Gidday all

I am currently in discussion's with my neighbours

In that we have a shared driveway to which both propeties have access to their own garages which share a common wall.

My neighbour's have told me that they are demolishing their existing home and building new. However with the building their new dwelling will incopororate some of the space that is currently their garage.

In order for them to do this they will be required to demolsh their entire side of the garage ( which I might add are both made of asbestos). However I was advised that if this was to happen then it would be more than likley mean that my garage may also need to come down as it wouldnt be able to support itself. ( ie; givent that they share a common wall)

Bascially I have never been a huge fan of our current arragement ( ie; the shared driveway) and suggested that we put a fence down the middle of the driveway to seperate our properties.

To compensate myself for the loss of my garage for parking of my vehicle I would incorporate off street parking into the front of my home. Then redesign the existing garage so that's its incorporated as living space into an existing back entension on my home.

I am trying to asceratin if I would be better served from a cost perpsective just to fix the existing garage so that it can support itelf and be incorporated into the existing extension.

Or alternately just demolish the garage and completely rebuild a brick veneer structure and incorporate that into the house.

The garage is 4mtrs wide * 8mtrs in length so I was just looking at utlising the space as two extra bedroom's ( 2 * 4mtr's * 4mtrs).

Any views as to what this may cost me in terms of cost (ie; fix the existing or just build new).



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