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  1. #1
    FenceFurniture's Avatar
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    Default Building a Hi Fi Cabinet - a few questions please....


    Just about to build a cabinet for the various components for my sound system. The plan I have is this:

    Points to note:
    • I envisage that overall construction will be from 19mm thick timber, either Blackwood or perhaps Spotted Gum (if it's dry enough).
    • The back of the cabinet will have some hinged doors (probably MDF, and folding down) for access and hiding of leads (and CRIKEY there's a lot of leads going to the Amp)
    • The Amplifier weighs 15.5 kgs, so I wonder if 19mm thick timber will be thick enough to support without eventually bowing (although the shelf it sits on does have a supporting partition underneath.
    • The area for vinyl record storage does not go all the way to the back of the cabinet which leaves space for power boards, rolled up leads etc to be stored inside the cabinet (at last!)
    • The black dots in the diagram represent where the power lead emerges from each device, red dots are inter-component connections.
    • The turntable cavity will have a hinged lid for access, and a non-movable front wall.
    • Current thought is to have an upward hinging door for the amp, and a downward hinging door for the DVD/CD area (because both will need to be open during use so that the remote control will function). These would held closed by RE magnets, and the upward hinging door for the amp would also be held open by RE magnets.
    • I have two very nice quality (super-quiet at about 18dB) 120mm fans to place in the side wall to keep air being blown into the amp cavity and DVD/CD cavity. Even though the front door will be open during use, it would be a disaster if it was closed.
    • The lower section of vinyl records would also have a fold-down door.
    • The partitions behind the vinyl records will be 12mm MDF as they won't be seen.
    • In it's current location it will sit on a carpet rug (no cushy underlay), so I'm thinking I will just use the flat base for it sit on (will build it up a little from the 19mm bottom shelf). In time if it goes onto a hard floor I can add some adjustable feet.

    1. The shelves will be supported in a dado cut into the side wall. In the case of the amp shelf (with a 15.5 kg weight on it) how deep should the dado for this be? Will 10mm deep be enough? (remembering that it has a support partition underneath it, but not in the centre).
    2. Should the Amp shelf be thicker than 19mm - say 25mm? I just had a look at the existing shoddy structure - a cantilevered shelf of Oregon, 18mm thick, and unsupported for 150mm overhang - STILL FLAT! Half the width of the amp is on the extreme right of the overhang, so this is remarkable after four years. Maybe 19mm thick supported will be plenty.
    3. What do you call those hinges that have a rod to support the lid open (at maybe 100° so it just leans back a little). Do they exist with soft closing cushioning? This is important as the turntable is very sensitive.

    No doubt some more questions will arise, but that's all I have for now.

    Thanks in advance.

    Regards, FenceFurniture

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  2. #2
    ozhunter's Avatar
    ozhunter is offline Quantum materiae materietur marmota monax si marmo
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    Should look the part. I don't think there is enough timber under the house to build it though.

    Quote Originally Posted by FenceFurniture View Post

    1. The shelves will be supported in a dado cut into the side wall. In the case of the amp shelf (with a 15.5 kg weight on it) how deep should the dado for this be? Will 10mm deep be enough? (remembering that it has a support partition underneath it, but not in the centre). I think it would be enough, especially made from solid timber. It would have to spread the sides of the cabinet or break the end off the shelf to get out of the dado.
    2. Should the Amp shelf be thicker than 19mm - say 25mm? I just had a look at the existing shoddy structure - a cantilevered shelf of Oregon, 18mm thick, and unsupported for 150mm overhang - STILL FLAT! Half the width of the amp is on the extreme right of the overhang, so this is remarkable after four years. Maybe 19mm thick supported will be plenty. 19mm of Spotted Gum or Blackwood supported would be up to the task I think. Or I'll give you a piece of the stuff we put through the wonder machine, that'll stop it sagging.
    3. What do you call those hinges that have a rod to support the lid open (at maybe 100° so it just leans back a little). Do they exist with soft closing cushioning? This is important as the turntable is very sensitive. Like this

    No doubt some more questions will arise, but that's all I have for now.

    Thanks in advance.

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  3. #3
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    +1 for ozhunter's comments.
    If you want something a bit simpler for the lid, Hafele have lid stays with adjustable damping for use with plain butt hinges or unsprung Euro-style cup hinges that work really well. Can't find a link, but it's on page 6.139 of the catalogue Häfele Blätterkatalog

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