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    FenceFurniture's Avatar
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    Default Invisible Dust question....

    Given that invisible dust is the microscopic size that it is, and therefore much lighter than visible dust, I wonder if that then means that it is easier to capture by any given suck source?

    What I mean is that it would have less inertia (or momentum) than visible particles, and therefore can't be thrown as far from a given dust producing blade.

    Or do I have that back to front, maybe even sideways?

    This question has arisen from some changes over the last few days to my ducted system off the shop vac (separate thread will follow when complete). One of the things I did was to change the DE on the router table from a single 27mm hose to the shop vac to three hoses leading to a 5" flexxy going to the 2HP Dusty outside. These were:
    a new fence which takes a 50mm hose (previously no DE in the fence),
    another 50mm hose at what I thought was the main source of dust within the cabinet,
    and a 32mm hose coming from the router base DE port (previously 27mm, but with a dopey rubber fitting that takes that 27mm down to 24mm which is then squeezed out of shape, probably effectively reducing the diameter by even more.

    I have just run ~5m of MDF across a 5mm roundover bit, and to my great surprise there wasn't a single bit of dust on the router table. I expected a really big improvement, but I didn't expect zero!

    So, given my reasoning (or lack of ) above, it makes me wonder if any of the invisible dust can escape this, when none of the visible does. The suction at the fence port is fierce but it very significantly decreased once I opened the cabinet door (housing the router).

    This of course means that the suction of the hose for the inside the cabinet is very diminished when the door is closed. That was backed up by dust still being reasonably present inside the cabinet - no biggie because it is contained, but if I can improve it I will. I need to drill some holes on the opposite wall to get some cross ventilation happening. However, doing this will reduce the fierce suction in the fence, so it will be a bit of experimenting to determine what combo works best. I can always cover over the holes if there are too many. Either that or get a cabling port that can be dialled in. This router table will be replaced in the reasonably near future, so it's a good opportunity to fool around with it.
    Regards, FenceFurniture

    Jan-Feb 2019 Click to send me an email

  2. #2
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    not sure. don't quote me. but I think your odds of ensuring theres enough sucking force to break the reactive inertia involved in dust creation to be only calculable after actually consuming enough dust to cause moderate chest pain. But this chest pain will be hard to measure. Because its dependent on the individual. ie. weather or not he smokes. weather or not he's not the complaining type. constipated or not …just not sure . What we need is a professional to tell us. Someone who really knows how to use an adjective. Someone, because of his age, experience, and education, has possession of the full story at any one moment. uno what I mean.

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    one thought I have had (well I have to at least have one thought with anything with a closed cabinet is:
    - so I don't reduce the suck right where and when it is cutting and get the best suction for the escaping dust I would have a separate blast gate for the cabinet and basically turn it on full steam afterwards. This way I don't have to share my suction. I don't expect this to be perfect as some of the shavings would have settled but if the really fine dust acts more like air then I should be able to pick this up afterwards. What I'd really like for this is some method to switch the blast gates like with a voice command or a 'google glasses' where I just look at it and it turns on!!!

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by mick59wests View Post
    one thought I have had (well I have to at least have one thought with anything with a closed cabinet is:
    - so I don't reduce the suck right where and when it is cutting and get the best suction for the escaping dust I would have a separate blast gate for the cabinet and basically turn it on full steam afterwards. This way I don't have to share my suction. I don't expect this to be perfect as some of the shavings would have settled but if the really fine dust acts more like air then I should be able to pick this up afterwards. What I'd really like for this is some method to switch the blast gates like with a voice command or a 'google glasses' where I just look at it and it turns on!!!
    spose. ...

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by apricotripper View Post
    ... weather or not he smokes.(tick) weather or not he's not the complaining type.(tick) constipated or not (tick)…..
    Hey Jake, I didn't know you knew Brett.

    Brett, is this the precursor to a new lift/router table and router?
    Those were the droids I was looking for.

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    Nah, it's not new, just that other little jobbie I knocked up a couple of years or so ago.
    Regards, FenceFurniture

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    US$425 will let you find out...

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    Cheers MS.

    Jeez they're expensive aren't they? I guess that's why none of who should have them, have them. A classic example of a tool etc that needs to be in a local tool-pool for use every now and then.
    Regards, FenceFurniture

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    Quote Originally Posted by FenceFurniture View Post
    Cheers MS.

    Jeez they're expensive aren't they? I guess that's why none of who should have them, have them. A classic example of a tool etc that needs to be in a local tool-pool for use every now and then.
    day za vu…. I feel like I've already written to this quote already….

    thats right I have. some other bloke who I've never met too () , has erased what I wrote. But I don't understand why exactly as I wasn't rude. I was just joking.

    my mail thing says you said…. ' say what ?' ….to me saying….' I love you'. But I suppose that wasn't accurate. I'm sorry. I don't really love you, I was just saying that to comfort you/me. Maybe thats why it was erased, because he new that it was an insincere … ' I love you ' .

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    It was say what to the whole post, actually. I didn't know what you meant then, and I'm no wiser now.
    Regards, FenceFurniture

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    Thats you and me whose wiser now ! …. thanks for your help. i love you.

    how do you hug online ? …that'll be the next thing,,,, a cyber hug.

  12. #12
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    Visible dust capture is only a rough guide to fine dust capture.

    An example of where the visible dust is captured but the fine dust not, is sweeping the floor of my shed.
    I can sweep up every chip on the floor but it fills the room with fine dust.

    Another example is vacuuming the floors in our house with the very expensive so called HEPA vacuum cleaner.
    Floors look clean as a whistle after vacuuming but fine dust levels in air have risen considerably.

    Fine dust is easily carried even by low speed air currents away from machines. If there is air moving around of away from a machine that is independent of dust extraction (e.g. use motors with fans for cooling or just the hot air rising from around a machine) then that is where the fine dust is most like to be. It is captured by moving large volumes of air from the source of the dust.

    One way to think of fine dusts as a pong or smell. Your nose is a far better fine dust detector than your eyes, if you can smell the wood you are working on then the fine dust is not being collected. So one way to test you setup would be to use a wood that smells when it is cut/machined etc.

    Chips moving at high speed are rapidly slowed down especially by high speed air flow such as closed to the mouth of a VC or DC inlet. Chips will slow down and fall out of low speed air currents moving away from a machine so they don't usually travel all that far, whereas fine dust will eventually penetrate to every corner of a shed. In most cases, to capture chips from a source relatively small volumes mounts of air moving at high speed may suffice which is why Vacuum Cleaners are often used on power tool with mixed success.

    Example of where the visible dust is not captured but the fine dust is, is my lathe
    Turning small/short spindles I end up with a significant amount of visible chips on the lathe/bench/floor but there are is no invisible dust (over and above external background) detected inside the shed
    The high air volume being extracted by the 150 mm bell mouth hood is sufficient to capture all the fine dust being made.

    High air volume flow "guarantees" fine dust removal, maybe not immediately but if your shed is not too large and your DC is not to small the fine dust can be captures within minutes of dust generation and that is why I advocate running a DC for some time after dust making activities.

    2 x 50 mm and 1 x32 mm DC lines is only going to move about as much total air volume as a 32 mm VC line but the BIG difference is you are collecting from 3 problematic areas instead of one. So this may explain better chip collection but whether you are getting all the fine dust would be hard to say without testing.

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    Thanks for a detailed response Bob.
    Regards, FenceFurniture

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    Jake, I really don't know where you are coming from here. I think you are indicating that I'm fussing unnecessarily over invisible dust. Is that right?

    If so, then best to note that invisible dust fools us into a false sense of security, and this has a double whammy. Because we can't see it we think the room is clear of dust, and therefore take off the mask, or otherwise don't worry about it. The big danger here is that invisible dust is more of a problem the the visible because it is finer and can penetrate into lung tissue more readily.

    So the finer more deadly dust that can't be seen is given an open road by taking off the mask.
    Regards, FenceFurniture

    Jan-Feb 2019 Click to send me an email

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by FenceFurniture View Post
    Jake, I really don't know where you are coming from here. I think you are indicating that I'm fussing unnecessarily over invisible dust. Is that right?

    If so, then best to note that invisible dust fools us into a false sense of security, and this has a double whammy. Because we can't see it we think the room is clear of dust, and therefore take off the mask, or otherwise don't worry about it. The big danger here is that invisible dust is more of a problem the the visible because it is finer and can penetrate into lung tissue more readily.

    So the finer more deadly dust that can't be seen is given an open road by taking off the mask.
    I hear ya. Man WE are so on the same wavelength.

    When we meet in person one day ( maybe we already have ?) I'll try and give you a big blokey hug. Which will be a big deal because, I don't like males much.

    But then I probably won't remember this conversation….only sense some weirdness between us from the outset because you know who I am. And you'll probably get off on me not knowing who you are. Very exciting stuff. Empowering. you'll be able to prepare all day what you want to say when we meet. Have the upper hand Look forward to that day, if I remember.

    I love you. xxx cough cough vomit cough (couldn't find the vomit smiley)

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