I am soon to renovate and enlarge an old deck that really needs some attention..
Currently the old deck is all hardwood (decking,joists and bearers etc.). I have a number of questions I am uncertain about.

1. Can I mix treated pine bearers and joists where needed with the old hardwood..?
2. I am thinking of using a wide decking board 120X22.. what are they pros and cons..?
3. Also thinking of using treated pine decking but may pay the extra for merbau.. anyone's thoughts..?
The deck will require approx 550LM of decking ( 46.4 SQM )
4. Good quality timber merchant in northern Sydney ( I live in Berowra )

I also intend to build a flyover patio roof but that involves another series of questions some of which I have already posted.
Thanks all..

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