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Thread: Adding rooms to a shed
5th November 2013, 06:50 PM #1
Adding rooms to a shed
I'm getting a new shed put in soon. It will be 9m wide (3 car widths) x 12m deep (2 car lengths), so a 6 car garage effectively, in steel with colourbond walls and roof, built by Fair Dinkum Sheds. The plan is to use 2 car spaces to actually park cars (I know - what a waste!), 3 car spaces for a workshop, and 1 car space as a spare room. The plan is to wall off the 2 car garage using stud walls that I build myself, and wall off the spare room using stud walls that I build myself. I also want to use the space above the ceiling of the spare room as storage space, so I intend on making the ceiling strong enough to bear weight and put ply or yellow tongue above it, to stand on and put stuff on. And I'd like to use the space over the centre ridge line above Garage 2 as another spare room - this one for me to use as an office/TV room. See the diagram attached to see what I mean. I will put in some stairs along the wall of the spare room in the workshop space, to go up to the upstairs room. So I want to make sure that the walls that I make will be strong enough to support the storage (in the case of the spare room) and the upstairs room (in the case of the walls under it). I don't want to put in a full wall between the 2 garages - I just want a partial wall at each end. And I want bi-fold doors between Garage 2 and the Workshop so that I can open them and give myself more space for sawing long timber and for assembly of large pieces. I'll put the rest in a second post.
Attached Images
- Shed plan.jpg (46.6 KB)
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