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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Kuranda, paradise, North Qld

    Smile Season's greetings to all!

    I hope that everyone had a Christmas that was at least half as good mine! Lunch with the neighbours last weekend, prawns and some deicious sushi and excellent home brew. Then over the last week, copious amounts of mangos, lychees, cherries, prawns and other good food, all shared with my large extended family. Exchanging gifts last night, variously thoughtful, delicious, hilarious or delicious (I repeated that 'cause there were just so many goodies ). And to top it all off, my Goddaughter that I haven't seen for 16 years (since she was 3) because her @#$ehole stepfather took her away and wouldn't allow any contact with the rest of the family :mad: has lobbed back, possibly to stay!
    We've had brilliant weather, lightly overcast and light showers to keep the temperature ranging from about 19 at night to about 26 in the middle of the day and humidity in the 70s. Usually at this time of year it's in the high 30s with the humidity maxxing out. The rain's good for settling the dust, reducing the fire risk (I really did not want to get called out to a fire in the middle of festivities) and topping up the water tank.
    Life really doesn't get any better! So over the next couple of weeks I need to find places for all the goodies (some in the fridge/freezer/stomache), finish off my router table (pics to follow) and pour another strip footing for stage 2 of the shed.
    I meant to log on here before Christmas to wish everyone a good one but got really busy with all the eating and socialising (and pressie making/wrapping). Please accept my apologies everyone and hope that you all have a wonderful rest of the Christmas season.

    Mick the blissfully satisfied!
    "If you need a machine today and don't buy it,

    tomorrow you will have paid for it and not have it."

    - Henry Ford 1938

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2003


    Well today, Boxing day, me an the missus went down to the Craporium to re-arrange all the furniture etc.

    But before we could do that I had to build some bays.
    We decided to section of the shop some time ago, but time is limited, what with bricklaying etc.
    So tomorrow we will be cleaning up all the mess I made today.

    Yesteday was different, we spent the day with our son at home, we just ate and veged out, it was bliss after the hectic last couple of months just to do absolutly nothing.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Australia and France


    Quote Originally Posted by ozwinner
    Yesteday was different,...(snip)..., it was bliss.
    So the thong fitted Al??


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2000
    Drop Bear Capital of Gippsland (Lang Lang) Vic Australia


    Good to see you both had a good one, I cooked lunch, a massive turkey which is going to last for the week or so, then it was bum down and feet up.
    Daughter bought me a set of Indiana Jones DVD's (she likes them, aren't they darlings?) but I sat down and watched about 15 minutes before I fell asleep (this is one of my favourite party tricks).
    Son (from a previous life) and girlfriend urned up and woke me up after taking embarrasing photo's and drank my beer and bloody champagne, yes, the real stuff not fizzy moselle, paid $50 for it and the bastards drank it on me, it was for New Years Eve.
    Got second wind at about 5.00pm and had a few more beers with son aand talked about work on the house he is thinking about buying, went on till about 10 and collapsed and woke up with a sore head.
    Must have been the sleep as I felt OK before I went to bed.
    This morning wife drags me off to the sales and we buy a new fridge and other kitchen bits, I sleazed off and bought myself a new Tissot watch that I can see without wearing glasses.
    overall not a bad day so far, now I just don't feel like eating, just big and bloated.
    Stupidity kills. Absolute stupidity kills absolutely.

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