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10th September 2007, 08:00 PM #1
Forum update - comments here please
Very soon (no specific timing available) there will be some significant updates done to the forums. Please put any comments of issues in this thread. Any placed anywhere else will be moved without notice.
Details of the updates will not be given beforehand (I don't have them), but there should be some things in Uncle Neil's bag for most of us.
11th September 2007, 10:09 AM #2
I would appreciate it if in the "New Post" and "Todays Post" result screens the Forum column is shown first on the left side and then followed with the Thread/Tread starter column etc.
This would making the selection of posts from the forums that interest me easier.
11th September 2007, 08:31 PM #3
Is it just me or is any one else having the problem that some of the attached pictures and Avatars aren't showing up. All I am seeing is a place holder instead with a description of what it is in the place holder.
11th September 2007, 08:37 PM #4
Not just you Bazza, same here as well
11th September 2007, 08:39 PM #5
11th September 2007, 08:41 PM #6
UBeauts Colour Scheme
11th September 2007, 08:54 PM #7
11th September 2007, 08:58 PM #8
U-Beauts scheme
11th September 2007, 09:14 PM #9
Give us a couple of links to where there is missing stuff and we'll check it out. I haven't found any yet.
What search engines are you using?
Little more help would be appreciated so we can track it down.KEEP A LID ON THE GARBAGE...Report spam, scams, and inappropriate posts, PMs and Blogs.
Use the Reporticon at the bottom of all Posts, PM's and Blog entries.
11th September 2007, 09:22 PM #10
Ok, in this thread Tonto and Pop's Avatars are coming up with a Red cross in a white box and the name "Tonto's Avatar" & "Pop's Avatar" using the www.woodworkfurums.com address
11th September 2007, 09:34 PM #11
Thanks for the info DJ
NEXT!KEEP A LID ON THE GARBAGE...Report spam, scams, and inappropriate posts, PMs and Blogs.
Use the Reporticon at the bottom of all Posts, PM's and Blog entries.
11th September 2007, 09:54 PM #12
Ok, here's another one, this is just one of them in this thread. The pictures are showing as attached thumbnails but not as the enlarged bit if I am signed in on the www.woodworkfurom.com but if I sign in under the www.woodworkforums.ubeaut.com.au they show up
11th September 2007, 10:18 PM #13
I'm the same as DJ and I am using IE7.
11th September 2007, 10:28 PM #14
I'm seeing 4 big pics and 4 thumbs each which expand to biguns.
Tried it on both sites and with Firefox, Opera and IE comes up the same each time.
Try a hard refresh {ctrl-refresh} or {ctrl-shift-refresh}
11th September 2007, 10:31 PM #15
I have my tongue firmly planted in my cheek, and if it moves I'll clamp my teeth on it.
The Woodies Jokes Forum doesn't work on the ignore option.
Maybe we should send the participants "care" parcels of packs of wood, or joke books post 1965.
Gasp.....got that out without being nasty.
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