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Thread: Getaway

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Bottom of the leg

    Default Getaway

    Paul wanted to get away from it all, so he set off to explore the world.After having a fine time in Europe, and a couple of months in Spain, he endedup in the Amazon. He wandered around for a few weeks, and then decided toreally explore it. He walked for miles and miles, eating fruit and any animalshe could catch, and getting happily lost. He did have a slight run-in with acrocodile, but he managed to escape, and carried on.

    He found a stunningly beautiful area and set up home there for a while, buildinga nice home out of wood, and learning skills that he never deemed he would.After living in his home for 3 months, he was beginning to feel lonely, so heheaded off again.

    This time he made progress, following the river along, and moving quickly to findsome companionship. He ate well, catching fish, but the fish were no good atconversation, so he soon got desperately bored.

    After a couple of weeks, he saw a large building. He went an knocked on thedoor, and a monk opened it. "Hello" said the monk (Monks are knownfor being friendly, and saying 'hello')

    "Hello," said Paul, "I'm Paul"

    "Do come in Paul, our Monastery is your Monastery, any thing you want,just ask, but we are about to have dinner, won't you join us?"

    "I'd love to" said Paul.

    Dinner was a feast the likes of which Paul had never seen. The wine wasbeautiful, and Paul hadn't had any alcohol for many months, and he ate like apig. After dinner, with all the alcohol flowing through his blood stream, Paulneeded some sleep. The monk showed him to his room, and Paul slept like a baby.

    The next morning, Paul awoke feeling like a new man. He couldn't find one, sohe settled for a monk(!)

    The Monk said "If you want anything at all, please just ask".

    "OK, I will have a think about that" said Paul

    "Really," said the monk, "It would be a pleasure for us tosupply you with anything that your heart desires".

    Paul spent the next few days enjoying the food and wine, and going with theMonks to pray, and then, having had plenty of time to think about it, he had aquiet word with the Monk.

    "Can you really supply me with anything I desire?" asked Paul.

    "Anything at all, you name it, and we will get it for you."

    "OK, if you are sure," Said Paul, "I would love a hair-dryer, aMacintosh, 7 candles, a sheep, some butter, a pair of wellies, and a goat"

    "Let me get this right," said the Monk, "You want a hair-dryer,a Macintosh, 7 candles, a sheep, some butter, a pair of wellies, and agoat?"

    "Please," said Paul, "And a white sheep, not a black one, ifthat is OK?" "A white sheep? OK, No problem, but it might take alittle time"

    The next 8 days went by with good food, good wine, good prayers, and no sheep,etc. On the ninth day, the Monk went up to Paul, and said "Well, it washard work, but we have got you a hair-dryer, a Macintosh, 7 candles, a whitesheep, some butter, a pair of wellies, and a goat, they are all in yourroom."

    "That is great," said Paul, "I will go and check them allnow."

    An hour later, he found the monk, and said "I am sorry to trouble you, butthe hairdryer doesn't have a 'cold- air' option, is it possible to changeit?"

    "Of course it is" said the monk, who wandered off muttering somethingabout 'not being a bl@@dy KMartstore'.

    The next day, Paul found a new hair-dryer outside his door, with a cold option.He was ecstatic. The Monks didn't see much of Paul for the next few weeks, butthey heard some very odd noises from his room.

    After a month or so, Paul announced to the Monk that he really ought to thinkabout heading home.

    "OK, well thank you for visiting us." Said the Monk.

    "I shall miss you all, you have been so kind to me, treating me like along lost son, feeding me, supplying everything that I desire, how can I everrepay you?" Paul asked the Monk.

    "Well, there is one thing" said the Monk, "I would love to knowwhy you wanted a hair-dryer (hot and cold air), a Macintosh, 7 candles, a whitesheep, some butter, a pair of wellies, and a goat?"

    "Oh, the hair-dryer (hot and cold air), a Macintosh, 7 candles, a whitesheep, some butter, a pair of wellies, and a goat? well, can you keep asecret?"

    "Yes, I can." said the monk.




    And he did.
    Cheers Fred

    The difference between light and hard is that you can sleep with the light on. ... t_creative"

    Updated 26 April 2010

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Wagga Wagga NSW


    That's another 5 minutes of my life wasted, I should have known better than to have started reading it.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2010


    I'm not reading anything you post in the jokes section ANYMORE!

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