Hello . I live in a well insulated 1956 brick veneer in Melbourne. It has very low Thermal Mass(well infact none). Reading stuff on the net, says that by increasing the thermal mass inside the house it'll be cooler in summer. And by cross ventilation at night the heat absorbed by the mass will be dissapated.

So i'm thinking, ive got 18000 litres of water in two tanks (with a good pump)out the back of the house, which due to the sheer amount is a lot of cool thermal mass.

So i'm thinking of ways of pumping it into say a water wall in the house in the morning, then pumping it back out at night. The actual pumping part isn't the problem its just if this idea would work.

Leaving it empty over winter maybe, or solar heating it?

Not sure what to use as a water receptacle, as the missus wouldn't have 205 drums sitting in the lounge. the body of water could be disguised as furniture perhaps?

Anyone got any ideas or whats around to do this?



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