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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Donnybrook ... sorta

    Default Metalworking for woodworking

    Hey guys,
    I know there is a thread down lower prompting us to share pix of our exploits but I thought I'd throw another one in here specifically tuned to making tools for woodworking.

    I did a little bit (one w/e) of blacksmithing over 10 years ago ... they guys taking the course didn't know an awful lot but I had a ball and always wanted to get back into it. The opportunity arose a couple of months back when I attended an open day at the local railway/museum and discovered a blacksmith shop and a small team of members ... one having over 60 years of professional blacksmithing experience. He's taught us how to make tongs, forge weld and is just in attendance sometimes doing his own stuff, sometimes just helping us.

    Anyway my main interest is in metalworking for woodworking ... tools and hardware (handles, hinges, catches, etc). Slowly making my own blacksmithing tools, tongs, punches, drifts, chisels, hardy tools etc but also starting on a few other tools attached is a cant hook that I made which I surprised myself, worked quite well with the first attempt (just some pics, no dimensions to go on), tweaked it a little and am very happy with it now.

    The handle is Karri, known for it's great strength as long lengths are used in old buildings here in the west, not know for its "toughness" but then I figured it didn't need the toughness of an axe or hammer handle just a great lateral? strength. I knocked up the handle in under an hour by rough sawing with the bandsaw then brought it to shape with a draw knife and spoke shave (no sanding). Oh and the log on the pic is a 45cm silky oak to give you a feel of scale.

    I'll give a report if it doesn't perform as it's meant to ... in the meant time I'm working on some different designs for hold-downs ... pics soon ... and I'm thinking maybe another draw knife and perhaps some carving tools ... scorp for dishing out seats and maybe a smaller one for bowls and spoons etc ... wow then there's adzes and ... and ...

    Feel free to add you own "tools" to his thread ... always after ideas

    There you go Bob ... I got off my butt and posted it

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    When one has finished building one's house, one suddenly realizes that in the process one has learned something that one really needed to know in the worst way--before one began.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    Onya Ramps, Cant hook looks great, well done.

    Your post doesn't say but did you end up getting your own forge?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Donnybrook ... sorta

    Default No anvil yet

    Nah Bob, that will come
    I'm setting up for it, slowly but I can wait for the right priced anvil (biggest cost) and the leg vice
    The charcoal fired forge itself is a relatively cheap component.
    In the mean time I have full access to the gear at the club and more than enough to do when I'm at home in the woodworking workshop

    Still if anyone has a realistic priced 75-100kg anvil that they would like to see used for its intended purpose (rather than a garden ornament) please let me know

    When one has finished building one's house, one suddenly realizes that in the process one has learned something that one really needed to know in the worst way--before one began.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2003


    For the leg vise keep an eye on gumtree. The forge you can make yourself, and ask the other blacksmith you know before falling for a brake drum forge. For the anvil, if you are in WA there is a guy over there that has dozens if not hundred of second hand anvils in different states for sale. You can buy a new one from Doug slack foundary Probably cheaper than the ridiculous prices asked for second hand in appaling state.
    Best of luck keeping the craft alive.
    “We often contradict an opinion for no other reason
    than that we do not like the tone in which it is expressed.”

    Friedrich Nietzsche

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Donnybrook ... sorta


    Hey Marc
    Thanks for your comments and confirmation...

    I'm not likely to buy a second hand anvil at the prices that I've seen around here as I have noticed that it it very little more to buy one from Doug Slack ... well at least his sons as I believe the fellow passed away a while ago and as I have in-laws that seem to get over into that area (Doug Slack's backyard almost) nearly every year I need to convince them to chuck one in the back of the ute ... the post could kill me! Or if I can wait long enough I will await for some "collector" to pass away as there will be a glut of s'hand ones on the market

    Not going anywhere near a brake drum forge, have already learnt too much about the value of forge "real estate" to persist with a "portable"

    And thanks for your posts Marc, I did read through them as I started (back) into blacksmithing

    When one has finished building one's house, one suddenly realizes that in the process one has learned something that one really needed to know in the worst way--before one began.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2003

    Seems you may have lost this boat, but others will come along.
    “We often contradict an opinion for no other reason
    than that we do not like the tone in which it is expressed.”

    Friedrich Nietzsche

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