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Thread: RIP Fred West

  1. #1
    FenceFurniture's Avatar
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    Default RIP Fred West

    For those familiar with the talkFestool forum, you will be saddened to know that Fred West (the forum owner) passed away on January 11.

    He had been regularly updating people about his health on an email list, and the last I heard was about 3-4 weeks ago, when he said he was awaiting news at the end of January as to the state of his cancer (malignant/benign). It was adrenal cancer that he had, but I got the impression that his body must have been riddled with it. I know that he had been in very poor health for about a year at least.

    Fred had the most extraordinary genorosity of spirit, and was the world's greatest champion for boutique hand tool makers. There are a number who owe their careers to him.

    I haven't visited talkFestool in a few weeks or more, and was unaware that he had deteriorated so quickly - I was just waiting for the next email. I only found out tonight when I was talking to groeneaj. For the past 18 months or so Fred and I had quite a bit of email correspondence, and he was just a generous guy who loved woodwork and everything to do with it. Indeed he has some HNT Gordon planes on order being custom made from Dead Finish (we are/were both getting a set) - he LOVED Aussie timber, Aussie tools, and Aussies in general. Those planes were to go with the other 23 HNTs he received a few months ago - all with spare blades. His collection of tools is quite amazing, and it will probably only come fully to light now. He was also getting me to chase down some Mulga for him.

    He was only in his mid 50's or thereabouts.

    The woodworking world is far poorer for Fred's passing.

    There is a thread on tF here.
    Regards, FenceFurniture

    Jan-Feb 2019 Click to send me an email

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Normanhurst NSW 2076

    Default Fred West

    Thank you for the update. Very sad indeed. Drillit.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2008


    I was following that thread at tf, and I was even taken back by the suddeness of Fred's passing.
    A highly regarded, respected and capable woodworker.
    RIP Fred West.

  4. #4
    FenceFurniture's Avatar
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    There once was a fella called Fred
    He bought tools – all superb and well bred.
    His collection was huge
    And his passion quite rouge
    I’d be sure that he took them to bed.

    His eyes they would swing at a tool with some bling
    Like a cat with a ball on a string.
    Just a wee bit of brass
    Would tighten his ass
    He’s captured, and the maker would sing.

    All corners of the globe, canny eyes they did probe
    In search of his next little toy.
    He made Toolmakers famous
    Even one from Uranus!
    For the rest of us, he brought so much joy.

    The great man’s now passed
    He’ll be missed – that is cast
    And the world is a much lesser place.
    His only regret: those deliveries – NOT YET!
    “Just one more – I promise – THE LAST!”
    Regards, FenceFurniture

    Jan-Feb 2019 Click to send me an email

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Western Australia

    Default RIP Fred WEST

    Fred lived & breathed his woodwork so much so that he was always held in high regard .

    May he Rest in Peace his life work done but not forgotten. Taken from life far too soon!

    Everyone has a photographic memory, some just don't have film.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2001


    His only regret: those deliveries – NOT YET!
    “Just one more – I promise – THE LAST!”
    Hi Brett

    Knowing Fred, he was not waiting impatiently for a new tool to arrive. I doubt very much that he experienced the sensation most of us mere mortals have of the excited expectation of an arriving new tool. Fred ordered so many tools that life was just a constant Christmas of opening what was delivered that day. I suspect the pleasure was in the ordering and then the showing. He really enjoyed it when others shared with him pleasure in the artistry of a tool. Whether he actually built anything I really cannot say - other than his World Class Worst Entertainment Centre and a bench, I have not seen photos. But he really enjoyed his tools, and enjoyed those who enjoyed tools. And his enthusiasm for woodwork inspired many.

    Regards from Perth

    Visit for tutorials on constructing handtools, handtool reviews, and my trials and tribulations with furniture builds.

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