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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Swan View WA

    Default (WA) Working bee @ Dingo's, 3rd Jan 2009

    Hi all,

    Anyone who's been following Wild Dingo's posts recently knows that he's trying to clean up a huge backyard with just himself for help, before hopefully heading off on a road trip. For those who haven't seen his place, it's a beautiful spot but it's also a bloody big yard.

    I've offered to go down over the xmas/new year break and help him out for a day - is anyone else interested in coming down? I thought we could make a group bash of it and knock over the 3m weeds he keeps telling us about. Anyone with a chainsaw/mill would be particularly welcome, he's got a large pile of logs that need to be chopped up before the termites get into them. I specialise in lifting heavy things, but I'm not a chainsaw guy.

    Plenty of shed things to do too, for those so inclined.

    Yes, he's in Brunswick - but it's not like it's the far side of Bunbury. Carpooling could make the drive easier and save us all some fuel - I'm happy to give anyone a lift who wants to come. I don't have a firm day in mind, I was hoping to snag a coolish day and head down - the long range (ie. vague as hell) forecasts are saying Dec 27th is going to be 28° in Perth, which I reckon is perfect gardening weather. Semi-firm date: 3rd of Jan. I dare say we could find a bbq and a few beers for afterwards... plenty of room for parking campers etc if you want to sleep over too.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Perth - SOR


    Possibly after New Year might be fine - I'm visiting my Daughters up in Exmouth for Christmas, I'd rather be in the cooler climate of Brunswick J'tn though. What the heck - seafood - seafood - seafood for Christmas can't be too bad.
    Seriously though. I'd love to come down there if the timing is right, I haven't spoken to Rose yet, but I can promise that she would only be too happy to get into the kitchen (or anywhere she can help) wether it's to clean or cook she doesn't care.


    Oh yeh! I have a chain saw.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Mildura, Victoria


    Juffy, "I'm happy to give anyone a lift who wants to come", I'll happily accept your offer of a lift. Your call on date and time, I don't want to impose on you too much.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Swan View WA


    Denn - thanks mate. Maybe the weekend of the 3rd/4th would give people a bit more warning, and also get Xmas/NYE craziness out of the way?

    Quote Originally Posted by masoth View Post
    Juffy, "I'm happy to give anyone a lift who wants to come", I'll happily accept your offer of a lift. Your call on date and time, I don't want to impose on you too much.
    ...there might be limits to my generosity. Crazy Victorians.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    North Of The Boarder


    Clean up at Dingo Dell I'll start wheelin now

    Juffy top award for helping a mate out

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2005


    Hi Juffy,

    Am only available on Sarurday 3rd January. If that is the day that you are going down then cont me in.

    Would be looking for a lift though, if you have a spare seat. Do not have a chainsaw.

    My Private Message Box is full so best not reply to it, post here instead.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Swan View WA


    Pops - 3rd is certainly looking more attractive for getting some people down there. I definitely have a spare seat.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Perth WA



    Got your PM. Count me in. I think it would be a great start to the year to have the opportunity to do something for Shane, and hopefully set him up for a great year in '09. Saturday Jan 3 would be good for me too. If you have a spare seat that would be great too but not essential. Again sorry no chainsaw.



  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    North Of The Boarder


    Ah gents it really nice to see as I said if I could I would but if I was at his place cleaning up and he called in here while he's heading east..............I hopethis ain't a surprise thing for him

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Broome West Aussie


    Juffy yer wally!!!

    Okay okay we yarned about this "busy bee" thing and of help I would be incredibly gratefull to all an sundry that came along.

    Pops dont worry bout having a chainsaw theres a nice wee farm boss sitting in the shed

    The property is 2 acres of LUSH kykuyu grass spilling into a creek Ive altered to make 2 creeks... Ive managed to get the 1/4 an acre around the house done sorta well its short enough so you wont loose the nippers in sill need to do up around the shed down the back at the logs and all through the bottom acre of the creek area... ITS LONG AND THICK!!!... hard going

    Ive killed 2 lawn mowers out there... one a 2 stroke gave up the ghost before all this started it just wasnt up to it... the second was a victa 4 stroke of the son in laws it sorta thinks about going from time to time coughs farts splutters and only raises to a saunter an then tries to choke!... have a whipper snipper thing but somehow the whipper part that has the cord in it has gone somewhere and been replaced by an utterly useless blade setup that just knocks the weeds over not cut them

    trouble is under the weed and grass out near the shed is some timber and god knows what else... hopefully by the 3rd I will have gotten a skip and got rid of most of whatevers hiding out there!!

    Im happy to hold of the road trip until this is done it would be great to go and come back to a tidy bit of land! then I can start to make something of it! a few vegies a few fruit trees maybe a sheep or goat some chooks and heck maybe I'll even get the fences done!!! Now THAT would be good... no rush on any of it.

    The mowing has been great therapy and has been increadible for the physical side of me wee bod But after 10 months with nothing being done to it 2 acres is just too damned much for one bloke as Juffy says

    Okay other side of things if you dont feel like doin 2 acres of gardening... the sheds there if some want to get physical with the tools that have stuck around... plenty of timber to muck with... then theres a few odd things that need be done to the house proper internal and external... finances being what they are its sorta hit an miss if Ive got whats needed if not make do is my motto at present The kitchens not much Denn but Rose is welcome to go for her clacker an cook up a storm!!

    Have barbies and know how to use em... webber an plate jobs... have ice chest bar fridge and eskys and know what theyre used for and am not afraid to use em!!

    Plenty of room for caravans tents or campers for those who wish to overnight it... maybe wander into Bunbury or out to Dardenup or the Wellington dam when not doin stuff or just "over it" ...I dont expect slavery and dont want it just a tad of help if its on offer will be enough for me... Juffy mate yer a flamin legend you do know that right?

    Believe me there IS life beyond marriage!!! Relax breathe and smile learn to laugh again from the heart so it reaches the eyes!!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2005


    Hi All,

    OK. Looks like a plan gang. Onya fellas.

    Juffy, Put my name on a seat in your car. Thanks. Your the man.

    Larry M, will be good to catch up too.

    Dingo, Glad to hear we are not surprising you and we are not ruining your travel plans. We should be able to put a dent on the wild backyard of yours mate or at least give it a big fright. Oooh ! Farm boss, nice, nothing like the smell of chainsaw fumes in the morning.


  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Mandurah, Western Australia

    Default ok... I'm in!

    What do you guys think your going to have all the fun.....LOL
    Knew I have steel cap boots for some reason.

    Keep me posted... Sorry but will have caravan on ... so need power ....can't cook sausage rolls & make smoke O.... with out power..... & some shelia needs to be around to see all that professional back-yard blitz take shape.....Never know perhaps....Jamie Jury will turn

    Sorry havent' been on much at all lately... hearts been shattered .... but picking myself up & dusting off.....
    Want a good laugh.... "Mr Right...who obviously was Mr Wrong..... suggested that I don't tell men I do woodwork or welding... said that was doing a "blokey thing" and men don't like women who do that!..."

    Well guess he was really MR DIPSHIT.... still I was totally bestotted by him... so now will just totally ignore all his macho advice ... & come down get on with life... surrounded by friends who are much better value & accept & all....

    As long as that's ok with you Shane... I have close friends in Busso so can scoot on there when days done....
    Don't think you're playing it safe by walking in the middle of the road.....that's the surest way to get hit by traffic coming from both ways!
    I'm passionate about woodwork.......making Sawdust again & loving it!

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Swan View WA


    Oh no, Shane found my secret thread!

    Would love to have you and your boots, Kerry.

    OK, so currently we've got me, Pops and Larry in my car, plus Geoff Simms if we can squeeze him in. I'm in Swan View - where are you guys? Kerry's coming in her own bus by the sounds of it.

    Denn might be in since it's after new year, Keke's in complete with boots and caravan. Should be a good day - if we rumble down there early in the morning, we'll have a good 12 hours or so of daylight to play with. I'm assuming my passengers would like to sleep in their own beds?

    Shane - I can probably steal my dad's mulcher if it'll be useful? Good for reducing piles of green waste to a pile of useful stuff, if you've got trees and things that need pruning.

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Broome West Aussie


    Juffy mate as much as people feel they want to do is more than enough and a considerable help!

    Kerry you are always welcome to Dingo Creek my lady!... Sorry to hear "mr right" turned into "mr wrong" sometimes stuff happens so we dust of pick up and look toward a new horizon eh? Bring boots! As to the caravan we can run extention leads all over the paddock!!

    Pops I hear the love in your voice mate lets consider the farm boss yours for the duration eh? go for your hearts content my friend!... actually thinking about that there is this OLD gnarly pear tree that hasnt produced a pip since I got here that I was considering dropping I hear that Pear is pretty good timber for us woodnuts and woodboobs maybe that can be your target?

    Juffy mate if you think the mulcher thingy will help it would be appreciated damned if I have a clue what you will do with all the mulch but we will figure something on the day I guess.

    As to what people bring or think will be needed... whatever people feel will help is all I will say... and no one is to feel obligated to be here or come or stay I simply appreciate everything everyone is doing and particularily Juffy for doing this... cause I wouldnt have

    As I said there are a swag of things people can do if gardening isnt their thing or they want a break from... sheds there tools are there timber and veneer is there welders there steels around etc etc etc... Im just gonna grab a mower and disappear down the other side of the creek Juffy can get people sorted Cause hes been here and kinda knows the lay of it... mind you that was a few months back and well as it was then was bad enough but with a few more months of total neglect under its belt its a damned site worse now

    Anyway I will leave it to you mate... and thank everyone who posts for their interest compassion empathy and mateship... bloody awesome is what it is!

    He who is humbled and kinda embaressed (note something I rarely am!)

    oooh Juffy? Who we know who can come down to make the movie? These poor galahs over east will NEED to see us sandgropers hard at it eh!
    Believe me there IS life beyond marriage!!! Relax breathe and smile learn to laugh again from the heart so it reaches the eyes!!

  15. #15
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Swan View WA


    Mulch is good for keeping weeds down, helps water retention and makes your plants happy too. 'tis good stuff.

    I'll see if I can snag the mulcher, will probably bring a trailer down if any of my crew want to bring gear (shovels/rakes/weedwhackers?) with them. I've got an electric line trimmer I'll bring down to see if I can kill it.

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