heap challenge
Oldgreybeard may give some photograpgy and photoshop lessons
Maureen is talking of bringing her spinning wheel
Raechell will have her dolls and be happy to show anyone interested
What to bring
Anything for the above
A chair
A wood working project/s to do or show off
Metal working as well if so inclined
Areo guard and a hat
Some of your work
Fire Heap Challenge
There is a heap of fire wood and cut branches etc. The challenge to make something from that heap. What ever is made must be minimum 90 % from that heap and the scrap metal heap.
Two prizes will be awarded
1st place as judged by those in attendance
1st place as judged by the forum (if I work out how to do a poll. Should 1st both be taken by the same piece then the forums choice award will go to second place. If Springwater makes it he will be allowed to enter the piece he started on last year)
Any ideas or donations as to what the prizes may be are most welome.
Horsham will provide the greatest range and closest accommodation for those who do not wish to rough it. This is a wotif link but feel free to look up locations by other means
The house would be on offer but there is no floor to sleep on
Any demos or workshops are more than welcome as would be a lesson on how to use a mill or metal lathe
Please let us know your level of interest in attending.
This will be updated as best I can leading up to the event but can only edit this post for first 24 hours so as the numbers grow it will be in other posts
1) Repliconics
2) Keith_1
3) Crowie
4) RWBuild
6) Oldgreybeard & Maureen
7) KBs PensNmore
8) PittWater Pete
9) Dirk_pittwater 9
11) Simplicity and Sally
12) Uncle Al
14) Doug 3030 +1
15) TylerTTC
18) DaveTTC + 2 or more
20) Ron & Debbie (Horsham club)
From Murray Woodturners Inc 3 or 4
From Horsham woodworkers club unspecified number. Expect at least 6 over the weekend
Total 30 plus possibles
Geof Ford (Forum member and member of Murray Woodturners Inc)
CAG (As Above)
I think Springwater is coming but awaiting confirmation. If your name is there but you have not commeted on the thread yet feel free to do so
Dave TTC
Turning Wood Into Art
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Repliconics liked this post
18th December 2015, 02:47 PM #2
My level of interest in attending would be 100%
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18th December 2015, 02:51 PM #3
Me Too, but may not be till Monday as we are looking after our son's dogs and he returns on Sunday
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18th December 2015, 03:11 PM #4
Dave, For it's a YES too proving i can sort the travel out with Ray [aka rwbuild]....Cheers Peter
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18th December 2015, 04:41 PM #5
Hi Dave, Maureen and I will be there, Maybe just the weekend, we'll see.
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18th December 2015, 06:44 PM #6
I am keen but other factors may come into play
Edit: Assuming I get there will most likely have Julie with me and we will bring our tent.I got sick of sitting around doing nothing - so I took up meditation.
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DaveTTC liked this post
18th December 2015, 06:47 PM #7
18th December 2015, 07:46 PM #8
It's only 1032Km each way, shouldn't be a drama. I will have to work out which day/s I will be there, but I will be there on the 26th at least.
Thanks for organising,
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18th December 2015, 07:47 PM #9
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Uncle Al liked this post
18th December 2015, 07:51 PM #10
Sally and I would like to book
The Queen Anne room with the water views over looking the lake
We expect it will be ready in time
Bravo Matt
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18th December 2015, 09:08 PM #11
Dirk & I will be there. Not sure what days exactly. Will let you know when I have a clue. You may be waiting a while 😃.
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18th December 2015, 09:21 PM #12
18th December 2015, 09:35 PM #13
It all looks ok from here, so you can lock us in as coming, Dave.
Since Matt has already booked the Queen Anne room we will bring our tent. It lives in a drawer in the back of the ute anyway so no problems there.
I might even try to finish the project to put the solar panels on top of the ute canopy before then. You need solar panels to charge the batteries to run the Engel to keep the beer cold and the food fresh.Until this came up the next camping trip was Easter.
It will probably only be for the Saturday and Sunday at this stage, but you never know.
DougI got sick of sitting around doing nothing - so I took up meditation.
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DaveTTC liked this post
18th December 2015, 09:41 PM #14
Thats good Doug. Are you on your own or plus 1
Dave TTC
Turning Wood Into Art
18th December 2015, 09:46 PM #15
I got sick of sitting around doing nothing - so I took up meditation.
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