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Thread: New Member - Perth WA
11th December 2013, 11:00 PM #1
New Member - Perth WA
Hi all
Been lurking around the forums for awhile now and finally decided to join.
Im very new to the woodworking world but very keen and have found the forums a gold mine of information.
no doubt I will ask some stupid questions along the way ... but coming from a computer literate background I do know how to use the search function
So Im looking forward to getting to know all of you and thanks in advance for the answers to any of My questions.
Vaper (A.K.A Rob)
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12th December 2013, 09:50 AM #2
Welcome aboard Rob,
We're pretty good at dealing with any stupid questions and some members can even occasionally be relied on to provide a stupid answer or two in return.
Seriously there are no "stupid" questions in my book. Some new members have asked questions that are often too open ended (e.g. I am starting to get into woodworking what tools should I buy?) which are a bit frustrating and others clearly indicate they did not search the forums.
BTW if the search function turns up too many posts you may want to use google and add the term "site:www.woodworkforums.com/option add forum number here". I use this a fair bit as you probably know the "+" and "-" terms can be used to great effect to refine searches.
12th December 2013, 10:34 AM #3
Welcome aboard bob
Keep an eye out for forum get togethers they are great too. If you happen to be across the other side of the country for Australia Day weekend I'm having one here.
Stupid questions are fine. Using the search function can be a pain in the proverbial sometimes.
See you round
The Turning Cowboy
12th December 2013, 11:05 AM #4
Welcome to the forum Rob.
12th December 2013, 04:31 PM #5
Gidday & welcome aboard Rob, may your journey with us be a pleasant one.
Regards Rumnut.
Qld. Australia.
13th December 2013, 01:49 AM #6
Many thanks for the warm welcome everyone
I look forward to any perth meets that happen ... always good to meet new people and pick their brains (in a none Zombie fashion of course)
luckily enough I did read a great deal on these forums before buying some tools
at present I own a triton work center with a trition saw attached, the portable triton saw bench (although not being used at the moment) , a Triton router table complete with TRA001 (the old version)
along with triton biscuit joiner, planer attachment,finger cutter, bevel ripper, large and small side stands and sawdust vacuum system (might have missed a few bits) ... all which I got for what I consider a good price,
plus a bosch GCM10M compound mitre saw which was on special offer.
so far Im having fun building My first work bench ... taking it nice and easy and being extra careful not to lose any fingers in the process lol
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pmcgee liked this post
13th December 2013, 06:53 AM #7
welcome aboard
13th December 2013, 08:26 AM #8
Welcome to the forum.
13th December 2013, 09:45 AM #9
Hope you do a WIP on your bench. We love pics
The Turning Cowboy
13th December 2013, 12:31 PM #10
Thanks again for the welcomes
I must be slow this morning ...it took Me a nano second to figure out what WIP is lol
if you can put up with My picture taking Im sure I can sort something out dave
My aim is to make the bench the same height as My triton benches (900mm according to triton) ... but at the moment Im still trying to decide if I should put locking castors on the bottom for ease of movement or just adjustable feet as Im not 100% sure that the garage floor is level.
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DaveTTC liked this post
13th December 2013, 01:13 PM #11
Welcome aboard
Welcome aboard indeed from another Perth member.
Just holler if you get stuck.
I'm located North of the River if that's any help.
Always happy to help out.
Re castors - have you considered these at all?
Not that much dearer than heavy duty castors and you get the benefit of a very sturdy work platform when it sits on the ground.
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Vaper liked this post
13th December 2013, 11:06 PM #12
Welcome to the forum. I too live in Perth but up in the hills
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Vaper liked this post
14th December 2013, 07:17 AM #13
14th December 2013, 07:46 AM #14
G'Day & Welcome to a top forum "Rob".
There are quite a few members in and around Perth....
You'll find a heap of helpful & knowledgeable blokes & ladies on the forum and for most very willing to assist.
Make sure you show off your handiwork as everyone loves a photo, especially WIP [Work In Progress] photos with build notes.
Enjoy the forum.
Enjoy your woodwork....
Cheers crowie
14th December 2013, 02:46 PM #15
I priced them
I priced them and they are between ~$150 - ~300 depending of you get the one large one or two smaller ones.
Good Castors that will take weight and lock in position can easily cost that much.
I'm Morley area... not far from the galleria shopping center.
I'm also in the process of making an adjustable height, moveable bench.
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