Hi guys,

We have the idea of polishing the floor boards in our new unit and re-staining our skirting boards..

the unit is about 18 hours old so its not very old.

The skirting boards are a dark colour but not too dark.

We have the idea of trying to make them the same colour as the floor boards which will be a lighter colour. Any reconmendations on how and the best way to acheive this?

Would it be good idea to use some sort of stripper / sanding? is it worth it?

Also if we were to get the floors professinally done, does any one know what order this should be done in?

Any support would be great :)

We are looking to acheive somthing like this (skirting same or very similar to floor colour)

This is the old Colour skirting:

Read the full thread at RenovateForum.com...