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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2007
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    Default Waterproofing shower

    Renovating an old 60's brick veneer house. Ripped out the gyprock behind shower to find that water has come through behind taps and showerhead down and rotted joists in floor. Have replaced these but is there a waterproofing material that can be sprayed on the back of the shower? there is a metal mesh that concrete has been slapped on and the tiles placed on that. Will use silicone in the holes around taps (which I know will only last awhile but that is all I need), but need to paint/spray something over the concrete if it exists??? Only needs to last a few years.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Adelaide - West
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    Either go to a tile shop and buy the [paint on stuff, or if your after cheap and nasty buy the shower seal type product from your local plumbing supplier. The tile shop waterproofing is the best stuff, but it is really expensive.
    If you dont play it, it's not an instrument!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
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    Default i tend to waffle...

    The concrete is a screeded shower base, the metal is a renders mesh. This is generally used so the shower base can be tiled and the water will still have enough fall the go into the waste.

    Are you going to retile the shower base or put an acryllic one in?

    If you are going to retile, the better the waterproofing product the more watertight it will be.

    you should use at least 3 coats on the shower base and around the tiled area in the shower recess, also all over the floor, as there should be compressed cement sheeting over the inital flooring material where you will tile, and minimum 100mm above the floor level. (for more information refer to the BCA) you can hire a waterproof tradey, but its not that difficult.

    Make sure you leave the waterproofing membrane to dry for at least a day before the next application. ALso when your going to tile it, don't forget to cut your tiles so that they fall toward the waste!

    Good Luck!

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Perth WA
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    This is one manufacturer/product applicable

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