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Thread: A good weekend

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Dundowran Beach

    Thumbs up A good weekend

    Well I've had the best weekend for months.

    Firstly Ana cooked a new recipe for lunch yesterday and a variation of it today on
    the basis of the first round being so good. Scrumptious!!

    Had a clean-up and run to the tip.

    I managed to get some work done in my tropical themed garden without upsetting the back.!!

    Got in touch with an old mate i haven't seen for nearly 20 years. Glad he hasn't changed!!

    Son and I partly sorted the office out and he has shown me how to do a couple of things on the 'puter
    that will make my life a little easier. Also hitched up and programed the 'puter to the Fission turntable
    so I can record to the 'puter.

    Son and I got stuck into the shed And now I can see the floor!! We will be back there tomorrow to
    do bit more.

  2. #2
    FenceFurniture's Avatar
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    Good for you Art. Mine wasn't too bad, but not outstanding. Made some new blast gates today.
    Regards, FenceFurniture

    Jan-Feb 2019 Click to send me an email

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Canberra, Australia


    No air con inside so everything I did on the weekend was before 11AM and then I hibernated for the rest of the day.

    Been digging trenches in the backyard extending the irrigation system. Laid all the pipes for the backyard when I made the raised beds 3 months ago but it's been running off a tap, so I'm connecting it to the mains supply now. Tested the pressure pipe connections and solenoid this morning and works fine, which is good.

    Right now just digging down 10cm into hard clay to put down a drain at the same time as burying the 19mm irrigation pipe along the garage side door (might as well, right?) and broke the drain pit so off to Bunnings again (I don't think I'll have any budget for tools for the next few months after this).

    Oh and I trapped and dispatched my first Indian Myna with the Canberra Indian Myna Action Group. Will be the first of many I hope, to purge our suburb of the scourge.

    And attended my first Urban Homesteader's meetup which was fun; was given some asparagus plants and "celpas" seeds to plant out. Rest of my 3-month old garden is doing well, expecting over a hundred tomatoes, 30 cobs of sweet corn, 10kg of zucchini and lots of herbs, chillies, maybe some capsicums, broccoli and strawberries. Given up on the iceberg lettuce.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Dundowran Beach

    Thumbs up

    Good to see the action on the Indian Mynas,aka flying rats.I Saw the spread of those
    bloody things from Brisbane and now they are down Jimboomba way!!

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