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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2023

    Default Feedbacks/ survey for workbench design

    Hello All,

    I am currently constructing a workbench for my HSC. I’d appreciate any responses regarding finish and what your find is important with the design of a workbench.

    The form is anonymous and emails are not collected. Workbench project research

    The main frame will be constructed with tassie oak with the top and rest of the table made of 3/4” birch ply. I will have T-tracks, built in power board, NVR emergency paddle switch, a hitch receiver and side mounted castors.

    Appreciate your response,


    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2019


    Quote Originally Posted by AdamY99 View Post
    a hitch receiver
    so you can tow it around with a car?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Geelong, Victoria


    Good luck with the project - just remember that this is your 'first' bench. I have built three for myself and another three for other people, just since I retired. And that is not allowing for the extreme modifications needed when I moved into a workshop 30% of the former size - I had to hack off 250 mm to get it into the space and still allow room for a little lathe.
    I think it might be wise to focus on what will get you a good HSC result as your first priority. No doubt your survey is part of that (yes I have put in a response). The hard thing about a workbench is that your requirements change over time - as you learn, adapt and take on new projects. I am in the camp that a workbench is a tool not a piece of show furniture. Practicality and adaptability are key.
    As a mainly hand tool woodworker (apart from a mild woodturning obsession), I don't think my ideal bench now would be that different to one my Great-grandfather would have used 100 years ago. But that is a very personal thing.
    Good luck and enjoy the process. I think if you enjoy it, you will get good marks!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    Unless the bench is to be used in a "forever shed" then making the bench to a size that will allow to be moved thru a standard doorway has some merit.
    An alternative is to make at least some parts of the bench so's they can be taken apart and reassembled.

    Same goes for weight - ie moving a 200+ kg bench around is no fun so wheels or being able to take it apart.

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