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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2012

    Default Wonderful 15 year old AWW magazines....and a question!

    Just picked up a box of AWW mags off CGroves (nice dude)... Some are 13 years old, which is very cool.

    What REALLY struck me is the Ads, projects and's all missing!

    I realise it's a decade and a half, but I cannot reconcile what must be sheds full of tools that are sitting idle and unused. Adds for Triton routers, Festool BS105E belt sanders, bandsaws, tablesaws....Timbercon, H+F, Carbatec (it's all grey!)... This stuff must have sold thousands and many tens of thousands over the decade.....yet it's not being sold second hand!

    Workmen who have produced marvellous works of art, cabinetry and turnings and the names are unfamiliar and the businesses gone. Where are these people?

    Issue 36, 2002, for example is packed with shops full of similing men (and women, but far too infrequently) with manfacturing of chairs, tables, cabinets, art GALORE....all wonderful work.

    Another from 1996...same. It's almost all the same gear!

    What the hell is going on? Do woodworkers just hold onto it all and never sell it? Are we just a bunch or quiet achievers?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2005


    A lot of what industry uses is three phase and the used market is very limited so it gets scrapped. Other stuff has no application in a hobby situation so the same deal, on the truck and scrapped. The manufacturing base in this country in the WW sector has fallen to just about nil so that limits the used market also.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2011


    A lot is also bought up by agents and then sent overseas.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Albury Well Just Outside


    Quote Originally Posted by Evanism View Post
    .... Do woodworkers just hold onto it all and never sell it? ....

    How much of your unused items have you sold?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2005


    Christos, I scrapped a thicknesser recently, does that count?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    About a decade ago one of the small workshops where I used to work was downsizing and tried to dispose of a about a dozen, small, 3 phase WW & MW machines from circa 1960/70s. The list, which include, 2 bandsaws, 16" RAS, 12" combo machine, 2HP DC, a cold cutting saw, a couple of different long belt sanders, and a Hercus MW lathe, went to public tender and the best quote they got was $1000 for the lot. While some were no doubt in poor shape, the usual card of - we can't sell 3 phase machines was loudly played by the tenderers. Instead of disposing of them the management at work decided to temporarily put the machines into storage. A decade later a bean counter uncovered that the storage cost of the machines was WAY greater than their value and now they were all rusty and some of them were damaged, they were going to have to pay to have them taken away so they just wanted them out of there ASAP. Anyway the long long and the short of it was I ended up getting some of these (some pics here) for a next to nothing. So far all I have done something with is the Hercus lathe which is now happily working in my shed, the rest that I managed to get hold of are at the milling yard awaiting some improvement in my health to get back to fixing them up.

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