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Thread: floor not level

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    Smile floor not level

    hi this is my first post, although have been eagerly reading threads and getting very useful info. We recently(2 months) had the front of the house restumped. (back of house had concrete stumps when it was renovated) , so when we bought few months ago building inspect said to change over red gum stumps. The guy said he computer levelled it but i can see spots where the house is not level. Both bathrooms and entry foyer. The floor has gotten squeeky in parts where it wasnt before. Is this normal? i called the guy and he said he will come out to check. Is it a big job to rectify? Am i being too pedantic over 10 or so mms? Thing is we want to redo a bathroom and are worried if we do it and its uneven then if he fixes it will it a big problem?? sorry to keep going on, any advice will help..thanks in advance

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    10mm is not uncommon even if it's not acceptable. When you say the house is not level, do you mean the floor? and do you mean it's not level compared with how it was level before. If you're going by the sqeaking this could be caused something being unacceptably tight or it could be a normal settling process. If you're not satisfied with what you are being told, it may well be worth your while getting a second opinion even if only to put you at ease, (you should also get a more precise and broader opinion than I've given here, hope more people post to this)

    I've only recently joined this forum too. Nick

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