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13th January 2014, 02:20 PM #1
Lifting sunken walls. in old weatherboard cottage
Hi all,
I'm hoping someone can shed some light on this for me.
I am starting work on my W/B cottage and have an issue with a sunken corner in the front room.
From my estimates the front corner of the house has sunk up to 50mm over the past 100 years. I have a downpipe which just washes on the ground on the corner so am guessing that is part of the problem. The walls have slightly buckled in the front room and I can see small cracks between the walls and ceiling and walls and floor.
Before I go re-polish the boards and paint etc I would like to rectify the structural issues. The slope on the floor isn't massive but I don't know what other issues there are hidden.
Does anyone know of people to speak to in Perth about this?
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