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Thread: Snake

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Vevey, Switzerland

    Default Snake

    We saw a brown snake today just by the low stone 'drystone' wall around our garden. When it saw us it slithered into a hole in the wall. Saw it again a couple of hours later in the same place. About a metre long.

    It is not a good place for us because it is just outside our front entrance, so it is not going to make visitors feel welcome. Fantastic place for a snake though because there is a little pond with lots of frogs built into the wall. So even if we get rid of this one another will come along sooner or later.

    My wife has ordered a solar powered thing which emits vibration which is supposed to scare them away. Don't know how effective that will be. I wondered about squirting that expanding foam stuff into all the gaps in the wall - I don't want to use cement or anything that would be visible or look bad.

    Wondered if anybody else had any ideas. I don't have a dog or a gun.
    Cheers, Glen

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2009


    G'day mate don't stress too much because Browns just go about doing their own thing, rather keep outta your way and sorry I'm here kind of thing, but tell that to the unwary foot in the middle of the night! Best keep the area as clear as possible so folks and snakes can see each other ahead of time, good thing you don't have Tiger snakes as these are Territorial and will go after you, that is when you need a gun!

    Cheers Oddjob1

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2010


    I'm a bit with Oddjob, leave them alone and they'll leave you alone. If you're worried though, especially if you've got kids/grandkids/etc, then I'd call a snake wrangler to get rid of it (expensive, so I've found out first hand). Other than that, your options are limited and as you say, one will replace it if you get rid of it. The ultimate solution is to get rid of the water altogether.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Conder, ACT


    It will be more interested in frogs and mice.
    Put up a small sign to keep visitors away from it and sit back and watch nature at work.

    I have tiger snakes on my block and even they keep out of the way if they can.

    Just don't corner a snake and make it feel threatened. Walk loudly when you are nearby so it has plenty of warning to get away.

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