hi guys

had (very) different results from different shops trying to buy the same color.

The color in question is a dulux color from one of their paint charts.

Got a sample pot from a bloke who sells wattyl paint and who used the wattyl code.
Sample pot was in wattyl pascol white base.
therefore ---> dulux color made up in a wattyl base with the wattyl code.
The resulting color matched the chart I would venture to say "exactly" ( best match i have ever seen actually.)

then i went to another paint store who sells mostly dulux to buy the paint ( dont ask why). Bought 10 litres thinking i had found the color i wanted.
come home and the color is way off the wattyl sample pot. And its also way off the dulux color chart. By way off i mean many shades pinker, one was a cream with a slight pink tinge, the other was definitely pink with no cream at all.
this bloke mixed the dulux code (as its a dulux color) into nu-look paint(wattyl?)

Anyhow, if you can understand that, my questions are these.
How could the dulux code be so far off its own chart, when the wattyl was a perfect match. When i went back to the store we added a bit of green to try and take out some pink into the 10 litres and got it even closer to the dulux color card than the dulux code got it in the first place???

Do the white bases have a different shade? So if i used a 10 litre of dulux base it would be closer?

Do the machines have different types of tint in them?

Whats going on?

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