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  1. #1
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    Jun 2008

    Default Who will do this if elected (An excellent letter)

    WHO WILL DO THIS IF ELECTED (An Excellent Letter)
    A real worthwhile dummy spit - read this with honour.
    This letter should be "a must read" by every politician and in every school in
    Why don't the politicians take letters like this to heart ----- Original This is very well said.
    A Letter to the Editor (excellent letter)
    So many letter writers have explained how this land is made up of immigrants. Maybe we should turn to our history books and point out to people why today's Australian is not willing to accept the new kind of immigrant any longer.

    Back in 1900 when there was a rush from all areas of
    Europe to come to Australia, people had to get off a ship and stand in a long line in Sydney and be documented. Some would even get down on their hands and knees and kiss the ground. They made a pledge to uphold the laws and support their new country in good and bad times. They made learning English a primary rule in their new Australian households and some even changed their names to blend in with their new home. They had waved good bye to their birth place to give their children a new life and did everything in their power to help their children assimilate into one culture.

    Nothing was handed to them. No free lunches, no welfare, no labour laws to protect them. All they had were the skills, craftsmanship and desire they had brought with them to trade for a future of prosperity.

    Most of their children came of age when World War II broke out. Australians fought along side men whose parents had come straight over from
    Germany, Italy, France, Japan, Czechoslovakia, Russia, Sweden, Poland and so many other places. None of these first generation Australians ever gave any thought about what country their parents had come from. They were Australians fighting Hitler, Mussolini and the Emperor of Japan. They were defending the Freedom as one people. When we liberated France, no-one in those villages was looking for the Ukrainian-Australian or the German-Australian or the Irish-Australian. The people of France saw only Australians.

    And we carried one flag that represented our country. Not one of those immigrant sons would have thought about picking up another country's flag and waving it to represent who they were. It would have been a disgrace to their parents who had sacrificed so much to be here. These immigrants truly knew what it meant to be an Australian.

    And here we are in 2010 with a new kind of immigrant who wants the same rights and privileges. Only they want to achieve it by playing with a different set of rules, one that includes an Australian passport and a guarantee of being faithful to their mother country. I'm sorry, that's not what being an Australian is all about. Australians have been very open-hearted and open-minded regarding immigrants, whether they were fleeing poverty, dictatorship, persecution, or whatever else makes us think of those aforementioned immigrants who truly did ADOPT our country, and our flag and our morals and our customs. And left their wars, hatred, and divisions behind. I believe that the immigrants who landed in
    Australia in the early 1900s deserve better than that for the toil, hard work and sacrifice those legally searching for a better life. I think they would be appalled that they are being used as an example by those waving foreign country flags, fighting foreign battles on our soil, making Australians change to suit their religions and cultures, and wanting to change our country’s fabric by claiming discrimination when we do not give in to their demands.

    Its about time we get real and stand up for our forefathers rights, we are AUSTRALIANS! Lest we forget it!!! I am a Native of this Country & proud of it! Join our country, join our culture, join our beliefs, join our schools, our armies, and join the line in giving not just taking the hand outs. If you are from another religion and dont like ours, then go live yours somewhere else. If you are not happy with our rules and our culture, go live yours somewhere else. If you dont like our lifestyle and our opinions, go live yours somewhere else. Stand up mates, lets tell em straight. Australia for Aussies, join us, when you are dumping your own country, dump your trash there with it - come here and be one of us. We dont need you, you need us, join in or off.

    NO MORE not saying CHRISTMAS in stores and our schools,
    Holiday be dammed!!!
    I Want MY AUSTRALIA of birth BACK !!!
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Glen Innes NSW

    Thumbs up hear hear

    Hear Hear

    Regards Mike

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Rural Victoria


    Too right cobber.

    And bring back corporal punishment.

    Scrap the $1000 fine for carrying weapons. No more 'safe injecting rooms'. No more suspended sentences for violent crime.

    Give 'em 10 lashes live on national television and double it for every repeat offence.

  4. #4
    Dave J Guest


    A big to that one.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Parkside - South Australia


    What a complete wank.

    "I am a Native of this Country & proud of it!" .... where is the line drawn for this statement? It became a Country only when the author arrived?

    "Australians have been very open-hearted and open-minded regarding immigrants" I guess only when they conformed to the ideals of the author or the immigrants came from pre-approved countries!

    "If you are from another religion and don’t like ours, then go live yours somewhere else." ..... Im an atheist but born in Australia. Guess I don't belong as I do not conform.

    Australia is an eclectic mix of cultures. Surely this should be embraced instead of trying to make everybody to conform into some sort of "ideal". Could you imagine what Australia would be like without outside influences? The world is smaller than it every used to be and it seems stupid to expect people to strip away their past before they are allowed to become Australian.

    I am a Native of this Country & proud of it! Join our country, join our culture, join our beliefs, join our schools, our armies, and join the line in giving not just taking the hand outs. ..... while you are at it you are only allowed to drive a commodore (with a spoiler), only allowed to name your children Dazza and Shazza, only allowed to drink VB.

    Let me guess ..... this came out of the Herald Sun?
    Now proudly sponsored by Binford Tools. Be sure to check out the Binford 6100 - available now at any good tool retailer.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by matthew_g View Post

    Australians have been very open-hearted and open-minded regarding immigrants, . . . . .
    Sorry - this one gets right under my skin.

    My parents were migrants in the 50's. I watched some so called "opened hearted and open-minded" aussie treat my parents and their friends as 3rd class citizens on numerous occasions, just like some of us are now treating people from other cultures. At school were were ridiculed and beat up because we talked funny and ate zucchinis and capsicums. I used to get my own back by inviting certain aussie richard craniums around to eat a very special fruit from our garden, chillies.

    If you want Australia of the 50's, paranoid, biggoted, narrow minded and racist - we already have it.

    I forgot to add when my dad landed in Australia he went up to the nearest rubbish bin and burnt his foreign passport and papers and vowed never to leave Australia. He went to night classes to learn English. He only ever spoke to us kids in english which was a BIG mistake because we all could have learned another language without any effort, far better than what I could have done at school.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    It seems it's not even an Australian letter but cut and pasted from a Canadian one. I have also seen it quoted as being from New Zealand and America. The Canadian one goes in part:
    Back in 1900... when there was a rush from all areas of Europe to come to Canada, people had to get off a ship and stand in a long line in Halifax and be documented. Some would even get down on their hands and knees and kiss the ground.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2003


    It's a rehash of an American version that did the rounds a few years ago. Immigrants From Different Eras
    "I don't practice what I preach because I'm not the kind of person I'm preaching to."

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Rural Victoria


    Quote Originally Posted by Sir Stinkalot View Post

    "If you are from another religion and don’t like ours, then go live yours somewhere else." ..... Im an atheist but born in Australia. Guess I don't belong as I do not conform.
    I'm an atheist too. The only fair and equal solution is to ban all religion. However Christmas isn't being renamed to suit us atheists- it is more to suit one vocal minority in particular.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sir Stinkalot View Post
    Australia is an eclectic mix of cultures. Surely this should be embraced instead of trying to make everybody to conform into some sort of "ideal". Could you imagine what Australia would be like without outside influences? The world is smaller than it every used to be and it seems stupid to expect people to strip away their past before they are allowed to become Australian.
    Better having an Australian culture rather than becoming another province of the USA, from where this idea of renaming Christmas and political correctness came from.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sir Stinkalot View Post
    I am a Native of this Country & proud of it! Join our country, join our culture, join our beliefs, join our schools, our armies, and join the line in giving not just taking the hand outs. ..... while you are at it you are only allowed to drive a commodore (with a spoiler), only allowed to name your children Dazza and Shazza, only allowed to drink VB.
    Bring back the Kingswood I say! The Commodore is GM's 'world car' and does not have a great deal of local design input. The original prototype came from Germany and fell apart after three days of testing on Australian roads.

    Wherein lies the problem. If one takes car design as a microcosm of Australian culture then it is easy to see the damage caused by outside influences.

    Perhaps the OP is protesting the loss of the the tough, independant and resilient Australian mindset which was the backbone of all the hard yards gained by earlier generations, only to have everything they built dissolve before their eyes as Australia became a nanny state for people who hadn't earnt it.

    Would a young woman dressed in only cut off denim shorts and a bikini top, carrying a Vodka Cruiser, be able to walk down the main street of Tehran? I don't think so. We cannot display our culture there, so how can they be allowed to influence our culture here?

    Roll on the Australian summer I say. Denim shorts are making a comeback.

    Even the great Bernie Ecclestone, Formula 1 supremo, cannot convice the Arabs to allow champagne to be sprayed on the podium.

    Why does Australia have to make all the concessions while other countries can do as they please?

    Why is Australia a soft target for 'asylum seekers' (ie boat parasites)? Can't we call their boats 'landing craft' and turn them away with force, if necessary? Why can't 'asylum seekers' change the culture in their own countries if they don't like it? Why can't they stand up and fight, and change the regimes in their own countries, instead of running away like whipped dogs?

    Why should Australia become a safe haven for cowards?

    I will agree, however, on one point you make. There are better beers than VB!

    PS Before you call me a bigot, my parents were migrants from England. However, they came in the front door.

  10. #10
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    Jun 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Gerbilsquasher View Post

    I'm an atheist too. The only fair and equal solution is to ban all religion. However Christmas isn't being renamed to suit us atheists- it is more to suit one vocal minority in particular.

    Better having an Australian culture rather than becoming another province of the USA, from where this idea of renaming Christmas and political correctness came from.

    Bring back the Kingswood I say! The Commodore is GM's 'world car' and does not have a great deal of local design input. The original prototype came from Germany and fell apart after three days of testing on Australian roads.

    Wherein lies the problem. If one takes car design as a microcosm of Australian culture then it is easy to see the damage caused by outside influences.

    Perhaps the OP is protesting the loss of the the tough, independant and resilient Australian mindset which was the backbone of all the hard yards gained by earlier generations, only to have everything they built dissolve before their eyes as Australia became a nanny state for people who hadn't earnt it.

    Would a young woman dressed in only cut off denim shorts and a bikini top, carrying a Vodka Cruiser, be able to walk down the main street of Tehran? I don't think so. We cannot display our culture there, so how can they be allowed to influence our culture here?

    Roll on the Australian summer I say. Denim shorts are making a comeback.

    Even the great Bernie Ecclestone, Formula 1 supremo, cannot convice the Arabs to allow champagne to be sprayed on the podium.

    Why does Australia have to make all the concessions while other countries can do as they please?

    Why is Australia a soft target for 'asylum seekers' (ie boat parasites)? Can't we call their boats 'landing craft' and turn them away with force, if necessary? Why can't 'asylum seekers' change the culture in their own countries if they don't like it? Why can't they stand up and fight, and change the regimes in their own countries, instead of running away like whipped dogs?

    Why should Australia become a safe haven for cowards?

    I will agree, however, on one point you make. There are better beers than VB!

    PS Before you call me a bigot, my parents were migrants from England. However, they came in the front door.
    Too bloody right,
    I decend from a Latvian background, And my Grandparents conformed to the Australian way of learning english. And we also came through the front door.
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  11. #11
    Scribbly Gum's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by matthew_g View Post

    When we liberated France, no-one in those villages was looking for the Ukrainian-Australian or the German-Australian or the Irish-Australian. The people of France saw only Australians.

    Hmmm .............
    Not sure who wrote this little piece, but it would have been useful to check the history books first.
    Apart from Bomber Command of the RAF, Australians took no part in the invasion of Europe in World War II.
    We were rather busy fighting the Japanese across the Pacific.
    The people of France didn't see any Australians.
    .... some old things are lovely
    Warm still with the life of forgotten men who made them ........................D.H. Lawrence

  12. #12
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    It's a rehash of an American version that did the rounds a few years ago. Immigrants From Different Eras

    "I don't practice what I preach because I'm not the kind of person I'm preaching to."

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by silentC View Post
    It's a rehash of an American version that did the rounds a few years ago. Immigrants From Different Eras

    Yeah! Its a load of $#!&!

    Sweaping statements made with a big brush. Its very easy to argue that things were better a century ago. They weren't ! Not to say everthing is perfect now. Its all still a work in progress. But if people can still rehash letters like that and get people greeing with them there is still alot of work to go.
    ea Lady

    (White with none)
    Follow my little workshop/gallery on facebook. things of clay and wood.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by tea lady View Post
    Yeah! Its a load of $#!&!

    Sweaping statements made with a big brush. Its very easy to argue that things were better a century ago. They weren't ! Not to say everthing is perfect now. Its all still a work in progress. But if people can still rehash letters like that and get people greeing with them there is still alot of work to go.
    I was searching the net to find out the origin of the 'letter' and was amazed at the number of sites that seem to be driven by pure hatred And that's just among the ones that quote it. Goodness knows how many others there are out there.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Sep 2008


    cant be bothered reading this crap this is exactly the same tripe that makes Practical machinist so hostile we all have views on issues this really isnt the place for it

    is a metal work forum or not
    happy turning


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