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Thread: Shed Storage
4th January 2013, 01:20 AM #1
Shed Storage
We moved into the new house (old but new for us) 2 weeks ago and since then have been trying to get some storage shelves so I can fit out the place so its not a mess like the last place was. The shed in total is 18 x 9 metres but the section I am setting up as the man cave is 9 x 6 metres.
Due to the timing of Xmas and New year I had to wait until yesterday to get the gear for the shelving. Plan in place, kids on hand to help me move stuff and with 2 loads with the trailer and I was set to go.
As you can see from the 1st pic, most of the stuff was in boxes and needed to be moved around to allow the shelving to be assembled.
The shelving went together pretty easily apart from a couple of pieces which were slightly bent in transit, most probably in my trailer and not from the supplier.
The build and shed tidying took the whole day with a couple of breaks along the way.
18 metres of shelves by 2 metres high for a total price of $2037. This was a great way to clean up the shed and make sure that all that I have I can see and access quickly.
My next plan is to make a big shadow board that slides across the front of the back shelving units. I might use something similar to how a large sliding shed door works, with wheels on the top and a guide down the bottom. Make sense?
The time lapse video of the clean up.
Attached Thumbnails
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