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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Default Weekend Rust Hunt.

    G'day Folks

    Its rare for me to have much luck at markets, Its usually just an exercise in following the daughter around for an hour or two pointing at random objects and naming them.
    Any parent will know the scene well.. "ohhhhh... doggy. ahhhhh... train. ooooohh... hat. and on it goes, I might be lucky and bring home a chisel or a parts plane that the early birds couldn't be bothered with.

    But sitting there waiting patiently for me this morning was this tool box with some goodies.
    At first I tried to wangle the guy into selling me three blades from a 71 out of it but he wouldn't budge "the whole box or nothin"
    It's not my usual taste at all but I have to admit I kind of fancy it now I have it home and hosed.
    Kind of a pressed metal veresion of a carpenters box. The thing is huge! you would need an aprentice to help you move it fully loaded.
    Attachment 85685

    Attachment 85686

    Attachment 85694

    The D8 (Nicest I have found to date) gives you an idea of the size of the box
    Attachment 85687

    Anyone reconise the brand?
    Attachment 85693

    Attachment 85692
    It came with a mixed bunch of gear.. there was a few little gems that suggests no one too knowledgable had stripped it yet. apart from the obvious lack of chisels and planes.
    Attachment 85688

    The saw is lovely.. canadian, haven't bothered to look it up yet but I think it will replace one of my users.
    Attachment 85689

    Couple of junkers and a framing vice thingo from the same day out.
    Attachment 85691

    I'm not sure what to do with it to be honest.. It would look great full of tools but I have no need for such a huge traveling kit and I'm not too keen to throw my good tools into a metal container.
    One thought I had was to strip the whole thing back, re-finish it and line it with felt. Costomising the interior as I go to take a uselful selection and just let it live in my shop and a fixed chest.

    What do you think?

    oh.. and any assorted Stanley fluff in the box was all sweetheart era, a hint at age maybe?

    Completely unrelated.. I was digging through a box that I throw unsightly tools in when I think that they are a little too far gone or I simply cant be bothered and a rather abused little square jumped out at me.
    Attachment 85690
    It couldn't be... could it?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Grange, Brisbane


    Nice find! It'd be great for a travelling tradie.
    Cheers, Richard

    "... work to a standard rather than a deadline ..." Ticky, forum member.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Katoomba NSW


    The 'Framing vice thing' is actually a mitre box I think. 90 & 45.
    The little square looks like the ones that were made at the old Tech Schools in Yr 7
    Rota are still in business i think. They make good quality bits boxes and cases.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2007



    Maybe you'll receive a nice marking knife to match the square?


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