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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2012

    Default Reckon the DriftMaster is a bolt-on for a Laguna SUV? Wrong!


    In one corner is a genuine Laguna SUV 14" and the other, a ridgey-didge genuine Laguna DriftMaster fence.

    All very nice until you realise that these two components, sold by the same company, as an accessory, doesn't actually fit.

    A you-beaut brand new saw and it's own accessory.... Don't. Fit. Together.


    One has to drill two 13mm holes then use the after-market fitment kit! As if it's an off-brand install! It's plain ugly.

    I wish I knew this before I bought it. Feel good happy points: minus ten.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2004


    That's seriously average...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Mornington Peninsula, Vic


    I would have got straight back to the suppliers with a complaint, surely they could have done something for you, but now you have re-worked it.....

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2012


    Well, after spending the day getting it right, I can tell you that the quality of the manufacturing is "very Chinese" and very low quality.

    Incra, it isnt.

    There is zero possibility that this is from the same minds that made my beautiful Laguna SUV14 bandsaw. The DriftMaster is another beast altogether. It is very clearly just a slap on product.

    I'll write up a review, warts and all, but is not going to be pretty and I'd dare say might even make some people reconsider their purchase. Laguna have a LOT of homework to do on this "accessory"*.... in every aspect, from design, engineering, fitment, quality (think: a bent winding rod and a mechanism that doesnt even ENGAGE)

    * Its may be a BANDSAW accessory, but it MOST CERTAINLY isnt a Laguna Bandsaw accessory.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Adelaide, SA


    I'd call Laguna in the USA. I called them a little while ago about an issue I had. They were excellent.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2012


    Wow, when you consider how Gregory spout about the wonders of that fence it is quite an eye-opener to read your post. Thanks for that, it is so good that these forums provide such an independent view.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2012


    I thought to reply to my earlier whinging with a more detailed response.

    Overall, a bit of Googling shows many of my concerns are not uncommon. One guy actually has pictures and a modification exactly as I was thinking....this may prove an interesting read and provide a few pictures to accompany my monologue:

    Upon reflection, I'm getting pretty worked up about a bandsaw. It isn't even very expensive compared to some big stuff, such as the loss you make on your new car, your wedding or the fact you haven't checked the returns on your superannuation in a decade.

    (I've recycled a chunk of stuff from answering a question in another thread....saves doing twice)

    Now, to the detail! I SERIOUSLY love my SUV14. It is awesome. I use it continuously.

    There are a few threads about some of the areas Laguna could make a souped-up "souped-up version"....but these are, overall, not deal breakers.

    FYI, if you do buy a Laguna SUV 14, I'm in the process of designing a 3D printed dust collection insert that is astounding in its efficiency.... It slots under the table and completely solves the DC solution as it stands.... You might be interested? Contact me, prototypes soon.

    I expected the DriftMaster to be a native bolt on to the Laguna. It isn't. The quality is different (ahhhh....lower) and you need to fuggg around a lot to get it on and trimmed up properly.

    There is a lot to make you mental....e.g every bolt and nut is a different size, for no reason, all the Allen keys are different sizes, for no reason, and everything is just a little off, for no reason.

    A dead set classic example of the unthinking stupidity in the design is the fact (be patient here in my explanation) that there are two black arms that attach to the table. These swing left and right and up and down and are the intermediary items that sit between any brands table and the DriftMaster mechanism itself. Now, the insanity is threefold...

    1 - 90% of sales must be going to go to Laguna owners. It would be trivial to supply an intermediary plate for each type of Laguna model....much the way that Teknatool has an intermediary screw for its chucks and the 9300 lathes out there. (except for Laguna, it would be 6 or something). This would keep its sexiness. Keep the universal kit for the Jet/Grizzly/Generic owners etc and swap the certified mounting kit for the Lagunas. Trivial. 100% trivial.

    2 - the fracking bolts that are supplied are 3 mm thicker in the heads than the recess they fit into. They interfere with the mounting process. They project past the black-army-things and force them to tighten at an angle on the table. This makes it hard to then mount the actual DriftMaster (as the threads/bolts are not 90 degrees). This is so insufferably stupid, I could imagine some engineer is being shot somewhere over it.

    3 - the winding engagement mechanism is clunky. It is designed to solve a simple solution of engaging and disengaging a threaded rod for rapid transit, but compared to the certified awesomeness of the Incra TSLS mechanism, it feels like a 15th century solution.

    Now, after thinking about it a bit, going and getting a second hand Incra and chopping it up isn't going to work, as it doesn't account for the drift (which the DriftMaster does) is left with the stock solution (which is, actually, pretty good) or go with the high rise fence (don't remember what it is called)

    Others have simply made their own fences, which work....but I'm a "system" guy. I like my Festools, cos they work as a system. Not because I'm a billionaire or a tool nerd, but I like things to work together when they are from the same manufacturer... Like Lego, or National Geographic or parts from Holden for the HSV. Laguna should do this better. Its saw is sexy. The accessory is not.

    I can think of a dozen ways to make DriftMaster 2.... But DM ver 1 works really well once it is setup.

    I used the stock fence for a LOT of work and it worked very very well. I had a short job that paid well and the spare cash burnt a hole in my pocket.... July Santa brought me a new toy.

    So yes. Buy it, cos despite my long response it actually works. I haven't used it anywhere near long enough yet to form an exact opinion, but it does make very repeatable veneers .... I also use the bandsaw for tricky cuts my Table saw is unsuitable for....the winder lets me sneak up on a line when I'm using the Resaw King (buy this unquestionably)

    (maybe ill write to Laguna and suggest a few changes, or better still, make my own after market accessory and sell it!)

    BONUS LEVEL! What improvements Laguna should make:

    - sell the kit like the dude in the topmost link has done.
    - the very top of the bottom door hits the underside of bolt on the DMF, but only by 2 or 3mm....grind that turkey back. This must affect 100% of SUV14 owners with a DMF.
    - put a ball bearing in the drift offset bolt. Fine adjustments would be easier if it turned freely.
    - shorter handles on the two adjusters that hold the fence in place and the two that hold the drift post-alignment. You don't need Kung Fu Titan Grip....just a decent wind. The long handles interfere with other areas of the block/tool
    - scrap the locking mechanism on the rod and copy Incras design. If its patented, just pay them. It is certifiably awesome and the current solution is awful.
    - mount the winder by default on the right. I swapped it, but it's better on the right.
    - the winders handle is terrible. Get one with a bearing mount top and bottom.
    - put a ball bearing into the recess of the thrust bearing next to the winder. Squeak, squeak, squeak....annoying!
    - put a thrust bearing in the far end of the rod (or at least mount the rod into one)
    - make the threaded rod bigger in diameter. It's too small. (mine was also bent upon delivery, by about 7mm)
    - grind off the castings on the main block. It looks unprofessional.
    - make all the bolts the same head size!
    - ??? Reduce the length of the main chrome rod by a few inches. Removing blades is a major PITA.
    - paint the main parts the off-white (not generic black) of the saw and slap a Laguna branding on it!
    - Metric rod option. Remember, rest of world exists.

    BTW, Gregory Machinery was excellent. I find them an excellent business and their pricing was sharp.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Adelaide, SA


    What's the issue with the dust extraction on the SUV? I've got 1, the only sawdust I've got is on top of the table. I've got a 6" into 2x4", so lots of suction.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2012

    Default Dust

    My desire to spend/space/noise doesn't extend past my 2HP generic dusty with pleated filter....and 4" hose.

    As BobL will espouse and as you've noted, running a 6" line off a multi-HP fire breathing demon will always overcome inherent inefficiency....but I think my setup is reasonably representative of the hoi poloi.

    The real problem is the dust collection doesn't start until at least 6 inches below the cut. It collects it from within the cabinet. On my little DC, it doesn't have suction to draw the dust from above the cabinet and below the table. There is an open air gap of 3 inches (?) between the two.

    After a good resawing sesh, the build up is considerable.

    So, i took some close up pictures, jumped on Autocad and made up a sleeve with a 4" port that can be printed out in ABS plastic. The first version was ordinary, the next one was good and version 3 is awesome. It sockets in and out for blade changes and table tilts and collects absolutely 100% of all dust even after a long sesh.

    The cabinet and lower bearings are 100% clean.

    I'm thinking of a few refinements (the swirl of the venturii) and I'll either sell them printed out or release the CAD so people can print their own (for the 5 people on this forum who even own such a thing!)

    Overall, I have made 6 modifications to the Laguna SUV14 which increase its use very significantly ...hence me saying Laguna should produce Ver2 of the S-SUV

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Adelaide, SA


    Right. Would u b happy to post a pic or is it still top secret?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Brisbane, Australia


    Hi Evanism,
    I realise this thread is now a little old, but I stumbled upon this while looking into resawing an dust collection on the 14 SUV which I own. I'm looking to improve my dust collection issues and it seems a custom shaped DC adaptor snugly placed close under the table would be ideal. I'm excited to read you've made something like this, so I'm curious to know if could you share your findings and if you're able to assist in producing another one?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Caboolture QLD AU


    Quote Originally Posted by wolfdogg View Post
    I realise this thread is now a little old, but I stumbled upon this while looking into resawing an dust collection on the 14 SUV which I own. I'm looking to improve my dust collection issues and it seems a custom shaped DC adaptor snugly placed close under the table would be ideal. I'm excited to read you've made something like this, so I'm curious to know if could you share your findings and if you're able to assist in producing another one?
    FYI this is the one I came up with for my 14BX. Post #66 on the pervious page below has more info on the pickup.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2005


    Quote Originally Posted by wolfdogg View Post
    Hi Evanism,
    I realise this thread is now a little old, but I stumbled upon this while looking into resawing an dust collection on the 14 SUV which I own. I'm looking to improve my dust collection issues and it seems a custom shaped DC adaptor snugly placed close under the table would be ideal. I'm excited to read you've made something like this, so I'm curious to know if could you share your findings and if you're able to assist in producing another one?
    Unfortunately Evanism no longer is a member of this forum.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Brisbane, Australia


    Quote Originally Posted by MandJ View Post
    FYI this is the one I came up with for my 14BX. Post #66 on the pervious page below has more info on the pickup.
    This is brilliant, thanks for the cross-link MandJ ! Great detailed information, and I especially like the way you've gone about it. Appreciate all your hard work and posts to document your design. I'll definitely study this closely and seek to do something similar. Let you know how I get on.

    Also like your mods to pimp the BS with the LEDs and tensioner switch.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Brisbane, Australia


    Quote Originally Posted by Chris Parks View Post
    Unfortunately Evanism no longer is a member of this forum.
    Thanks for letting me know.

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